Chapter 526: Disagreement (Seeking Votes)

"James Black! You freak!"

Jane Sampson, as if she had gotten hold of something terrifying, her hand trembled, and the book thudded to the ground.

Jane thought, she should have smashed the book right onto the freak's face, James Black!

This guy!

This guy actually had a book about villains fighting stored away in the study!

And such a book, at first glance, the title even seemed so refined; where did he find such an ancient tome?

The people depicted in it were all from ancient times!

Hearing her words, James Black lifted his head from the documents and looked towards the woman who was inexplicably throwing stuff around and getting furious. Meeting Jane's angry gaze, he then stood up and walked from behind the desk.

One step, two steps, he walked towards Jane and then stopped in front of her, looking down his gaze landing on the book she had thrown on the ground.

James Black's expression changed slightly.

But it was just that—a slight change.