Chapter 563: A Little Better

"You're the one who should be afraid! You're older than me, you spend all your days with the guard team, never getting a chance to meet other girls. You have such a foul temper, constantly frowning and snapping at people, always bossing around, forbidding this and that. It should be you who's afraid I might leave you. If I decide to dump you, I bet no other girl would put up with your stinky attitude and marry you," Jane Sampson declared triumphantly, her teeth bared in a cheerful grin as she looked at him with gleaming, fox-like eyes. "But I'm different, I'm young, beautiful, sweet and adorable, and I have so many talents. As time goes by, I'll meet more and more people who are younger, handsomer, more charming, and have a better temper than you."

She poked his chest with her finger, "So James Black, you better treat me even nicer, keep me happy, and I won't dislike you anymore."