
Alivia entered the room and bowed.

"Describe what you saw," Alistair said.

Alivia took a deep breath and started describing everything she saw.

Alistair thought," She is telling the truth."

He knows a few spells to search Alivia's soul.

But there is no point, as he is already sure it was Orange Light Academy.

And even if he soul searches, he can only know what Alivia knows, nothing more.

He sighed and sent Alivia away.

"I can complete the plan and run to hell with the pill container. It's not ideal, but it is the best option."

Hell is much more dangerous than the mage world.

Low-ranking demons are entirely enslaved by higher-ranking demons.

However, unlike many people's imagination, it's not chaotic.

The 9 demon kings firmly control everyone else.

Low-ranking demons are incredibly chaotic and evil, unlike low-ranking mages, who are generally good.

However, as rank increases, demons become more lawful, and mages become indifferent.

For demons, it's because they can resist the corruption of the dark element.

For mages, it's for two reasons.

First is natural selection.

Only mages who dedicate their life to advancing their mage paths succeed.

Kind people who spend their lives helping others are likely stuck in their ranks and die of old age.

The other reason is that pure energy changes people in the long run.

Just like the dark element that corrupts people, pure energy also wipes away people's emotions.

While it's not impossible to resist this, most mages still change over time.

As a result, high-ranking demons are similar to high-ranking mages.

Both care only about advancing their path in any way possible.

As Alistair was sitting at his desk and thinking about his future plans, the door opened, and a woman entered!

Alistair was surprised!

He stood up and said, "Dean? You are out of closed-door meditation?"

He bowed slightly and felt a terrible danger!

He was a mage at the peak of rank 4.

However, in front of the Dean, who was at the peak of rank 5, he could not even run!

And that is not considering the protective formation of the academy.

"Yeah, I have been meditating, but suddenly felt terrible! Do you know where that feeling comes from?" Dean Sun asked.

"yeah. Of course! It's the Orange Light Academy!" Alistair said seriously.

"No, that's not what I felt! I felt something from inside the academy, like a traitor. Do we have anyone who might betray the academy?"

Alistair said with worry," Traitor in the academy? Who? Just mention it, and I will personally fry them, Dean!"

"Actually, I know who it is!" Sun said.

She snapped his finger, and Alistair froze!

"How dare you betray me?" she said with disgust.

The academy has a rank 9 protecting formation.

It was the remains of the old seven-color academy.

Sun can't control all of it, but even controlling a tiny part is not something even rank 7 mages could resist.

Now, she imprisoned Alistair with the power of the rank 9 formations.

He has no chance of running.

The White Light Academy sent a letter to her about what Alistair was doing.

Usually, she stores her mana in the rank 6 magic treasure, the 'external mana pool,' preparing for breaking through rank 6.

But when she heard about Alistair, she got furious.

She wanted to wait longer, to see him betraying with her own eyes.

But the orange light attacked, and she could not risk keeping a traitor in.

She snapped her finger again, and Alister was gone.

He was not dead, just imprisoned somewhere safe!

Then, she sighed and called all deputy deans to a meeting.


In a room with 8 seats seats, 7 people were sitting.

At the highest seat was a woman with white skin, brown eyes, and beautiful facial features.

She looked very young.

The right seat of the first row was empty.

Mage Kobi, who was a man with black skin, said," It's so unbelievable that Alistair died just like this!"

Mage Terrell, a very muscular man, nodded and said," Now, we have only 6 deputy deans! Our power has significantly decreased in the face of Orange Light!

The Dean informed them a while ago that Alistair had died trying to break through rank 5.

Everyone has doubts but can't voice them in front of the Dean.

Dean Sun said, "Robels kingdom's territory is given to mage kobi to keep until we have another rank 4 deputy dean. I want everyone to put aside this matter and focus on the Orange Light Academy. What do we know?"

Mage Holt, a scholar-looking man, said," This time, they are most likely planning to get the magic treasure 'reverse shooting star' again!"

"According to my inquiries, the Red Light Academy is also helping them!"

Mage Solis, who was a man with a bald head, said," Are you serious? Are they going for a total war over a treasure?"

Dean Sun said, "I will request the White Light Academy for assistance. Meantime, mage Holt is assigned to the border to keep an eye on their movements."

"Others are directed to set meditating aside and prepare for possible war."

"I want a comprehensive report of the Orange Light's force near our border.

"When that report is ready, we will have another meeting."

"This meeting is over."

Sun left the room, and other deputy deans followed and left.


Owen was sitting in the throne room, his face very pale!

"Ancestor died! died?"

He was like ice, barely even breathing.

In the last 30,000 years, the ancestor of the Robels kingdom was always present!

Without an ancestor, the Robels kingdom is finished!

"I would have never imagined that I would be the last king from the Robels dynasty!" Owen said to Rachel with extreme disappointment.

"What are you talking about? You have me, remember? You don't need anyone! It's a blessing in disguise! Alistair was going to kill you."

"Shut up! Ancestor would have never hurt me!"

"Whatever! he is dead now! What is your plan?"

"What plan? We are done! They would throw us out in the best-case scenario!"

"Hey, you have rank 8 talent! You are valuable to them, even without Alistair!" Rachel said.

"I hope your right!"


The second day of the ninth month of year 989958

To Owen's surprise, after Alistair died, nothing happened!

