Chapter 25 - Admirable

Two days later, Wo Chung Inn, at the break of dawn. 

"Bu Dohyun-ssi", Sam Mee Yon greeted, her hair was down unlike the usual high braided style the kisaengs wore their hair in, tied at the bottom with a small pink ribbon. Without the heavy make-up, one could make out her younger youthful appearance. Even so, the seductive charm and way she carried herself was foremost prevalent which made Dohyun wonder if it was the confidence she had in herself or just a trait she was born with. 

"Sam Mee Yon-ssi, before we leave I would like to introduce Yang Minhye and my other personal guards", Dohyun said referring to the rest of the wonhwa who accompanied them, "During our journey, I'm assigning Minhye to be your personal guard and Byung Ho to be Seonghwa-ssi's guard." 

Byung Ho interrupted, "Then who will be yours if we're both occupied?" 

Dohyun shrugged, "Jaeyong hyung." 

Byung Ho's face scrunched, "Why does he get to protect you?!" 

"Because I'm better", Jaeyong replied, "and we're greater in number", referring to the wonhwa. With that, Byung Ho looked like he was on the verge of yelling a thousand curses. 

"I see, but I only requested that we are provided protection as a group, you don't need to assign us personal guards Dohyun-ssi", Sam Mee Yon said with regards to how the others seemed reluctant. 

"It is better to have someone prioritize you over others when in the face of danger. I've made this mistake before, therefore Minhye, Byung Ho I'm no longer your priority",Dohyun said, "By the way is Seonghwa-ssi ready?" 

"Yes, I had Seonghwa put away a few things first", Mee Yon replied, "Well then, I thank you for keeping up to your word Dohyun-ssi." 

Just then, a boy exited the inn as Sam Mee Yon mounted the horse provided for her. 

"Umm, Mee Yon-ssi where is Seonghwa?" Dohyun questioned. 

"Ha? Right there", Mee Yon pointed to the boy who just walked out. 

The boy who just walked out. 


Dohyun looked closer and realized it was the girl from a few days ago but why was she wearing boy's clothing?? 

"Why does she wear mens clothes?" Dohyun asked, Is this why Mee Yon requested for a pair of mens clothes? 

Mee Yon smirked, "Oh Seonghwa? Seonghwa, he has a rather complicated story. I'm sure he'll tell you if you ask nicely." 

Seonghwa was actually a man?!

From beside Dohyun emerged a series of muffled chokes, Byung Ho's face was red, flabbergasted to say the least. 

"She- he- he- she", Byung Ho spewed while pointing his finger, he couldn't make sense of what to say. 

"An Byung Ho-ssi, I know he's pretty as a girl and as a man but isn't it a bit rude to point fingers?" Mee Yon remarked. 

Ignoring her comment, he turned to Dohyun, "H-hyung, you surely don't expect me to pro-" 

"They must have their reasons Byung Ho, like Mee Yon-ssi said, you can ask along the way. But right now, we should get going, the sun will rise soon, it would be best to avoid the crowds." Turning to Seonghwa he added, "Seonghwa-ssi, don't be offended by his random remarks." 

Dohyun made his way to his horse and the rest followed, Jaeyong rode beside him while Sam Mee Yon and Seonghwa behind them followed by Minhye and Byung Ho, Byung Ho following further behind. Jang Ji Ah led them as their first stop would be at Red Flower Town. 

"Dohyun-ssi, you have quite many guards, is the person you're looking for worthy of preparing this much?" Sam Mee Yon questioned from behind.

"Perhaps", Dohyun replied, "At the moment it is still hard for us to tell." 

"Ah", Mee Yon let out. 

"Mee Yon-ssi, how are you certain about the cloth you speak of? I do know that there are many materials and designs but one could be so unique to a certain place?" Dohyun asked, turning his head around. 

