Chapter 458: Extremely Handsome

"Miss, all these fruits are for you; they're fresh fruits just delivered from the fruit wholesale market." The robust auntie single-handedly brought down a basket of mangoes, huffing and puffing as she walked into the film crew and placed it in front of Jane Sampson, saying, "Your friend mentioned you were craving fruits yesterday but didn't get to eat any, so today he contacted us, gave us money, and had us haul a truckload from the county town fruit wholesale market just for you, to let you and your colleagues have your fill."

"Take a look and see what you like—we hauled a whole truck over, every kind of fruit you'd want." Another auntie, holding a box of cherries, came down laughing, "The person on the phone said you love these things, told us to buy a few more boxes. Oh my, I heard these fruits are imported, so expensive! Us ordinary folks wouldn't even dare to eat them."