Chapter 34 - Rescue

The interior of the shop was old and dirty, packed with men, a gambling den. As they entered they earned a few cautious looks here and there but the people quickly returned to their business. A few women made their advances towards the two to which they politely declined. The stench of beer and sweat permeated through the air causing Dohyun to suppress a gag. 

Vulgar music was being played in the corner and in the audience were more men enjoying the attention from the entertaining women. It was an unsightly scene. Dohyun's eyes searched the room for the kid they saw earlier, eventually he spotted the small trembling figure curled up in a ball to the side of one of the tables. 

"Alright, if you win this round you can take this healthy boy as your servant!" The man from earlier announced slamming his fist on the table earning a round of cheers from the observing people. 

Dohyun unconsciously moved forward to which he was pulled back by Jaeyong who slowly shook his head, he soon realized that there were too many people here, they were easily outnumbered. Causing trouble was the last thing they wanted. 

But what was he going to do? The poor boy was being tossed around like some trophy among the winners, it was repulsive. The man then tossed two dice in a cup and mixed them up, he then let them roll out onto the table, "Ha! I'd give up now if I were you!" He laughed. His opponent then took the die and copied his motions rolling them out onto the wooden table. The people around burst into laughter, "He told ya!" "Your luck sure is bad" "Hahaha I knew it!" 

The longer the two watched, the more Dohyun's blood began to boil inside. Such a place existed… He would have them all arrested for illegal activities soon enough. Just right now, they were powerless and alone. The only way he would be able to get that kid out of here was by playing, and winning. 

The person who seemed to be playing the referee shouted, "Who wants to challenge next for the kid?" 

"I do", Dohyun calmly said, all heads slowly turning to him. Jaeyong squeezed his hand once, his expression telling him to be careful. "It's fine, it's just a game", Dohyun assured. Walking up to the table, the man gave him a head to toe look before spitting to the side. "I'm sorry but that's not how we play around here." 

The referee spoke, "If you want to challenge this big guy here, you at least have to be a worthy opponent, start over there", he said pointing to the corner of the room, "Once you can beat all of the other players, you get a chance to play here. That's just the rules for newcomers." 

There were at least five different tables with people already waiting in line, it would take at least an hour to get through half of them. Dohyun tried to focus his gaze to the side, thinking of what he should do. 

"Dohyun…" Jaeyong said standing in front of him, "I can win them all", he said with an assertive tone. He wanted to take Dohyun away from here, away from these disgusting people but he would follow in whatever direction Dohyun wanted. 

Dohyun looked up at him, "You can?" he asked. "Yeah", Jaeyong replied, "The harder games rely on luck but the others can be basically won by estimating." Dohyun didn't fully understand what he meant by 'estimating' but the assuredness in his tone was confident but not boastful. 

The first two tables were card games, Dohyun had no idea how to play but Jaeyong seemed to be well-versed, laying down certain cards and keeping certain cards, he looked like he knew the game by the back of his hand. 

Just like he said, he won game after game. Moving on to different tables, reaching closer and closer to the one in front. 

"Tsk", someone clicked their tongue in annoyance, "another win." After that, Jaeyong stood up again but moved closer to Dohyun before moving on to the next table, "The following games rely on pure luck, we might not always win…" he said. 

"I… I think you'll win hyung", Dohyun said with a determined face. With that, Jaeyong eyed the next table before taking his seat. Without realizing, Dohyun had been silently cheering him on every game since the start, after every win, he'd sigh in relief and also admire the other's skills. 'Did the wonhwa often play such games?' He thought. 

After that, they had a few wins and a few losses but the losses didn't matter since Jaeyong would always win the second time around. Eventually, some time later, he won the last game to be played before playing against the so-called best player. His game was also a game of luck so what was the big deal? 

"Hey boss looks like they actually made it", one of the watchers mocked. By now a lot of interest has been thrown towards them, they actually played each of the games and eventually won. The onlookers were naturally interested in the newcomers who exhibited such talent, although it was all Jaeyong to be exact. 

'Boss' chuckled, "Well since you've worked hard, it would be only fair to give you a chance" he said. "I'll play against you", he added, pointing to Dohyun. None of them knew why he specifically chose dohyun but if he had actually been watching them all this time, he might have noticed that it was Jaeyong who won all the games. "You're the one who wanted to challenge me earlier, right?" He was quick with his words. In that case Dohyun would have to accept. 

Jaeyong nodded his head, either way the winner was determined on who rolled a larger sum, it was all luck. Dohyun took his seat, from the corner of his eye, the child was still there, shivering in fear curled up into a ball, having a closer look, he could see the bruises and scratches he had all over his body. "You seem to be quite interested in the brat", Boss said. Dohyun didn't want to reveal his true intentions and cause them to suspect him for being an official, he nonchalantly said, "I just needed a new errand boy." 

