Chapter 495: It Should Not Be Elizabeth King

"How could this blogger know about my assistant change? Unless they're also part of the film crew." Jane Sampson didn't understand this part, "Elizabeth King only returned to Capital Province this morning, right? I wasn't with the crew and even if Elizabeth King did return, she wouldn't have made a big deal of telling every single person that she was replaced by me. So, how exactly did this blogger find out I changed my assistant?"

"Elizabeth King has already returned to the company, and the company is investigating her," Rock Bell said, "The company suspects that she leaked the information herself, but Elizabeth King denies it, saying she never did such a thing."

"It's unlikely that the person is Elizabeth King herself," Jane shook her head, "First of all, Elizabeth King doesn't have the brains or the connections. Besides, Sister Tin, you've overlooked another detail—if Elizabeth King wanted to get back at me for replacing her, she would have done it more cleanly."