Lou Che's eyes were cold, but when he heard Gu Mian openly tell Cheng Zhi that she was with her boyfriend, the frosty aura dissipated instantly like encountering the warm sun.

Lou Che smiled, "Okay."

Cheng Zhi?

It just so happened that he also wanted to meet this guy who made advances on his girlfriend.

When Gu Mian and Lou Che arrived at the restaurant, the entire restaurant had been booked by Cheng Zhi.

Cheng Zhi didn't usually make a move and once he did, it was a big deal.

He booked such a big restaurant for the night. If Gu Mian's boyfriend was just an ordinary rich second-generation, or just an ordinary person, he would have been dissuaded by Cheng Zhi.

Cheng Zhi was sitting quietly in the restaurant with the best view.

He had money. Even if he was trying to snatch someone's girlfriend, he was the kind that used generous means to directly suppress people.

He fell in love with Gu Mian at first sight.

Her appearance was completely like his ideal type.

Before Cheng Zhi met her, he had never thought that one day he would be so lucky to meet such a girl who was like his style from hair to toes.

After learning about Gu Mian's various things in the entertainment industry, he became more interested in her.

She not only looked charming, but also had such a charming personality.

She attracted him from head to toe.

It was just a pity that Gu Mian already had a boyfriend.

But in Cheng Zhi's view, having a boyfriend was not a big problem.

In the blood and bones of their Cheng family, a gene called predation was born.

If they liked someone, they went after that said person. Hesitating was not the style of the Cheng family.

God had given them extremely good genes and huge wealth, but it was not for them to be gentlemen.

A gentleman could do it, but sometimes, one didn't need to be too gentle.

If they met a girl they liked and gave up because the girl had a boyfriend, wouldn't it be a waste of God's generous gift?

Being rich, powerful and handsome, sometimes one could do whatever they wanted.

Of course, grabbing someone's girlfriend also required skill.

For example, Cheng Zhi used more sophisticated methods. He wanted Gu Mian's boyfriend to quit automatically.

A man's self-esteem was really a strange thing sometimes.

When facing men who were better than themselves in all aspects, some men may not have the mentality to fight.

Maybe some would just give up after hearing his name and there was no need to face him head-on.

Cheng Zhi thought that he was really one in a million in all aspects.

He had good looks, good family, was young and promising and clean and self-conscious. He was many times better than those dudes who only knew how to spend money.

In his opinion, Gu Mian's boyfriend would feel ashamed when he saw him. At that time, he would show a little interest in Gu Mian and he would automatically withdraw.

What Cheng Zhi didn't know was that the opponent he would meet was not an ordinary man.

His opponent was Lou Che.

As soon as Gu Mian and Lou Che came in, the waiter told Cheng Zhi.

At that moment, he still needed to show some gentlemanly demeanor.

So he stood up and waited for their arrival.

When Lou Che walked in with Gu Mian, Cheng Zhi was taken aback, then he looked naturally and stretched out his hand toward Lou Che, "Hello, I am Cheng Zhi."

Lou Che's face was indifferent. He looked at the Fourth Young Master of the Cheng Family, who could be a great name in Hong Kong City, stretched out his hand and shook it, "Lou Che."

Very brief self-introduction.

The first round of confrontation between the two men ended.

It was a tie.

When eating, Lou Che's posture was calm and noble and his movements were elegant. He also took into account his little girlfriend Gu Mian and from time to time gave her a dish or something to show off in front of Cheng Zhi.

After the meal, Cheng Zhi knew that this opponent was not easy to deal with.

The value of his outfit was not low and he had money. He couldn't deal with him in the same way he deals with ordinary men.

Cheng Zhi took a sip of red wine. His attitude was generous, "I wonder what plans do the two of you have for the day?"

Lou Che's eyes were clear and he calmly replied, "There are no plans."

Cheng Zhi made a 'please' gesture and inadvertently revealed a watch worth three Ferraris on his wrist, "Why don't we go and play bowling?"

Although Cheng Zhi was different from the average men, he was born in a wealthy family.

Whether it was riding, shooting, golf, piano or violin, he knew all.

But in these events, he was undoubtedly the best at bowling.

Lou Che said, "Okay."