From the moment he entered the desert, the special environment here brought out the most primitive slayer qi in a person's body.
This slayer qi would silently grow, growing to an incredibly terrifying degree.
When you discovered it, it would have already taken shape and it would be too late to reverse the process.
The only way was to absorb this slayer qi.
However, it was easy to absorb and convert someone else's slayer qi, but it was difficult to convert one's own.
Slayer qi is equivalent to emotions.
No technique could ever completely control emotions. The techniques Yang Chen learned from the North Devil Clan back then were only relative, as emotions were truly indescribable and hard to grasp.
Yang Chen had also almost fallen into the cycle of slayer qi before, but at the last moment, his critical consciousness activated the suppression of the dark demon qi.
With the help of the dark demon qi, he gradually turned this slayer qi into his own power.