Konoha's plan to be ready for war

After eating ramen,

Kaito "Sensei I would like to train myself in Wood style and I want to train Naruto to learn Rasengan"

Naruto "Wow, Rasengan"

Kaito "Yes, you are going to learn Rasengan Naruto"

Jiraiya "Isn't it too soon for Naruto"

Kaito "True, but we should make sure it is never late"

Jiraiya "Brat, that's too much power that a boy could handle"

Kaito "Sir Jiraiya, Naruto needs to protect himself, so he should learn some powerful jutsu too"

Jiraiya 'Akatsuki is after all the tailed beast, it is best that if Naruto is prepared for it, it will be easier to protect him, If he knows some powerful jutsu like Rasengan', "Alright, you are correct, let him learn that jutsu, after signing the contract with the toads"

Naruto "I will learn the jutsu well nii-san"

Next morning,

Kaito "let's move to the training ground."

Naruto, Kaito, Jiraiya, and Shisui moved to the Senju forest again for training.

Jiraiya "Kaito do you want to sign the contract with the toads?"

Kaito "Not now Sir Jiraiya, let Naruto sign them now"

Naruto signed the Toad Summoning contract,

When and tried to summon one, Gamakichi appeared and became Naruto's summon

This happened on the first try, which was different from the plot and was expected from Naruto after all the shadow clones used for jutsu.

Cat ANBU "Kaito Uzumaki is ordered to visit the Hokage now"

Kaito "Sir, Jiraiya kindly look after Naruto's training, I will return after seeing the Hokage"

Jiraiya nodded.

Kaito used FTG,

Cat ANBU "Where is he?"

Shisui "He will be in the Hokage office right now"

Cat ANBU muttered, "How did he move so fast?" and Flicked away.

Hokage Office:

Mina "Kaito, Hokage is waiting for you"

Kaito "Yes"

Kaito enter the office,

There were Anko, Kakashi, Ibiki, Iruka and other proctors are present.

Hiruzen "Welcome Kaito, how is your health"

Kaito "I am fine, Gramps please come to the point"

Hiruzen coughed and answered "There are 3 Uchiha who Orochimaru's cursed seal of heaven marks"

Kaito "Uchiha Sasuke is also affected that counts for 4th person"

Hiruzen "What Uchiha Clan head's youngest"

Kakashi's eyes widened, 'Sasuke never told me anything about this!'

Kaito "That is correct, I have already sealed the curse seal of heaven completely but the seal exists and Orochimaru's will is still there on the seal, I didn't remove it, since the circuit is based on Yin-type nature"

Hiruzen "What should we do Kaito"

Kaito "I could seal the cursed effect completely on the three other Uchiha, so don't worry Gramps"

Hiruzen "How much it will cost?"

Kaito "No, I have the framework ready I will give it for free"

Hiruzen "Free? thanks Kaito"

Kaito "I will seal it tomorrow morning in the Uchiha's body"

Hiruzen said "OK" and turned toward others,

Kaito intervened, "Gramps, I think Suna is working with Orochimaru, I think they are planning something big"

Anko "Brat, your just a genin, do you think you could just talk whatever you want"

Hiruzen "Let Kaito complete it Anko"

Anko was silenced,

Kaito "While taking down the Suna's Jinchuriki, they were taking down the blueprint of Konoha and the people from Otogakure said they were playing according to Orochimaru's plans and he told them to attack Uchiha Sasuke"

Kakashi "Anything is possible, that man is vile and cruel enough to destroy his own birthplace"

Hiruzen strokes his goat hair and says "I am going to inform the police force to spread out of the borders and watch any movements of my dear student"

Kaito "Then I will take my leave, my lord" uses FTG…

Anko "Can Kaito's information be trusted?"

Hiruzen "Kaito has been giving me lot of insights from a very young age, his observational skills and communication skills are top-notch, he is indeed Kaito Namikaze, his insights never fail me even once"

Kakashi "I will keep an eye on Suna-nin"

Hiruzen "Ok, I will arrange a meeting"

Kaito returned to Jiraiya and Shisui who were talking about the current affairs of Kiri and Kumo.

Shisui "Kaito is it about the sealing of Uchiha children?"

Kaito nodded and replied "I could seal off the curse seal, but the will of Orochimaru will be present in the body, he cannot access them, or the people cannot access them on their own"

Jiraiya "he is troubling Konoha too much"

Naruto used Shadow clone jutsu to master the Rasengan, under Kaito's advice and Jiraiya's Guidance.

Because of using the Shadow clone jutsu, Naruto picked up things at a faster rate.


Emergency Meeting summons:

Uchiha Clan head (Fugaku)

Hyuga Clan head (Hiashi)

Aburame Clan head (Shibi)

Inuzuka clan head (Tsume)

Akimichi Clan head (Choza)

Nara Clan head (Shikaku)

Yamanaka clan Head (Inochi)

Fantastic 3 members (Hiruzen, Koharu, Homara)


Uchiha Shisui


Might guy

Asuma Saratobi


Hizashi Hyuga

Uchiha Itachi





Anbu commander (Yamato)


Hiruzen "I got some information that Konoha will be attacked soon, by Suna and Orochimaru combined"

Murmurs filled the room,

Uchiha Fugaku "Konoha's Police force is ready to come to the front lines"

All the clan heads sweat dropped, every other clan head looked with envy,

Fugaku didn't say Uchiha police force, but Konoha's police force

Uchiha clan is ready without thinking, of course, Uchiha is the most powerful clan in Konoha.

Seeing all the clans came forward.

Yamanaka clan head "We are ready to deploy the sensory and medicine unit in the front lines"