Chunin Exam 02


'Ino is not entirely waste, she is useful too!'

'Ino is cute now and hot when she becomes adult'

All that is correct, she is childish and lack Kekkei Genkai, she uses vulgar words and have a temper issues.

We all know how the hell she raise Inojin like another Sai and have arguments with her future husband Sai.

The OC now I am going to introduce will have:

Kekkei Genkai, (Eye of Mind, healing bite, chakra chains,)

Talent for medical ninjutsu surpasses Senju Tsunade,

Proper parenting material, Good Mother for her children,

She is never Arrogant and absolutely not a spoiled brat,

She will never change herself for others and she is a strong lady.

She possess courage and will be Kind towards all,

(Uzumaki Akira)


When Anko is talking to Kaito,

A girl with red hair and blue eyes sensed top notch Yin chakra from Kaito. (Uzumaki Akira)

After getting the scroll of for her team, she looked in the direction of Kaito.

Akira 'It will be nice to live in a big village like this, I like his smile in his face, how cute he is, no matter How much I improve my skills in Taijutsu, medical ninjutsu and kekkei Genkai manipulation, they want to suck my chakra through bites' Akira sighed

Kaito also noticed the red haired girl, he is a ninja and is aware of his environment.

Kaito 'there are important events inside


Sasuke's curse seal of heaven

I have prepared for sealing the curse seal of heaven with ten times stronger evil sealing supression than kakashi's used'

Kaito raced forward with his anti gravity seal and shushin technique to find the earth scroll.

A red haired boy who equalled the age of Kaito and other two one with blonde hair and other with black dress with weird weapon.

Garra "Hey you wait!, our eyes meet I, I have kill you"

Kaito "Wanna fight one tailed brat"

Temari and Kankuro was shocked.

Garra "Now I have found a valid reason to kill you"

Garra sand rumbled,

Kaito "A minute, what scroll do you have, I want to confirm if you have earth scroll or a heaven scroll"

Kankuro "We have earth scroll"

Kaito used this time to prepare wood style : Wood Man jutsu

Coating himself with wood, if Garra used sand burial technique, sand cant bend wood anyway, sand have too low surface area.

Temari "Wind style wind cutter technique"

Kaito smashed her with a huge rasengan, she coiled the ground, there will minimum breakage of 12 bones.

Kankuro "You bastard"

Garra never cared for Temari and observed Kaito's moves.

Kankuro used his puppet and moved forward to attack,

Kaito threw a kunai directed to Kankuro.

Kankuro "You bastard your aim is too weak ha ha ha"

In a blink of eye, kaito knocked out Kankuro and took the kunai.

Garra "Wonderful, I will be your opponent"

Kaito "You are too young and small to fight me Garra of the sand, I dont want to kill you"

Garra "But I want to kill you!, I have to kill you for MOTHER!!!!"

Kaito "Wood Release: Raising spears"

Kaito raised wood shaped raising spears in the garra's field and locked him in wood dome, making him lose contract to earth.

But he have contract with this sand jar.

Garra tried to break the sand, but it was futile, wood style kaito used is so strong, it will never break off.

Sand is more off Defensive than offensive quality.

Kaito used this time to seal the one tailed beast in Garra, making him lose contract with the tailed beast and himself.

After sealing the one tail, Garra began to sleep.

He is sleeping for the first time peacefully (for the first time in forever, I sleep so well)

Kaito woke Kankuro and told him to guard both temari and Garra and also took the earth scroll from them.

Kaito teleported to the tower and called the Iruka by opening the scrolls.

Iruka "Wow, who is the first one to arrive in here"

Iruka was shocked to see Kaito in flesh, he never expected a rookie to enter first, without any dirt or scratches.

Iruka told the meaning of heaven and earth and acknowledged Kaito.

(20 minutes) record of the fastest to come 

Previously Itachi uchiha held the record for completing the forest of death in 5 hours 37 minutes.

After going inside to the arena, there were no jonin inside the place.

He was provided with accommodation.

Kaito immediatly teleported to Naruto.

He saw a ugly thing coming to catch Sasuke.

Sakura "Kaito and Naruto!" she was joyed I guess.

Kaito 'tch I thought, I will come after Orochimaru gives Hikey to his future student, but I have arrived early'

Orochimaru 'what the hell, he looks same like Minato in his childhood, Kaito huh, nice name, first let me scare him a bit' "Genjutsu"

Kaito 'Reversal'

Orochimaru 'Nani, my high level Genjutsu is not working!'

Kaito threw kunai at Orochimaru, which he douged all of it.

Kaito 'Gentle fist 64 palms!'

Kaito began to strike Orochimaru cruely, but he was so skilled and agile enough to evade all of it.

Kaito unsheathed his sword formed a stance.

Stance of Uzumaki Blade,

Uzumaki Kenjutusu Chapter : Dance of blood Demon

Kaito "HAaaaa!"

Orochimaru also showed his blade.

