This message was like a switch was turned on invisibly. Next, the haters who had come prepared began to organize in the live broadcast session, repeating negative words for Gu Mian in a planned way.

"Gu Mian, plastic surgery bitc, scheming bitc, high-level bitc using all means."

Gu Mian gave some to the housekeeper and her assistant Xiao Zhu to handle, but there were too many haters this time and she couldn't deal with all.

Faced with such a situation, Gu Mian was actually quite calm. She glanced at what they sent casually and felt that the sentences rhymed. Gu Mian had already been mentally prepared for being criticized by netizens, as the original owner was bashed all the way to the end.

Of course, she still attracted a part of her fans through a few waves of hot searches, but the diehard fans weren't enough. There weren't enough people who spoke for her. Most of them ate melons, wait and see.

Therefore, the trolls in the live broadcast room jumped for a while and the comments section looked a little smoky.

Gu Mian propped her chin with one hand. She couldn't see the normal comments sent by others, only the trolls spamming, so she couldn't talk.  

She was a little impatient because of that, as she wanted to finish the task early and then close the live broadcast earlier.

Gu Mian stretched out her other hand and made a one-to-one gesture, "Since you keep sending that, I will explain it to you. Listen carefully." Gu Mian exhaled, "One, I didn't do any plastic surgery, the plastic surgery is too painful, and I am afraid of pain. And I look like this, so I don't need to suffer any surgery at all."

After speaking, Gu Mian didn't look at the reaction of netizens either.

She put two fingers, "Second, it's too troublesome to play tricks, I'm not so idle."

Gu Mian paused for a moment and then put a finger, "As for the third, you really think too much. I don't need to use any means at all, because it was very easy for me."

It was really not difficult for Gu Mian. It didn't take much effort to get the role that originally belonged to Wen Xia. This was the confidence that was backed by Global International.

Gu Mian didn't want to be popular at all from the beginning. To say that dead pigs weren't afraid of boiling water and that she had a Buddhist personality. In short, she wasn't afraid of being bashed at all, so she spoke as she pleased, saying whatever she thought of herself and didn't care about the netizens' reaction.

She was ready to usher in the second wave of curses.

But no matter how strong the wind and waves were, she thought she could stand it.

Yet, the direction of the wind in the live broadcast room started to change.

If everyone in the live broadcast room were scolding her at the beginning, then many people were now praising her.

[This Big sister is so honest. ]

[Is there really such an honest person in the entertainment industry these days?]

[No hate, I like this Big sister! But with her beauty, she really doesn't need to move anymore!]

[This… I am stunned! Are you crazy and grounded?]

[Your last sentence is too domineering, hahaha. I dare to ask how hard it was for Big sister to use your background?]

There were originally 20,000 to 30,000 people in the live broadcast room, among which there were only a hundred haters.

At the beginning, the live broadcast room was occupied by trolls because there weren't many people talking, so it gave people a feeling that all were haters.

In fact, in terms of the number of people, a hundred and twenty or thirty thousand people was incomparable.

Gu Mian didn't buy fake accounts. The figures in the live broadcast room were real people.

But after she said a few words, the situation changed.

People who had been passing by quietly and didn't want to talk couldn't help but bubbling and sending out comments.

Out of twenty to thirty thousand people, even if several thousand of them posted a comment, it would be amazing.

So many people started to comment at once, so the comments popped covered the entire screen and the audience was dazzled.

The negative comments were overwhelmed by the positive comments and disappeared before people could see it clearly.

Xiao Zhu quickly removed these haters and the atmosphere in the live broadcast room became much cleaner.

[Sister, whatever you say automatically becomes sensational, hahaha.]

[Obviously she is such a cute little sister, why do you call her the big sister?]

[Big Sister, you sound really kind when you say that.]

[Big sister, I'm a little fresh meat, do you want to date me online?]

The comments in the live broadcast room became weird and many people called Gu Mian Big sister. But at last there were no trollers.

The number of people in the live broadcast room began to skyrocket, from 20,000 to 30,000 at the beginning, to 50,000 to 60,000. Gu Mian chatted with the 50,000 to 60,000 viewers for a while. After the live broadcast time was finished, she said goodbye to the audience and turned off the live broadcast without hesitation.

The group of viewers who were still in the live broadcast room were unprepared to see the black screen.

[She turned off the live broadcast before I could say goodbye…]