
On Earth:

Jack Cross – A Human man, security guard on Earth, and Sophia's father. He has dark green eyes and a two-day beard that pairs with his light brown hair. A serious and quiet man.

When the change occurs, he becomes super confident and acts violently whenever he sees something wrong. From his job as a security guard in a company, he becomes the bodyguard of a very rich woman, the daughter of a billionaire. Because he treats her like an ordinary woman, often scolding her for acting like a brat, he slowly conquers her heart.

Sophia Cross – A ten-year-old female student on Earth and Jack's daughter. A quiet girl who is bullied because she has no mother and has poor grades because of so much bullying.

When the change occurs, she becomes confident and sometimes confused because of new situations, but she fights back against her bullies. She is also very intelligent, and her grades in School improve very fast because of that.

Emma Pearson – A young girl with long, dark brown hair and brown eyes, and Sophia Cross' friend.

Eliza Francis – The leader of the bully bunch in Sophia's school.

Billy Patel – Jack Cross' co-worker of Indian heritage and also a security man like him.

Dylan Stone – The Principal of the school where Sophia Cross goes. A middle-aged man in a grey suit, round glasses, and a small moustache.

Mia Mills – The daughter of Jack Cross' employer. The heir of a vast empire, she is a young woman with long, blond, curly hair, deep green eyes, and the body figure of a model. In fact, she used to be a model until she finished high school, but as soon as she entered college, she had to quit because she couldn't find the time to continue. She has a master's degree in management, and she is supposed to inherit her family's company, the Mills Corporate.

Joseph Mills – Jack Cross' employer and Mia Mills's father. The owner of a vast empire, known as the Mills Corporate.

Douglas Clark – Mia Mill's stalker. A blond man, tall, with blue eyes, and always with a proud pose. He was the son of one of Mia's father's acquaintances.

Eric Bates – A boy with dark brown hair and blue eyes. A very gentle and sweet boy who absolutely adores Sophia but is often annoying her with his interest in her. After his defeat at Sophia's hands in the school competition, he started to wait for her outside school to walk her home, even with her constantly bickering with him and saying she didn't need a lame bodyguard.

In Crosslot:

Craydon Crawler – A man with short, blue hair, cat ears, and a fluffy tail. He is super confident and calm most of the time.

When the change occurs, he becomes a serious and quiet man. From the normal cook at the Guild of Explorers and Adventurers, he changed into an inventor and created several tools and sold them.

Meryda Crawler – A ten-year-old cat-girl with long blue hair, cat ears, leather protective clothes, a small sword, and a tail moving behind her. She was very confident in her abilities and was learning Earth Magic Spells.

When the change occurs, she becomes a quiet girl, sometimes confused because of new situations, and her Magic evolves, making her become a Monster Tamer, an extremely rare Mage. She also has an excellent memory, and that helps her learn Spells and everything about her new World at an absurd speed.

Guild Master Dralro Jic – An old Ooman, Guild Master of the Guild of Explorers and Adventurers at the City of Amberstar.

Emid Basson – The cook helper at the Guild of Explorers and Adventurers. A teenager with dog ears and tail, light brown hair, and often wears simple clothes made of cotton and leather boots.

Vasir Rez – The cook helper at the Guild of Explorers and Adventurers. A teenager with dog ears and tail, dark hair, and often wears simple clothes made of cotton and leather boots.

Fae – A green humanoid being, without a gender, but with light green skin, dark green long hair that reached its waist, and deep green eyes. Always barefoot and completely naked, they refer to themselves as "We are Fae."

All the Fae share a conscious mind, like a hive, and for all purposes, they are the same individual, even if there are ten or more in the same place.

Fae are avatars of the conscious World, Crosslot, created to mingle with the beings that exist on its surface. They don't help, don't threaten, and don't work for anybody. They are merely observers who find an interest in other beings and are often following a person who spikes their interest.

They don't compromise with anything, be it promises, schedules, work, arguments, or fights. Almost immune to all physical or Magical damage. If one Fae is destroyed, it fades to the ground, and a new one appears to take its place.

Pof Grinun – A Demi-Dog boy of ten years old. Meryda's friend, but he is often scolding her when she does something reckless.

Tetil Stog – A Demi-Lamia young girl and Meryda's friend. Her father is an Adventurer at the Guild where Craydon Crawler works. Demi-Lamias can be faster than Centaurs and horses.

