Chapter 278: Proposal?? (5)

Eve Thompson's face turned red, and she felt extremely embarrassed and ashamed...

There were no words to describe her feelings at the moment.

What's worse, this man even solemnly said that he didn't need anyone else's help to raise the child.

She sneakily glanced at him and could see a trace of cunningness in the man's eyes.

Eve couldn't speak for a moment.

Jonas Thompson was also stunned, blurting out, "Mr. Charlie? What are you doing here?"

Anthony Charlie drooped his eyelids, one hand in his pocket and the other holding a cellphone. He stepped forward, handed the phone to Eve, and spoke casually, "Your phone, you left it in the car."

Eve took it with a nod, "Oh, thank you."

Anthony didn't answer. Instead, he looked at Jonas and asked, "Can't I be here?"

The man didn't do anything else, but just standing there gave off an oppressive aura. The overbearing air of a king looking down on the world made Jonas swallow...