Chapter 387 Movie Theme Song

"Mr. Carter," guided by James Carter's assistant, Jane Sampson and Elizabeth King quickly arrived at James Carter's office. When they entered, there were other people in the office, including a new female singer whose popularity was quite high.

"Here you are, please take a seat next to us," James Carter said, looking up from his desk at the two women who entered, his smile warm and gentle.

Jane Sampson nodded and found an empty spot by the tea table to sit. After sitting down, she looked around James Carter's office, which was decorated in a simple and minimalist style, with muted colors and some linear designs that still managed to give a comfortable feeling.

Noticing two pieces of paper next to her, Jane Sampson reached out to take a look.

She was somewhat surprised— on the papers was the score of a song, separated into parts for boys and girls. Jane scanned the girls' part and subconsciously hummed a couple of lines quietly to herself.