Now they are in the village it seams that the village is empty and now harry asked what should we do now then bot sandy said first lets explore the village and if you see anyone ask them about what happened here, then gani said let's divide into two groups and start exploring the village so they dived into two groups in 1st group gani, harry, sandy were there and now in the second group binnu, datta and Rame were and now the group 1 decided to go in the east direction and the second group decided to go in the west. while exploring in the east direction they found an old man shouting like "leave this place or else you will die" then harry approached the old man and asked hey old man what happened here then the old man replied that there are ghosts in this village the ghosts are killing all people in the village and said if you want to live then immediately leave this village then gani asked the old man do you know in which direction the ghost are there, then the old man told them they are coming in this direction by saving that he disappeared into the thin because he was already attacked by the ghost now the three friends decided to kill the ghosts to increase their power levels and get the extra points . Now from the direction four ghosts are coming gani said take your weapons and get ready to kill the ghosts , the four ghosts are female ghosts now immediately bot sandy skill got activated and the ghosts were attracted by sandy then harry and gani be like , then immediately both of them killed the ghosts using their swords then sandy be like what is this man ("are anti ra idi") why u killed them they were so cute then gani replied if you say one more word we both of them will kill U. After killing the ghosts their power lvl goes up gani lvl goes up to level 27, harry level goes to lvl 23 and sandy lvl goes to lvl 13,and each of them got extra points 20 each .And now they decided to go back.

On the other side the remaining friends are exploring the west side of the village and they found a building on the gate having the sign board like 'head office' they went into the building and rame said that I will search in the library and u both search in the other places for the clues . And then the three of them are started searching for the clues ,while searching in the library rame found a map on the table in the library and immediately called the remaining two friends to see the map by seeing the map datta tells it is map that leads from this village to the city and then by taking the map they left the building and started to go back to meet their remaining friends on their way back the ghosts spirits attacked them then with power of the blue fire binnu killed 4 ghosts and with rame special power using his special eyes he manipulated their brains in such a way that both of the ghosts died by killing each other now 3 of have earned

extra points like each one them have earned 20 points each and their power lvl also increased .After some time all of the friends met at on point and discussed things happen on the way then harry asked datta about the map in his hand and then datta told that this is a map for going to a nearby city from this village at that city we can collect the more information about this place and 6 kingdoms. now lets take rest here for their night as it is getting darker tomorrow morning we can start our journey to the city. then they searched for a building to sleep at the night and binnu has the storage bag in that the food is available for all of the six members to eat for the six days and 10 energy drinks left so they decided to use the energy drinks whenever necessary . so they eat the food and taken decided to take the rest then sandy is frightened due to the darkness then binnu torched the light using his fire power and all of them slept ….