Chapter 410: How does it feel?

James Black handed Jane Sampson the chopsticks after she sat down, then pushed the bowl of peanut soup towards her, and reminded her, "It's a bit hot."

"Oh," Jane mumbled to herself, she wasn't a three-year-old child; she knew this common sense.

Since the residential community here comprised high-end buildings, the small snack restaurants and breakfast cafes nearby didn't sell the kind of cheap snacks you'd find at roadside stands. The prices were higher, but there was a reason for the cost.

For instance, the breakfast James brought back this morning—Jane absolutely loved this café's peanut soup and mushroom and vegetable buns. Neither sweet nor greasy, she could devour two buns and a large bowl of peanut soup all by herself.

James sat opposite Jane, watching her eat, her face full of smiles as she alternated between bites of bun and sips of peanut soup, her cheeks puffing out with each mouthful. He couldn't help but smile.

She seemed to really enjoy eating buns?