"Hmm, I'm actually in need of one too", the man said, eyeing the thing roughly, "Let's make a deal, we'll both throw two times, whoever has the highest of course wins." 

His proposed deal could go both ways for either of them, but it wasn't like he was asking Dohyun if he agreed, he simply was stating that that was how they were going to play the game. "Then, may the luckier man win", Dohyun replied. 

The man played first, scoring six and five. He then gave the cup and the die to Dohyun, he shook the cup while silently praying for a slightly higher score. Unfortunately, he rolled a four and a three. He would have to really roll higher numbers next time. 

Jaeyong suddenly interrupted, "I forgot, may we use these dice instead? These are actually this young master's lucky dice, there shouldn't be a problem right?" He said holding up the die for everyone to see. The people shrugged in unison, there wouldn't be any reason to say no. 

Boss clenched his teeth as he grabbed the dice from Jaeyong. His expression was slightly different but his confidence was unwavering, he still shook the cup with his head up. Two and three. 

A series of low gasps came from all over, the game was getting tight. Dohyun then took a deep breath before shaking the cup and rolling the dice. He had no idea why Jaeyong suddenly asked to use the dice he had, perhaps it was actually his lucky dice? Dohyun opened his eyes seeing he had rolled two fives. Altogether he was just one point higher than the man, that meant he won, the kid would go to him! 

The man grunted in frustration but ever so quickly schooled his expression, he said with a full face of laughter, "My, my, it has surely been a long time since anyone had defeated me. I feel refreshed for once." He nodded his head to one of the guys who disappeared into the crowd only to reappear carrying three cups and a bottle. 

"Since I haven't been defeated in so long I should surely reward our winners with a drink before their leave." With that he poured three cups, and the watchers cheered. The man offered the cups to Dohyun and Jaeyong, they wanted to decline, seeing that he raised his brow. "Surely you'll accept my offer right? A single drink shouldn't be a problem, that is unless... " "Unless what?" the referee asked. 

"...Unless you are actually spies from the officials office", he said half-meant and half-joking. They were pressured into drinking, it was fine though, they won and got to take the boy, a single drink wouldn't be that much of a problem. The man raised his cup and took a sip, both Dohyun and Jaeyong also reluctantly took a sip. 

Whatever it was, it sure was strong, strong enough to instantly make Dohyun's legs wobble. "Dohyun!" Jaeyong gasped, but it was too late, they both fell to the ground out-cold. 

"Lock 'em up out back", the man said with a smug face. 

Back at the inn Byung Ho and Minhye had long returned from searching their areas of the village, it was evening but Dohyun and Jaeyong were yet to return. The wonhwa also had not seen them since their departure this morning. 

"They should have been back by now", Minhye mumbled. Byung Ho clicked his tongue, "I have a bad feeling about this." 

Mee Yon who had heard their conversation expressed her worry, "Could it be that they had run into trouble on the way back?" 

Minhye shook his head, "Jaeyong should have been able to take care of most things…" 

"That's it, we're going", Byung Ho said, grabbing his sword, "You, stay here and watch over them, the rest come with us", he said to one of the wonhwa. "They took the east part of the village, we'll head there now." 

"Do be careful", Mee Yon said as she clasped her hands. "Don't worry Mee Yon-ssi", Minhye said, "We should be back soon." 

They made their way to the east side of the village, only a few large shops were open, there were hardly any people to be exact. Earlier, Byung Ho had asked a passing person about the eastern areas of the village only for that person to say that they were seeking trouble by going there. 

The first place was another inn, it was vacant and no traces of the two were there. The place ahead was louder as music was being played. Outside a number of dancers leaped around and enchantingly moved their bodies. The place was denser and it wouldn't be easy to find the two from just looking. Minhye and Byung Ho decided to try and go find out what was going on at the place, they asked the wonhwa to stay behind and observe for the meantime. 

Two highly drunk men were seated outside watching the dancers, their heads bobbed as they fought the urge to fall asleep. Minhye took it as his chance to ask around, "Excuse me, what's all the celebration for?" he asked, scanning the crowds. 

The two men cheered and hardly made any sense when they spoke, mostly slurring on half of their words, "Big boss… party… newcomers defeated ahhahah!" 

Newcomers? Could they mean Dohyun and Jaeyong? 

Byung Ho grabbed the man and shook him around a little bit, catching his attention, "What did the newcomers look like? Where are they now?" The man's head bobbed again as if falling asleep, but then suddenly sprung up, "handsome ahahahahaha, outback? Hahahah, the dancers look pretty!" 

Byung Ho pushed him away dusting his hand on his outrobe, "Useless, absolutely useless", he muttered. 

"Wait!" Minhye said, "Outback? As in the back of that building? Handsome would be both of them, we have to get inside." 

