Chapter 453: Thrown Away

Upon hearing this, Director Wilson spat out a drink of water in disbelief, "Harry Humming! You can't spare even a sweet potato, now you're not even taking me, the director, into consideration?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes! I'm keeping the director close to my heart!" Harry Humming replied with a playful smile, then promptly led Jane Sampson and a few others away, knowing that Mandy Forest still had scenes to shoot. As they passed by Mandy Forest, Harry Humming only greeted her briefly before leaving.

The group failed to notice Mandy Forest's hand, holding her mobile phone, trembled slightly before hastily putting it away.

That night, what was supposed to be a gathering for roasted sweet potatoes turned into a full-blown barbecue feast with the addition of Director Wilson.

The variety of food being grilled became richer.

They grilled sweet potatoes, corn, edamame, potatoes and even took it upon themselves to throw a watermelon into the fire to see what would happen.