"Mian Mian, Wen Xia Studio issued a statement saying that you have violated her right of reputation and plan to defend her rights through legal means."

Gu Mian said faintly, "Whatever."

Xiao Zhu deliberately lowered her voice, "Wen Xia really had a child? That's impossible. She has been so strong these years that she must have no time to have a child. Is it by surrogacy?"

Xiao Zhu had been in the entertainment circle for so long and her thinking diverged quickly.

To her assistant, Gu Mian had nothing to say, "No, she gave birth in a foreign country. The child is six years old with her last name."

Xiao Zhu couldn't help screaming in surprise, "This… is this true? How did you know Mian Mian?"

Gu Mian thought of the people on the Internet and joked casually, "I calculated it."

Xiao Zhu didn't bother about how Gu Mian knew about it, "Mian Mian, since it's true, then why does Wen Xia dare to be so tough?"

Gu Mian's tone was casual, "She put a strong front. Otherwise, won't it be clear that this is true?"

"Then her child… is really abused by the nanny?"


Xiao Zhu sighed, "So pitiful."

Gu Mian repeated in a low voice.

Wen Xia paid a large salary for a professional nanny, but she wasn't professional. The nanny vented all her dissatisfaction towards the rich on the innocent child. It was a pity that Wen Xia hasn't noticed that after so many years.

After hanging up the call, Gu Mian put the matter of Wen Xia behind. She could accompany her regardless of whether it was through legal channels or other.

After "Ask the Immortal" was released, Gu Mian would soon be involved in the road shows in the next few days and would go several cities to promote it. Maybe Lou Che temporarily changed his plan, so he didn't mention taking her to see his parents. She was greatly relieved.

The first city for the "Ask the Immortals" crew was N City. With the tight schedule, the crew rushed to the venue for the celebrity meeting after arriving in the neighboring city.

By the time they arrived, the audience in N City had already arrived in the inner and outer three floors around the entrance. There were a lot of people which showed that "Ask the Immortal" was popular.

Although Gu Mian was the leading actress, it was the first time she had participated in a road show and had no experience. She thought it was nothing much, but didn't expect that the audience at N City would be so curious about her.

The routines before the road show were all the same. At the celebrity-audience interaction session, the originally dull atmosphere became warm.

A lucky audience member who was selected to ask questions stood up generously with the microphone, she pointed directly at Gu Mian on the stage, "Hello Gu Mian, I am your fan. Through the movie Ask the Immortal. I have a question for you here."

Gu Mian was given a microphone by the host. She didn't expect that she would be the first actress to be questioned.

She stood up, "Yes."

The female audience laughed, "Excuse me, which male celebrity in the entertainment industry do you most want to kiss?"

Gu Mian looked dazed.

Was the scale of the questions asked by the current audience actually such a big one?

Being a star was really not easy.

The atmosphere at the scene was completely ignited because of that problem. Many audience members were booing and some even stood up excitedly, cheering and urging Gu Mian to answer.

She pursed her lips and said honestly into the microphone, "No one."

The audience member who asked the question looked in disbelief, "How could there be no one?" There were so many good-looking male stars in the entertainment industry!

Gu Mian was a little helpless. It was the first time she faced this kind of battle and she was still a little uncomfortable, "Really no one."

The audience member didn't give up, "What if you had to kiss a male celebrity? Who would you choose?"

There was a burst of laughter from the audience.

The host smiled and interjected, "Wow, this audience, you are really bad."

The audience laughed generously, "I'm curious! Aren't you curious?" She asked the audiences around her to answer.

All of a sudden, they all said, "Curious!"

The organizers were eager to see such a lively scene. Only when there were topics, there would be hype.

This momentum was very good.

The organizers were happy, but were worried about Gu Mian. She thought about it seriously. She didn't know all the male stars in the entertainment circle. If she had to kiss a male star…

"Lou Che."

There were explosive exclamations, cheers, whistles and bursts of laughter from the audiences.

If the organizers didn't clearly know that the audiences came from random selection, they would have thought it was arranged in advance.

The effect of the first stop of the road show was really good.

Gu Mian returned the microphone to the host.

When handing the microphone, she inadvertently met Lou Che's profound eyes.

The look in his eyes, no matter how you look at it, felt very meaningful.

Did he think she wanted to kiss him?