Hazer Cemim – A Centaur boy, Meryda's friend, and Shilna Cemim's brother. Centaurs are faster than horses.

Shilna Cemim – A centaur girl, Meryda's friend, and Hazer Cemim's sister. Centaurs are faster than horses.

Rusha Banei – A Demi-Cat woman and the receptionist of the Guild of Explorers and Adventurers at the City of Amberstar. She is always trying to seduce Craydon.

King Valdur Aavik – The King of the Kamawaran Kingdom.

Mage Adad Rholed – An older Demi-Cat Mage dressed in a dark blue robe who lives in the City Sumgon, in the Kamawaran Kingdom.

Captain Ermo Sepp – A Demi-Dog Captain at Oka's Capital, the City Rokumizu. He wears a dark red cape over his shoulders, a signal of his rank.

Ambassador Mairo Soosaar – A middle-aged blond Ooman man, richly dressed in clothes glowing with gems, and an Ambassador from the Shian Empire.

King Vosen Rask – The King of the Oka country, a Demi-Cat.

Queen Na Sheman Rask – The Queen of the Oka country, a Demi-Cat.

Prince Edum Sheman Rask – A Demi-Cat, heir to the throne, the older son of King Vosen Rask and Queen Na Sheman Rask, rulers of the Oka country.

Prince Grevem Sheman Rask – A Demi-Cat, the younger son of King Vosen Rask and Queen Na Sheman Rask, rulers of the Oka country.

General Commodore Eero Vaino – The Ooman commanding officer of the army stationed near the mountain range. An older man dressed in shining gold armour and riding a white horse with golden armour protecting his head, front paws, and torso on both sides, which made him look like a military tank with so much armour but with legs.

Demon Azazel – A High Demon male in charge of ruling the Demon's country along with Demon members of the Dark Eight. He is mostly pacifistic, preferring to talk his way out of trouble rather than resorting to violence. He is extremely mentally and physically powerful and capable of overpowering other Demons. With a total of three pairs of tattered, flaming black-feathered wings growing from his back, he looks like a Demi-Centaur, but with three times more height and size.

Demon Lamashtu – A High Demon female in charge of ruling the Demon's country along with other Demon members of the Dark Eight. She is a hybrid creature, containing both human and animal features. She has a body covered in black, coarse hair and the head of a lioness with round, short ears. Her feet are like a bird's, with sharp and long, crooked nails. She looks as if she is heavily pregnant, despite having only a weirdly fat belly, and has her breasts covered with two skulls. Her two famous swords, which she holds in each hand, are named Redlust and Chillheart. She thinks that all Oomans and Demis are a nuisance that should be killed on sight, but she has to oversee them. She also receives mental images from Sub-Monsters that are spread all over the World, and work for her as spies.

Demon Pazuzu – A High Demon male in charge of ruling the Demon's country along with Demon members of the Dark Eight. Pazuzu is a mixture of human and animal parts, with the head of a lion and the body of a man. He also has an eagle's talons, a pair of wings, and a scorpion's tail. He is destructive and dangerous, but also a repellent to other Demons, often going against their killing intentions towards Oomans and Demis.

Demon Manananggal – A High Demon female in charge of ruling the Demon's country along with Demon members of the Dark Eight. She is a scary, vampire-like creature with huge bat-like wings, usually dressed in a dark, long dress. Her astonishing beauty disguises her dangerous powers. She also receives mental images from Emptiness Monsters that are spread all over the World and work for her as spies.

Demon Pyshacha – A being dark-complexioned with bulging veins and moist, protruding predatory eyes. In charge of battle strategy and defensive methods, and the Headmaster in several Institutes of the Demon's country.

Demon Erynyes – An extremely beautiful woman with long, curvilinear horns and dark bat wings, with claws at the edge that she can use to tear apart her targets. In charge of everything that concerns food and natural resources, and the Headmaster of several Institutes in the Demon's country.

Demon Fyend – An enormous dark red being with long, twisted horns and a body that resembled a gorilla. A very intelligent being, in charge of everything that concerns Biology and Chemistry, and the Headmaster of several Institutes in the Demon's country.

Demon Railbeater – The most respected blacksmith of all the Demons. He may look like a greyish dwarf with horns, but he is much stronger than one. In charge of everything that concerns mechanics and metal, and the Headmaster of several Institutes in the Demon's country.

** This story and others are for sale in Amazon and Smashwords sites. Search for the nick "krushandkill" and also my friend, "Aniya Rossi" **