Chapter 534: Not Borrowing

"Sure, sure, but do you have a container to carry all this stuff? We don't have bags here, and all those comrades who packed food to take back brought their own tableware," Elder Brother said with a chuckle. After all, this place is different from the dining halls outside; it's naturally unlikely that we'll prepare plastic bags or anything like that. The guard team even advocates for environmental protection."

"A container?" Jane Sampson blinked.

Back at the dormitory, she only had one cup for brushing teeth and a thermos for drinking water.

That was all.

"Girl, why not borrow one?" Elder Brother suggested to Jane Sampson.

Borrow one?

That idea wasn't bad.

But from whom?

Jane turned her head to take a look at the group behind her, and those young team members immediately felt regretful. If only they had known to bring a lunchbox from the dormitory this morning!

Just as Jane was figuring out what else she could do, suddenly, someone appeared in front of her.