Chapter 543: The Poor Child

Because she was too tired, Charlotte Miller had already fallen asleep, and the room was so quiet that one could even hear Charlotte's somewhat labored breathing.

"I thought Lieutenant Johnson was already strict enough, but I didn't expect that today's instructor would be like a deadly Yama," Mair Williams sighed suddenly as she lay there.

"At noon, he allowed me to save my meal for the evening, and I naively thought the instructor was a cold-faced, kind-hearted person," Jane Sampson couldn't help but sigh with a touch of melancholy, "I'm still too young, too naive."

"I've never seen anyone as shameless as you, boasting about yourself like that," Mair chuckled, now that the surveillance camera was off, their conversation had become more casual.

"Who knows what will await us tomorrow, we should get some rest early," Hibiscus Wood sighed. Just the thought of tomorrow, and yet another tomorrow made her feel, "Time passes so slowly."