After 30 minutes of sword play,

Orochimaru "Summoning jutsu", 'What a ferocious brat, even I lost stamina, he is still alright, I am sure neihter of us is using chakra though'

Sasuke "This is also my Battle Kaito, dont intervene"

Kaito "Bastard, we were having our battle for half an hour, you recovered all that time and telling me this is your fight, I will kill you, now this guy is my prey and I am the predator"

Orochimaru "Look at that mouth, lets try ninjutsu"

Kaito "Big ball Rasengan"

Orochimaru "Is that Rasengan?"

Sakura 'how the chakra is visible in his hands?'

Kaito used his tiger seal in a single hand.

Orochimaru "Interesting, you are worthy for me to show you the full power"

Orochimaru ran in the direction of Sasuke and bit him

Kaito teleported and used Rasengan.

Orochimaru got buried in the sand.

Kaito used one of the seal from his pouch and placed it in orochimaru's chest.

Chakra disturbance seal : A seal which will restrict the flow of chakra by disturbing the chakra network.

Kaito used the customised seal in sasuke.

Which will suppress the cursed seal of heaven from Orochimaru.

Kaito kept Sakura, Naruto and Sasuke under a safe tree and went to fetch water for them.

Kaito saw a red haired girl fighting with the Konoha leach with her chakra chains.

It seems the comrades she bought are dead.

Kaito 'Gross huge leach huh'

Soon a rain of leach descended

Kaito used one of his chakra chains to grab the red haired girl and teleported her"

He placed her near the river bank and gave her water to drink.

Naruto came and asked "Big brother, who is she?"

Akria slowly opened her eyes.

Kaito "Dont worry, you are alright"

Akria 'he is the blonde boy from the enterence'

Kaito "do you want ramen?"

Naruto "Big brother do you have one?"

Akria "I am hungry"

Kaito unsealed 3 ramen box with hot water,

Three enjoyed a delicious meal.

Akria "I am Uzumaki Akria, thank you so much for saving me from the leach and giving me food"

Kaito "I am Uzumaki Kaito, and this is my little brother Uzumaki Naruto"

Akria "Uzumaki?, but your hair colour"

Kaito "We took after our father it seems, our mom is red hair"

Naruto doesn't know about this, he continued to eat, like Choji

Akira 'he belong to same clan as I am, fate you bought me here, thank you'

People from hidden sound showed up.

Akira and Kaito beat them to pulp and Akira got the earth scroll.

She has both the earth and heaven scroll now.

Kaito kept his hands in her shoulder, immediately she came to the tower of chunin exams.

Akira 'What the hell, I am here? Kaito?' blushes...

Akira got inside the room and saw Kaito and got really scared.

Akira "How did you get here Kaito, how did I got here?"

Kaito "I use a Jutsu which is akin to teleportation, so dont get afraid"

Akira sighed... With flushing all her doubts about Kaito.

Akira "Kaito I really wonder if I could join your village, My mom is already dead, I am so alone"

Kaito "I will have a talk with the Hokage after this spar challenge, be sure to use all the means to win the battle, Ok Good luck Akira"

Kaito shushined

Akira 'It is my first time someone said Good luck to me, thank you Kaito...'

After 2 days

Soon the first round of sparing match will began.

Kaito informed Iruka about Orochimaru, Anko apporved Kaito, that his statement is valid.

First match Uchiha Sasuke VS Yoroi Akado

Yoroi came with weird Chakra absorbtion jutsu and sucked sasuke's bit by bit.

As same in the plot Sasuke defeated Yoroi, but he wasn't worried about chakra, since Kaito used a seal to close all the chakra disturbance related to seal of heaven.


Akira vs Sakura:

Akira won the match in blink of the eye, with her chakra chains, it was way too easy.

There were so many matches after that, I will narrate Naruto's match.

Naruto vs Uchiha Duro.

Uchiha Duro:

One of the uchiha clan OC, who survived because of Kaito's existance.


Uchiha Duro:

Kekkei Genkai : one tomoe Sharingan.

Uchiha Taijutsu, Kenjutsu, Genjutsu and Shurikenjutsu.

Elements : Fire, Lightning.

Demerits : Under the curse of Orochimaru's jutsu formula.

Team Leader : Hamaki Mimura


Naruto and Duro started the battle.

Naruto did the shadow clone jutsu and 50 shadow clones appeared.

Naruto rushed towards Duro.

Duro "Fire release Dragon bullet"

Huge flames overpowered Naruto and washed him out.

Remained single Naruto.

Naruto removed his weights and moved to Duro in 2 steps and used Strong fist Taijutsu.

Naruto was slowly overpowering Duro, but the situation changed once Duro release his Sharingan.

Duro gained upper hand in the battle,

As soon as he opened his Sharingan, the cursed seal of heaven started to move around his body and began to eat him.

Duro who was unable to withstand the power, fainted in middle of the battle.

Gekko Hayate "Winner Uzumaki Naruto"

Naruto began to jump in air, everyone thought it was unfair, but Kaito cheered Naruto for winning.

The next battle was between Uzumaki Kaito and Hyuga Neji: