Chapter 535 The Heirloom Brings Trouble_Part 1

"Where is the peace, if not for someone carrying the weight for you?"

Xiao Chen sighed, "These kids, they are truly adorable. I once thought the young with a fighting spirit were almost gone.

But look at that! It's just that I haven't done enough, I haven't protected them well enough!"

Xiao Chen had already looked into Azhi's family situation carefully.

Both parents were still alive.

His father was practically half-disabled but still did whatever manual work he could manage while seated.

He was a carpenter, and his craftsmanship was very good.

He often did carpentry for people around the area to earn money.

However, as times changed, many now preferred to buy ready-made furniture, and the demand for carpentry in rural areas gradually declined.

Of course, there were still many in the city who liked custom-made furniture.

But he was not mobile due to his disability, and his income was decreasing day by day.