Although there was one big problem, two large men guarded the doors and it didn't seem like they were letting anyone enter aside from the dancers. Minhye rushed to the back of the building, there was nothing so they had to be inside. "Byung Ho let's go back for now, the wonhwa might be able to get in." 

With that, they returned to the inn, the wonhwa understood that they were the only ones who could enter. But before that they would have to change out of their dark clothes to something brighter.

"Have you not found them?" Mee Yon asked as they arrived. Minhye briefly explained the situation to her, also asking her to help with the wonhwa's clothes. "What did you say this place was?" She asked. 

"It seemed to be a gambling den, but there were also many entertainers", Minhye said. 

Mee Yon glanced at Seonghwa, "This won't do, let me and Seonghwa go instead." 

"What do you mean?" Byung Ho asked, "It could be very dangerous and we're not even sure if they are the one's the people were talking about." 

"We've been in far more dangerous situations than basic gambling dens. Listen to me first, Ji Ah and the others are not entertainers, they wouldn't be able to dance if they were suddenly called to, even more so, they won't be good at accepting the disgusting offers of the trash men there. 

On the other hand, Seonghwa and I would be able to freely sneak around faster, if something goes wrong you all should be prepared and waiting outside." 

Back at the gambling den. Dohyun slowly blinked his eyes open, his mouth was dry and he couldn't move his hands or feet. "Ahjussi!" a small voice yelped, it was the kid from earlier, he was also tied up. 

Realizing that his hands and feet were bound together by ropes he twisted his neck side to side looking for Jaeyong, "Hyung? Hyung??" he urged. 

From behind him a strained groan sounded, "I'm here" Jaeyong's voice said. Dohyun squiremed closer to him, looking for any injuries. Aside from the small scratch on his forehead, he seemed to be fine, just waking up from the effects of whatever was in that drink. "It's my fault", Dohyun said, gritting his teeth. 

Jaeyong fully snapped out of it now and shook his head, "It's not, it was those bastards who spiked us." A moment later he added, "Can you move?" 

Dohyun tried to stand up but the ropes on his feet were connected to the ones around his wrists, "I can but I can't stand up." 

"What about you?" Jaeyong said to the kid. "Me? I- I can but my arms are also tied shut, ahjussi, I'm so sorry!" 

Dohyun sighed, "How'd you get yourself into this place anyway?" His head throbbed every time he spoke, the effects of the drugs were still in his system, Jaeyong had to be feeling the same way. 

"He's my father", the kid admitted in a small voice lowering his head. "Your father?!" Dohyun repeated, confused. "Yes", the kid responded. 

That man was his father? How could someone? 

In that moment he realized that kid was not a kid in that person's eyes but rather a disposable item he made bets with. 

Suddenly his head throbbed causing him to groan. "Dohyun!" Jaeyong said inching closer to him, "I'm fine, it's just my head is killing me" he let out. "Hyung, first let's think of what to do." 

"Hey kid", Dohyun said, "Do you know where we are right now?" The kid nodded his head, "In the back… we're in the room he locks me up in." Dohyun nodded his head, "Alright, is there any way we can get out of here?" The kid looked towards the door, "That's the only way out, he carries the keys with him all the time." 

Dohyun seemed to understand that they were currently locked up in a small room, there were no windows or actually anything inside, even a bed. How could one keep a child here? 

"Come here and try to untie me first", Jaeyong said. Since he was the only one who could at least stand up, he was their best chance at getting out right now. The kid stood up, he should be around the height of Dohyun's stomach, he made his way to where Jaeyong was laid down and carefully started pulling at the ropes. 

It was only a few minutes later soft weeping escaped the kid's mouth as he desperately tugged at the ropes. "Hey, hey", Dohyun softly said, "Don't worry we came to get you okay so we're gonna make it out of here." The kid wiped his face, his eyes widening by the second, "Really?" he gulped. "Really", Dohyun said, "So try your best to untie Jaeyong hyung okay? What's your name?" 

"Hwang Hyun", the kid said. "Okay, keep going Hyun-ah." The kid nodded his head and focused his energy on untying Jaeyong. 

"Ji Ah-" "Byung-" Dohyun and Jaeyong spoke at the same time. Jaeyong spoke first, "The wonhwa should have noticed by now." "I was thinking the same thing, Byung Ho and Minhye won't sit still." 

"I did it", Hwang Hyun panted. Jaeyong's arms were now freed, he quickly moved on to the ropes at his feet. The areas that were bound by the ropes left dark purple marks on his skin, no doubt Dohyun's would be the same. 

