Chapter 572: Kill Benjamin Worthington First

"So, are we supposed to be fairies at noon today? Drinking spring water and eating wild fruits?" Jane Sampson sighed, "If only I knew, I would have eaten two more buns this morning."

"Goddess Sampson." Over there, Helen Watson called out to Jane Sampson with a particularly wicked laugh, "The instructor didn't tell you just now what the punishment for the losing team is, did he?"

Jane Sampson stopped in her tracks, turned her head to look at Helen Watson, and asked seriously, "What is it?"

"The losing team won't have dinner, and on top of that, they must watch the winning team finish their meal and then wash up for them," Helen Watson said.


What kind of inhuman punishment was this?

"This is just one of the contents of the punishment." John River chimed in quietly, "I've heard that the losers will have an even worse punishment tomorrow; today's win or lose will affect the content of your training tomorrow."