"Yes, it is quite unique to that place. The cloth itself is made of silk but not from regular silk harvested from silkworms, it comes from the fibers of lotus roots. I guess the process is complicated and takes years to master, with that they dye the silk light pink. Certain patterns are also observed which makes it easy to tell from the blink of an eye. I've often wondered what that cloth has been doing in the hands of someone from the Golden Capital, maybe it was always a sign for me to return." 

"You mentioned before it was your birthplace, how did you come to live in the Golden Capital?" Dohyun asked. 

"Haha one question at a time Dohyun-ssi, you must be from a wealthy family, what do you do?" Mee Yon asked instead. 

What did he do? Well first of all he was a prince and… and what? Study? Sparring? Play music? Collected flowers as a hobby and leisurely spent his days? 

"I- My father has a lot of influence and I hope to work in the palace one day", perhaps that was what he wanted, to actually do something for the kingdom, to do something worthy of actually being called a prince. 

"A high-shooter I see", Mee Yon smiled. 

"What about you Mee Yon-ssi?" Dohyun asked. 

"Me? I guess that depends on what awaits me back at Saseum Maeul. Opening my own kisaeng house would be a nice start although I don't know if it will be very profitable in that far place." 

Dohyun was curious, she liked her profession? "There are many sorts of things to do Mee Yon-ssi, why do you still choose kisaeng?" he asked in a polite tone, careful not to sound discourteous. 

Sam Mee Yon let out a small laugh as she moved closer to him, stopping when their horses were aligned. 

"Yes", she brightly said. "You may not understand and other women probably become kisaengs because of the little choice they have but it is something that has intrigued me from the beginning." 

"Is that so?" Dohyun asked. 

Mee Yon batted her eyelashes and tilted her head with a seductive smile, any man would have fallen with such a simple act. After that she laughed. "The art of seduction." 

"You can say I envied the prettiest girls when I was younger, but with time you come to realize that beauty is not everything. It's the certain spark, the attraction and the way you can mesmerize a person that draws people to you.

Do tell if my language is too vulgar for your ears, I just find it interesting to see how different people react to such things." She said looking forward. 

"What things?" Dohyun asked.

"The nonsensical way some topics are considered taboo when it is in fact a very important and exhilarating aspect of human life. You do understand what I mean right, Dohyun-ssi. How do you think of it?" 

Dohyun took his time. "I think it is rare to meet a woman who speaks so openly Mee Yon-ssi, I also think that it is far from tradition although being far from tradition isn't necessarily bad." 

"What an open guy, I like you, too bad you…" 

Byung Ho interrupted,"He what? He's the finest specimen out there if I say so." 

Jaeyong, Minhye, and everyone else turned their heads to Byung Ho, what? He was just defending his highness.

Mee Yon shrugged, "Too bad you aren't my type." 

Byung Ho loudly scoffed, "Choosy women are the worst", he muttered under his breath. 

Dohyun chuckled, "I'll take the compliment, Mee Yon-ssi." 

For a long time, they openly conversed on the topics Mee Yon brought up, the other wonhwa inching closer and closer until there was hardly any space between them. Byung Ho still kept his distance and his weariness of Seonghwa, Dohyun really couldn't blame him. Seonghwa was a beautiful lady when they had primarily met, Byung Ho even helped with his ankle; the next time they met they found out he was only dressing as a woman, even more, his beauty was still admirable in mens clothing. 

Mee Yon laughed, "It seems there are many interested heads." 

Jung Ji Ah and Eun Jin Kyung exchanged a glance, after they removed the cloths on their faces, "Unnie, please share with us, we've never even heard of the other things you mentioned" Ji Ah expressed. "Yes unnie", "Please continue" , the others added, nodding their heads with curious eyes. 

Dohyun looked towards Jaeyong who was supposedly the leader, although Jaeyong just gave him the same expression he had. What the heck? 

