Iruka the Filler episode


Uzumaki Kenjutsu : Dance of Wild Whirlpools

Kenjutsu, whose methods rely on making fatal damage to the opponent.

While performing this Kenjutsu, it is advised to move chakra in as per the nature of the person. (Clockwise/Counter-Clockwise)

And strike the person in the opposite direction of the rotation.

It will not kill the opponent until you desire it, more to be precise, Kenjutsu of this model is created for wars.

Blade of Uzumaki will pull the opponent closer while they battle, like a Whirlpools, that will make opponent struggle in their chakra balance an eventually loose their heads to the Uzumaki swords.

Kaito opened the Kenjutsu scroll for the first time, he was amazed at the technique.

Kaito thoughts "Shit, If only I learn this from the start, I would have gone better and got a head start in Kenjutsu field, but the right time to start learning is now."

Kaito used started to learn the way of Uzumaki Sword.

Meanwhile at the cross bridge

Hibachi "Naruto I will allow you to join our group"

Naruto "Really"

Hibachi "But there is a condition"

Naruto "What is it?" Naruto looked at the trio curiously

Hibachi "Yesterday there was a fight with enemy ninja in the black hills, My father killed some enemies, bring back one of the tool from the corpse of the enemy, if you do you will join us"

Naruto "Is that for real?"

Hibachi "Yeah"

Naruto "Alright I will bring back something for sure, you can bet on it" Naruto ran in the direction of Black hills

Random of the trio "He is an idiot"

Hibachi "My dad said their might be enemies alive"

Random of the trio "Hey you are upset form the test of brave aren't you"

Hibachi "Never mind that, did you see his happy face didnt you, he didnt have clue that it was a trick"

@ the academy:

Kaito's clone and all the members of the class A were there

Iruka "Did anyone see Naruto?, Kaito did you see Naruto?"

Kaito "He should be coming to academy today, but it is strange that, he never came"

Shikamaru exposed Naruto going into Black Hills.

Kaito's clone got submerged in anger.

Kaito's clone came and held Hibachi's shirt, "How dare you deceive Naruto"

Hibachi "how dare you hold by shirt"

Kaito "You knew that, the black hills still have spies right"

Hibachi "Yeah so what"

Kaito breaks his nose, his face gets covered in blood,

Kaito "You dont deserve to be a ninja, to fool your own comrade, you are worse than scum"

Kaito's clone dispelled... Poof...

Everyone are shocked.

Sakura "How could he vanish"

Sasuke "He is indeed a genius, worthy of being my Rival"

Sakura was shocked that Sasuke praises someone.

Ino blushes as she hears the praise, thought "Kaito... Where are you?"

Kaito who was practicing the steps for Uzumaki Kenjutsu got the memories.

Kaito took a set of Minato's Kunai's and went for Naruto.

Kaito know that Naruto is the main character, but the plot is not the same, since Kaito changed it, the plot tends to change.

The presence of the plot armor is not sure.

In this time in original series, Uchiha clan were still in outskirts and were not trusted, Root was active, that is not the case now

Since the root have dissolved, Kaito expects quite a number of Shinobi's.

Kaito "Be-safe Naruto"

Kaito also begin to move towards black hills with Shushin.

Mean while Kakashi asked about Iruka and Naruto from Choji and Shikamaru.

Kaito sensed someone tailing him.

Kaito thought "It maybe Kakashi, he came to save Naruto and Iruka"

The trio from Takigakure "Phantom Shuriken jutsu"

Kaito "Wind style : Great Breakthrough"

All the shurikens got Neglected by air.

Iruka "What are you doing here Kaito?"

One of the Trio came to strike with the sword, Kaito blocked it with Minato's Kunai and kaito removed one of her fingers form her hand.

Trio "that Kid, he is sure Talented, damn, just give me that Kunai"

Iruka "Dont fight them Kaito come fast, we are outnumbered and we have Naruto unconscious"

Kaito and Iruka moved further away from the trio, but they regrouped "Fire style ; Synergy Jutsu : Karura"

Kaito "Water Release: Rampaging Water"

The fire and water cancel out and Kaito ambushed them with Minato's Kunai's.

Kaito "Earth style : Bottomless swamp"

Kaito arrested them in the mud, there were made unconscious because Kaito closed their main Tenketsu point.

Kakashi was watching this from the shadows,

Kakashi thoughts "Minato sensei, your Kid is just like you, he only nearing eight, yet he made overpowered three Anbu's."

Iruka "Thank you Kaito"

Kaito "I felt a presence in the forest, Not yet sensei, dont drop you gaurd"

Kakashi thoughts "So, he felt my presence, what a talent"

Kaito and Iruka moved safely to the Village.

A/N : After this chapter do you need time skip or some chapters in the childhood arc?

# Some chapters needed

# Time skip