Teiko's basketball tryouts

As the final bell marked the end of Haruki's classes, a bubbling excitement surged within him. This was the moment he had eagerly awaited – the opportunity to try out for Teiko's esteemed basketball team. Swiftly rising from his seat, he set his sights on the gym, knowing that the court would soon be his stage.

However, an unexpected realization gripped him. He hadn't brought his basketball attire, specifically his shoes, necessary for the tryouts. In a rush of urgency, Haruki hastened homeward, his thoughts racing as he muttered, "I'm gonna be so late."

Upon reaching his home, he wasted no time. Bursting into his room, he hastily gathered his basketball clothing and packed them into his bag. With a focused determination, he swiftly retraced his steps back to school, his anticipation overshadowing any exhaustion.

Finally arriving at the gym, he took a deep breath, the throbbing rhythm of his heart echoing his eagerness. The court before him held the promise of an opportunity he had long dreamt of – a chance to showcase his skills and determination in pursuit of joining Teiko's illustrious basketball team.

Hurrying to the gym, Haruki wasted no time. He swiftly changed into his basketball attire in the locker room and emerged, ready to take on the challenge. As he stepped onto the basketball court, he was met with a surprise – his basketball coach turned out to be his first-period teacher, Mr. Sanada. Haruki explained the reason for his tardiness, only to be met with Mr. Sanada's focused response, "I don't care why you're late. I only care to see how good you are at basketball."

Accepting the coach's stance, Haruki nodded and posed the straightforward question, "What is it you need me to do?" Mr. Sanada's directive was clear – he wanted to see how well Haruki would fare against one of the best players.

Mr. Sanada's call summoned Aomine, who approached with an air of confidence. The challenge was laid out: a 1v1 matchup between Haruki and Aomine. Upon hearing Aomine's words of skepticism, Haruki met his gaze with a confident smirk, remaining silent but resolute.

With the rules established, Mr. Sanada explained the parameters of the game – the first player to score 21 points would win. Additionally, the scorer would receive the check-up, and there would be no shot clock. To determine possession, Mr. Sanada flipped a quarter into the air. Haruki called "heads," while Aomine chose "tails." Catching the quarter, Mr. Sanada revealed the result – tails. The ball was passed to Aomine, and the game was set in motion.

Aomine initiated the match with a series of deft moves – a crossover to the right followed by a between-the-leg dribble, executed on both sides. Using his explosive speed, he bypassed Haruki and drove to the hoop, concluding with an underhand layup. In the midst of the action, Haruki calmly remarked, "Is that all he's got?"

Suddenly, a voice penetrated the atmosphere, audibly declaring, "I thought you were gonna show me more." The cocky tone was unmistakable. Aomine's focus faltered for a moment as he heard the voice. Just as he processed it, he found his hand unexpectedly blocked, halting his layup mid-motion. The unexpected interruption left Aomine stunned and the court in suspense.

Haruki's smile grew as he audaciously retorted, "I thought you would've been somewhat of a challenge, but I guess not everyone reaches your expectations." His words held an undercurrent of amusement, followed by a declaration delivered in a tone of confident assurance, "But then again, the only one who can beat me is me."

In a remarkable display of mimicry, Haruki mirrored Aomine's moves with incredible speed. His execution was twofold – a crossover, then a between-the-leg dribble, executed seamlessly on both sides. Utilizing his explosive speed, Haruki deftly outmaneuvered Aomine, heading straight for the hoop.

However, this time the scenario unfolded differently. Instead of a layup, Haruki came to an abrupt stop, intent on initiating a fadeaway shot. Yet, Aomine wasn't one to back down. Anticipating Haruki's move, he leapt to block the shot. "If you're gonna do that, don't make it that obvious," Aomine interjected mid-air.

Haruki's response was nothing short of a confident smirk. In that fleeting moment, as Aomine and Haruki Hang suspended in the air, Haruki unleashed an unorthadoxed

finishing move. as Haruki was falling backwards, the ball left his fingertips with excellence. He shot the ball with an exceptional high arc. at the moment, the only thing that can be heard in the court was nothing but an exceptional swish coming from the net, Haruki's voice echoed with certainty, "It's not so obvious, is it?" The words were delivered with a calculated satisfaction, embodying Haruki's confident mastery over the court.