Chapter 485: Recognized at a Glance

The car had barely left the village before Jane Sampson started to fully arm herself with her protective gear, keeping her mask, hood, and glasses on all the way to the airport VIP Room in the city district. Not a bit of her face was exposed.

Yet even so, James Carter, who came to pick her up, spotted her in the crowd at a glance and waved at her from afar.

"Mr. Carter, you have impressive eyesight! I'm all bundled up like this, and you still recognized me at a glance?" Jane pushed her suitcase over to James Carter, and when she reached him, she smiled, though with her face covered, he probably couldn't see it.

"Is that so? I do seem to have the ability to recognize you from a crowd in one glance. It isn't difficult." James Carter explained with a smile and then reached out to help Jane with her suitcase.