Thinking about it, they all went into training at such young ages, they've probably never even worn make-up before or had the chance to talk about girly things. Perhaps Mee Yon could actually help them out and teach them a bit while she was at it. The girls seemed interested enough. 

"You can listen but stay alert, keep your eyes in front", Jaeyong said to the women, they were still traveling and weren't entirely sure they were safe. 

Although Dohyun, Jaeyong, Byung Ho, and Minhye weren't exactly interested, they still listened and learned a bunch of things too. Mee Yon did have a tendency to wander off of topics and talk about explicit things but they all treated it as a learning experience from an experienced woman. 

Nearing the evening they made their first stop at Red Flower Town, they would rest here for the night and leave again in the morning. It was more than apparent of how the name of the town came to be, red flowers grew on every corner of every street. Yang-gwibi, the flowers were a vibrant bright red, showy in nature. It also made Dohyun wonder why there were so many. 

Byung Ho talked to the Innkeeper, after a while he came back scratching his head, "You, will you share a room?" If one was only listening they've had no idea to what he was talking about but following his restless gaze it was clear he was referring to Seonghwa. He had no idea if he would share a room with the boys or with Sam Mee Yon, of course to outsiders it would seem despicable for an unmarried man and woman to share a room but their relationship wasn't like that. Anyway, it was driving Byung Ho nuts. 

"Seonghwa you should share a room with them now", Mee Yon said, Seonghwa only nodded his head. With his hair tied up, he had an adorable appeal. Byung Ho couldn't tell if he also just had a certain hint to his eyes or all this "art of seduction" talk by Mee Yon had rubbed off on him. For now it was best to just keep his distance… it would have been easy to do if he weren't the one assigned to protect him! 

"Right…" Byung Ho said, returning to where the innkeeper was standing. A moment later he waved his arm telling them to come in. 

The wonhwa were eager to share a room with Sam Mee Yon and so during their shift, they would take turns on who guarded outside and who stayed inside listening to the other woman talk. 

On the other hand, Byung Ho, Minhye, and Seonghwa shared a room. Beside them was Dohyun's and Jaeyong's room, Byung Ho of course had to make a scene about who should be with Dohyun though mostly because he felt weird next to Seonghwa. You could say his reaction was stronger than the others due to the fact that he himself previously agreed Seonghwa was quite a beauty. 

Right now there really wasn't much to do aside from waiting till dawn, all their plans have been made and most are yet to be carried out until they arrive at Sasaeum Maeul. Dohyun stopped playing around with the books and other items in the room peeking out the window, "Hyung, why don't we visit the other room and see what they're doing?" To be honest, Dohyun was reaching his limit for boredom, also because he still felt shy every time he faced Jaeyong for long periods of time. 

Jaeyong only nodded his head and followed after him, the door to their right emerged with giggles and muffled laughter while the left was unusually silent. He knocked a few times before Seonghwa opened the door with wide eyes, "Bu Dohyun-ssi…" 

Dohyun smiled and peeked in, "Do you mind if we come over for a while, it's still early, I thought we could all talk or if you guys want to…?" 

"Ah, of course, come in", Seonghwa said stepping to the side then taking his seat near the door. 

Minhye sat down at the small table in the middle of the room while Byung Ho stood to the back of the room looking out the window. Minhye seemed pretty chill and Seonghwa didn't seem to mind either, but Byung Ho's awkwardness hovered over the room. 

"It seemed the ladies were enjoying their time over in the other room", Dohyun started as he sat near Minhye, Jaeyong sitting beside him. 

Seonghwa spoke from the corner of the room, his voice colder and more serious, "Dohyun-ssi, why did you agree to help noona? You could have easily forced it out of her if you wanted to, I don't understand." 

Dohyun was caught off-guard with his sudden change in character and question, he turned around to completely face him. "It's true, I could have. But we're not that kind of people, it was also up to Sam Mee Yon-ssi to decide if she would tell us the truth or not, nevertheless, there would be no reason to force someone to help us." 

