Chapter 383: It's More Like A Tragic Atmosphere

"Isn't that obvious? It's definitely Goddess Sampton we're all looking forward to, haven't we all joined her fan club already? Let me tell you, half of the people in our guard team are waiting for Goddess Sampton to come," Lieutenant Johnson said, "At first, I felt like having a bunch of stars come to our guard team was just making work for us for no good reason, but when I saw Goddess Sampton's name on the participant list, I suddenly felt this show had a special meaning."

Lieutenant Johnson has been a fan of Jane Sampson since the last time he saw her publicity video, and although he didn't know much about the girl, she gave off a very comfortable vibe at first glance, quite different from many of the influencer's faces on the internet realm nowadays; she was distinctive and her beauty was soothing to behold.