It was announced that the ancestor of the Kobi kingdom is now taking over.

For Owen, that was a relief.

After all, his mother was from the Kobi kingdom.

Rose, his wife, is also from the Kobi kingdom.

Their ancestor taking over is the best-case scenario.

The next surprise was that Doris had exceptional mage talent!

This made Owen extremely happy!

He decided that if his future sons wouldn't have mage talent, he would give the throne to Doris!

Mage talent is essential for mage advancement.

The higher the talent, the sooner one can absorb pure energy and the lower the chance of failure in any breakthrough.


Dean Sun read the letter from the White Light Academy and frowned!

They wrote that a deal was negotiated to give Invisible Light the rank 7 'reverse shooting star.'

None could agree with the other side having it, so they gave it to the neutral force.

"white light sold us ower!" Dean Sun smiled bitterly.

She wrote back and agreed to the deal.

She didn't have any choice.

Destroying an academy entirely academy is impossible, but without the help of white light, they couldn't resist the combined force of orange and red.

But the real reason was that Sun was eyeing rank 6.

With the 'external mana pool,' reaching rank 6 is not entirely impossible.

"I need peace! War would hamper my progress! So what if I have a rank 7 treasure if I die of old age?"

With that, the peace returned to the area.


Owen looked at the people who were below him.

When it was known to all that Robels kingdom's ancestors had died, his position as a king became shaky.

He might have already been dethroned if not for him being a mage and a Deputy Dean Kobi's relative.

Still, Mage Nell no longer attended the meetings and returned to the Blue Light Academy.

Owen signed and said," Report."

Josef Santana started, "Your majesty, Nobels outright refuse to respect court decisions. I have sent them many warnings, but they refuse!"

After Alistair's news spread, Robels kingdom's prestige was significantly damaged.

With Owen unwilling to send an army, Nobles got bold and started defying him again.

"What is your recommendation?" Owen asked!

Josef said, "Your majesty, we must send an army. Otherwise, they may completely break off from the kingdom."

Owen signed and said, "Next!"

Josef started talking again: "Many people within the government have been bribed by the Nobles! Firing them may cause great dysfunction! However, I recommend them anyway!"

Owen said, "Next!"

Josef started talking again, "Neighboring kingdoms are increasing trade barriers with us, with some claiming we are not a legitimate kingdom!"

Owen gritted his teeth and wanted to say 'next' but stopped.

He asked in his mind," Rachel, what should I do?"

"Leave here and go to some cave! Use a lot of pills, advance there, and come back when you are ranked 4!"

Initially, Rachel was uneasy about becoming a pill container and wanted to become human again.

But now, she is very comfortable and is enjoying it.

As a pill container, she has an unlimited lifespan and progress without needing to do anything.

Just need a good host.

She also anticipates getting new skills and wants Owen to progress faster.

She believes the kingdom has no benefit and only wastes Owens's time.

"But, the Robels kingdom would be gone!" Owen said.

"So what? You can create as many Robels kingdoms as you want when you are powerful!"

Owen closed his eyes and, after a moment, opened them with determination!

"We are going to war! prepere everything!" Owen said firmly.

"You are wrong," Rachel warned.

"I can't abandon robels kingdom. I was making progress to make living easy for people! I can't leave them now!"

Everyone bowed and left.

Owen also left and entered the meditation room.

He took out the pill container and took two pills from it.

Two rank 1 root mana pills!

"Hey, today you only can use one root mana pill!" Rachel said.

"Please, Rachel, do you have a faster way to reach rank 2?" Owen begged.

"No, also, using two root mana pills in one day would speed up your progress in the short run but slow it down in the long run! Thanks to me, you have a solid foundation, and your chance for rank 2 is great! Don't ruin it!" she said.

Owen reluctantly returned one of the root mana pills to the container, put the other in his mouth, and swallowed.

A lot of pure energy entered his meridians and to his aperture.

His mana core is 40% of the size of his aperture.

Once it's the same size as his aperture, he can try to break through rank 2.

He wants to reach rank 2 quickly to protect his family and kingdom.

Without Alistair, they are very vulnerable.

After less than one hour, he opened his eyes and went out.

He is a family man now, so he must visit Doris regularly.

As for Rose, she is a rank 3 apprentice mage now.

With her mostly meditating, Doris is mostly alone with nannies.

Owen smiled as he saw Doris.

He is increasingly sure he wants to make Doris the next king.

Actually, Blue Light Academy allows women to become kings.

It's just mortal's culture that forbids it.

It can be changed.

Mortals have short lifespans and cannot see the bigger picture.

Owen has been to the Blue Light Academy and read some history books there.

10000 years ago, only women could have become kings.

That was the culture at that time.

20000 years ago, the oldest prince of princess became the king.

25000 years ago, it was the youngest child!

The youngest child system didn't last long and was replaced with the oldest child.

30000 years ago, it was only men who could become kings again!

In short, these things changed a lot.

Only mortal humans cannot see it because of their short sight.

However, mages with long lifespans have seen this thing so many times.

They don't care anymore.

Kingdoms discriminate against women today in every way.

However, Blue Light Academy, which has many women, doesn't care.

One reason is that they have been there when the situation was the opposite.

Owen looked at Doris, who was also looking at him carefully, and walked to the garden.

It was Doris's favorite place.