"Then what if she did lie about the place, what if she made it all up, you know, Sasaem Maeul, the pink cloth", Seonghwa said. Dohyun couldn't tell what he was trying to insinuate. 

"Then she must have had her reasons", Dohyun replied. 

Seeing this was his answer to Seonghwa's odd questions, he later smiled, "Don't worry Dohyun-ssi, Mee Yon unnie never lies." 

Dohyun was confused, it was okay to say that the others were too, "Then why did you ask me that?" 

Seonghwa tilted his head and shrugged, "To be honest, I thought you people were hypocrites who couldn't even see their hypocrisy, I still kinda do." 

"When we first met, him over there regarded us just like all men do, if you're his master, what would make you any different. You're also rich and powerful considering that you can afford this much. The rich and powerful are best to be avoided." 

"But you're also the first people Mee Yon unnie trusted this much despite knowing nothing about you, it makes me wonder why. But then again, you weren't one to judge fast as she talked, you also listened well and did not silence her, Dohyun-ssi you're rather peculiar." 

Seonghwa seemed drastically different from other times, he also seemed to have relaxed and openly voiced his thoughts and suspicions. He was like Seung Hyun Ki with more attitude. 

"I also find you peculiar as well Seonghwa-ssi", Dohyun smiled to the boy who now moved over to them. He was oddly weird, introverted at first but after breaking the ice, he seemed much more bubbly and daring, the boyishness of him surfacing. 

Dohyun chuckled to himself gathering the attention of the others, "I just thought that you and Jaeyong hyung, I've met you both in similar circumstances, but that would be another story." Dohyun poured them tea, "Seonghwa-ssi what is your story? That is if you're willing to tell, I'm purely curious to why you were dressed as a woman back at the kisaeng house. And Byung Ho, come over here and join us." 

"Hmm, it is a long-short story", Seonghwa started, his voice was soft and feminine like Mee Yons, the way he brought himself was also feminine. "All I can remember from my childhood was being picked up by Mee Yon unnie on the street. She then brought me along with her wherever she went, eventually she joined a kisaeng house somewhere and made enough for both of us. 

When I was older I asked her if I could help out at the kisaeng house but because I was a boy, I wouldn't be able to get in. So I dressed up as a girl and since then, I followed un- noona to all the kisaeng houses she went to, eventually we just ended up staying longer at the Golden Capital. She did her duties and I cleaned the house along with the other girls. And that's just about it, to be honest I felt somewhat weird wearing men's clothing again after so long, I also like how women's clothes are much prettier. " He said tugging on the bright norigae that contrasted his dark clothes. 

Dohyun couldn't help but smile at the brightly colored item, he had one too when he was younger but somehow lost it outside; it was said that norigaes only used to be for women to wear as decorational items to their hanboks but during the reign of the late king, men started wearing them as well. Although he didn't wear any since he lost the one he had as a child, he just never thought of finding something else. 

"Indeed", Dohyun said. 

Minhye spoke, "Seonghwa-ssi, you mentioned Mee Yon-ssi picked you up, that means you are not related?" 

Seonghwa nodded his head, "All I could remember was my name, Seonghwa, so Mee Yon noona said I can be Sam Seonghwa." 

Byung Ho suddenly asked, "Your ankle, is your ankle alright?" 

That was already a few days passed, Seonghwa still nodded his head. How random. 

Byung Ho also seemed to realize that he was just speaking his mind and snapped out of it, "I- , I think I'm going to rest now." With that, he turned around and headed straight to his bed without turning back. 

Dohyun, "We seemed to have chatted for a while now, we should take our rest too. Oh, Seonghwa and Mee Yon-ssi are truly admirable people", Dohyun remarked before standing up. Mee Yon's reason to have cared for Seonghwa at such a young age was unknown to them but they all knew that it wouldn't have been easy for anyone to persevere out there alone.