Chapter 787: Ultimate Guide for Charming Girls

James Black opened the first forum post and saw that a netizen was asking the same question to everyone, and the first reply simply said, "Money."

In response to this comment, quite a few girl netizens immediately rebutted from downstairs.

——Come on, upstairs, you act as if men don't like money too. In the whole world, whether it's a man, a woman, the elderly, or children, who doesn't like money? Whoever answered like this clearly has no girlfriend and is short, stubby, and poor.

James Black felt there was no substantive information when he read this, so he backed out and continued to browse other posts.

After scrolling down twice, he saw the "Ultimate Guide for Charming Girls" and his fingertips immediately paused.

He hesitated for only one second before quickly clicking into it.

The web page loaded in a few seconds, and James Black's attention was instantly fixed on his mobile phone.