Hearing the name Lou Che from Brother Wang, Lin Changan's gloomy eyes lit up like a small cluster of flames.

If he asked Lou Che, would he help him?

Most definitely!

They used to be good brothers who shared everything!

Brother Wang knew what the person was thinking in his heart seeing his expression.

He snorted in his heart. Did Lin Changan forget what he did?

Did he think Lou Che was the Lou Che of the past?

He was no longer what he used to be.

But Brother Wang didn't persuade him much.

Some people didn't look back until they hit a wall. Only if one had suffered, could they remember.

With the popularity of the third episode of the second season of "Impossible Challenge", Gu Mian got to be known by more people.

Since Gu Mian became really popular, she had inconveniences in her daily life. She also needed to be fully disguised when she went out and had bodyguards by her side at all times, otherwise she may have difficulty moving. She didn't dare to go to places with a lot of people like shopping malls, for fear of being recognized and causing riots.

In short, Gu Mian was already hoping that she would soon be forgotten after the hype.

She didn't like the life of being watched by too many people, which made her feel unfree.

But she couldn't help it. After finishing the plot, if she could get rid of the original ending, maybe she could choose to do what she liked to do, such as being the director behind the scenes.

These would only be in her thoughts at the moment.

When Gu Mian arrived at the revolving restaurant, it was exactly eleven o'clock at noon.

She and Kan Yangyang had an appointment there.

Kan Yangyang invited her to dinner several times. Gu Mian was quite free lately anyway. It would be unreasonable to refuse any longer, so she agreed.

As soon as Gu Mian arrived, Kan Yangyang stood up from her position and waved to her, "Mian Mian, here."

The location Kan Yangyang sat was next to the window. It was the end of December. Even the daylight was not dazzling, from there, one could see the busy city scenery outside.

After Gu Mian sat down, Kan Yangyang pushed the menu in front of her and said proudly, "Mian Mian, order whatever you want to eat."

Kan Yangyang's face flushed and her eyes were shining. It was obvious that her career was well recently. So she was not polite with her and ordered several dishes that she liked.

The more dishes Gu Mian ordered, the happier Kan Yangyang became. She asked enthusiastically, "Mian Mian, what's your schedule for the first half of next year?" Kan Yangyang had already made up her mind to follow Gu Mian. Whatever Gu Mian participated in, she also wanted to join her.

Gu Mian was stunned and then said, "I will be a judge of '10 Girls of 100′. A little bit further, I also took a youth campus idol drama."

Kan Yangyang also knew "10 Girls of 100". Unfortunately, with her current status, it was still a bit difficult for her to be a judge. So she set her sights on the youth school idol drama that Gu Mian mentioned.

Kan Yangyang smiled, "Which idol drama is it?"

Gu Mian didn't hide it, "Peach."

Kan Yangyang nodded, "Okay, I will ask my agent to see the situation, to see if there is a role that has not been assigned. Are you the female lead?"

Gu Mian said, "Yes,"

"Who is the male lead?"

"Lou Che."


Kan Yangyang asked with a hint of curiosity, "Then you both will work together again. And this time it is not acting as a master and apprentice, but a couple?"

Gu Mian just finished ordering food, she hummed and then asked Kan Yangyang, "Do you want to order a few more dishes you like?"

"No," Kan Yangyang gave the menu to the waiter beside her.

She just wanted to ask about the relationship between Gu Mian and Lou Che. At that moment, a slightly surprised voice came from not far away, "Mian Mian!"

Gu Mian looked at the person subconsciously and saw that the person calling her was a middle-aged woman in her early forties.

The person's clothes were very fashionable, full of international brand names, camel coats, black high boots and a shawl. Just looking at the dress would make people think that the person was only 20 or 30 years old.

Unfortunately, her face betrayed it.

According to the eyesight that she developed in the entertainment industry in the past few months, she recognized that this lady was wearing models from previous years and none of it was from the current season.

A little girl who looked sixteen or seventeen was standing beside this lady.

The little girl looked like her daughter, with exquisite looks. If they were really mother and daughter, then judging from the looks of the little girl, this lady was definitely a great beauty when she was young.

While Gu Mian was still guessing the identity of the other person, the woman took the little girl's hand and walked to Gu Mian's, "Mian Mian, I am your mother! Don't you know your mother?"

As soon as thatsentence was said, not only Gu Mian, but even Kan Yangyang was stunned.

Kan Yangyang asked in a daze, "This is your mother?"