Chapter 570: Role Arrangement

"We just need to find a spot over there where there isn't any sun," Hugo Edwards pointed towards a shady spot 200 meters away.

Once the seven people reached the shady area, they all sat down directly on the ground, and Charlotte Miller asked, "Shall we start by deciding on the King first? That's the most important thing."

"It's a shame the rules specify that the three helpers we can find can only be soldiers. Who came up with that rule? The director? That's really a trap," Charlie Peterson complained as he turned to ask the cameraman.

"And the King must always have a bodyguard by his side. Doesn't that just make it obvious that one of the two staying together is the all-important King?" Charlotte Miller followed up with her own complaint.

"There are seven of us; we could form three groups with two people each, and have one person act alone," Jane Sampson proposed. "That way, who could guess which group has the King?"