He hurried to Dohyun who was laying sideways on the ground, with a gentle grip he holsted his head to rest on his thigh instead of the floor. In no time Dohyun's hands were free, soon followed by his feet. He held his wrists where the rope had been tightly tied and twisted his hand a few times. Seeing that, Jaeyong involuntarily snatched his hand into his own. An indecipherable expression spread across his face as he stared at the dark marks on Dohyun's wrists, ignoring the similar ones on his. 

"It's fine hyung, it doesn't hurt anymore", Dohyun offered. Even though Jaeyong did his best to hide it, Dohyun could tell he was vexed. Jaeyong held his hand a bit longer before his gaze darted towards the door. He made his way over and listened to what was going on outside, although only the faint sound of music and laughter could be heard. "Are we far from the entrance?" He said, speaking to Hwang Hyun. 

The boy nodded his head, "At the very back, outside is a room that leads to the main room…" Jaeyong proceeded to examine the door and the type of lock that was used. It couldn't have been that good since the only purpose was to keep a child inside. 

Dohyun moved back to Hwang Hyun whose hands were still bound together, "Come here", he said as he untied the knots. Hyun flinched at the pain but not a sound came from him. His arms were heavily bruised, Dohyun carefully lifted his shirt and what he feared was true, even worse. His whole body was covered in blue and yellow bruises indicating they were all from different times, "...did your father do this?" Dohyun said through clenched teeth. Hyun failed to respond but the expression on his face was all Dohyun needed. 

Unable to find a way to quietly open the door, Jaeyong commented, "We'll have to wait until someone opens it." Wait until someone opens the door and surprise them with an attack. Something Jaeyong wanted to avoid in the first place. 

Half an incense time later, Dohyun, Jaeyong, and Hwang Hyun had been waiting at the side of the door that hid them when it was opened. A few footsteps approached the door and the three tensed, waiting for it to open and strike. 

Clanking sounds came from outside and in no time the door was opened, just as Jaeyong was about to strike Dohyun caught his arm. It wasn't one of the men working there nor was it Hwang Hyun's father. 

"Mee Yon noona?!" This time not only Dohyun was shocked but also Jaeyong. Beside her was Seonghwa watching behind them, the people they least expected. "Hurry", she said, motioning for them to leave. 

"Wait!" Hwang Hyun called, "We have to go this way or else we'll be caught", he said pointing his arm in the opposite direction. Further into the room on the right was a door, most likely to lead them outside. Hwang Hyun led the way as the rest of them followed, once they reached the door they were instantly surrounded by a number of people all drunk and singing, walking into each other. 

"Over there", Seonghwa pointed, further back into the forest the shadows of the wonhwa and the rest awaited. In a blink of an eye they ran towards that direction, no one noticed because they were all too drunk to even walk straight. Dohyun held Hwang Hyun's hand, scared he might get lost in the crowd and Jaeyong followed closely behind him. 

As they made their way closer to the rest, Byung Ho started to run out from where they were positioned, "Seonghwa!" 

Seonghwa was right with them, Dohyun thought. That was until he turned his head behind and realized he wasn't anymore. Mee Yon also seemed to have lost sight of him. Byung Ho made his way back over there to where they escaped from. 

"Let go of me!" Seonghwa struggled from the constant push and pulls from the drunken men, they groped and pulled at his hair asking him to show them his talents. One of the more sober men pulled him closer and held his face in one hand. Seonghwa was beyond annoyed with their disrespect and bullshit, he pushed the man away with all his might, yelling, "You fucking pig, I said don't touch me!" 

With his voice that loud, all the softness he used when speaking was gone. The man stumbled back but quickly regained his balance, "You!" "You're not a woman aren't you?! Did you hear that everyone? A freaking crossdresser!" 

Dumbfounded for being exposed, Seonghwa froze at the mention of 'crossdresser' , giving enough time for the man to grab his wrist. His grip was tight and harder than before causing him to wince in pain as he twisted his wrist. 

Before Seonghwa could process what happened next, the man who was holding his wrist was already flat against the ground with blood gushing out of his face, the other people backed up from the sight. Some screamed in fear but again, they were all too drunk to even understand what was going on. 

The man's eyes widened as Byung Ho closed the wide gap between them, whispering in his ear, "If you ever grab someone against that person's will or insult someone for crossdressing again, more than just your nose will be broken." 

Without even waiting for a response Byung Ho turned back to Seonghwa, "Are you alright?" Seonghwa nodded his head whispering a "Thank you" before they took off running back to the group again, this time Byung Ho followed from behind. 

Dohyun and Jaeyong were still in a drought of their strength and had trouble standing by themselves, the wonhwa assisted both of them on each side. Minhye sighed, "Let's get back." 

"What, what about Hwang Hyun, where is he?" Dohyun let out. 

"He's fine", Park Hee Young said from behind, beside her was the little boy. Dohyun had only planned on rescuing the boy but it turned out, they were the ones rescued instead.