Chapter 554: Please Give Your Comment


"Yes!" Jane Sampson stepped up with her legs together and then ran over with a wide grin to stand in front of the black-face instructor.

The black-face instructor glanced at Jane Sampson's face, which bore a grim-looking smile, and he inexplicably thought of his own Chief when he had the same expression.

"I will demonstrate with Jane Sampson, and the rest of you standing beneath, don't space out. Keep your eyes peeled and watch closely!" the black-face instructor walked over to Jane Sampson's side, then extended his hand, gripping Jane Sampson, and asked, "Let's test you first. If I'm a bad guy and I grab you like this from behind, what would you do?"

Under the cameraman's lens, Jane Sampson flashed a profound smile. After the instructor had spoken, the next second, Jane suddenly bent forward and effortlessly performed an over-the-shoulder throw on the black-face instructor behind her, slamming him neatly onto the ground. Her movement didn't drag at all.