Baby Dragon

Corey returned to the hot-blooded city.

After the incident, he had just returned to the city because 'general' Zagronan had fled, and as deputy general, he couldn't control the dumb demons, so he had nothing to do.

As for the dumb demons, they had scattered around.

Corey reached his house and thought, "I must advance to my next job now; otherwise, it's not certain that I'll survive tomorrow."

There are great dangers in hell, as evidenced by the last war.

If he had arrived at the battle scene earlier, he may have died without having any chance to flee.

With this thought, he looked at the new sequence two job.

"Eyes of Miracle – conditions: 1000 XP, level 25, killing a sibling." Corey had already killed his brother, 'Ross,' while the chaos happened.

Ross attacked him first, and he acted in self-defense. Killing Ross wasn't difficult for him, given Corey's rank 2 battle strength.

The system asked him to confirm, displaying the previous warning again.

Corey tapped yes and collapsed.


He opened his eyes, and the world was different.

He felt like he could see every detail; his sight was indescribably high-resolution.

He ran to look at himself in the mirror.

"Finally!" he shouted. His eyes appeared changed, with his pupils emitting a bright green glow.

"What are my eye's abilities?" he thought.

Corey believed that the strongest abilities were those related to time and space, and he hoped to acquire one of them.

"But how can I use it?" he stared, dumbfounded.

"I should slowly learn!" With this thought, he sat down and started concentrating.


In heaven, it was another session of the Wisdom Council.

"What do you think? Do you agree?" said the God of War.

"Invading hell is indeed attractive, but he should be careful about the mages," said the God of Skies.

"Let's take a vote instead of engaging in useless debates," said the God of Calculations.

This debate had been going on for days, with the Gods of Magic and War trying to convince others to invade hell.

The vote ended 2-5, with five against, two in favor, and three not voting.

"This is a mistake! Something is seriously wrong in hell. We should at least send some spies," the God of Magic said.

"Let's make a deal with the mages," suggested the God of Kindness, one of the most influential gods.

"I concur," said the God of Joy.

"Let's take a vote," said the God of Calculations.

The proposal passed with a 5-5 vote, and the God of Kindness voting in favor.

"Those mages just attacked us! How can we expect them to help?" said the God of War, who voted against it.

The God of Connections, who voted for the proposal, said, "I think Dyer, who didn't attack last time, can convince them. I can lead the negotiations."

"Let's take a vote," said God of Calculations.

The vote passed 9-0, with the God of Connections not voting.

With this, the meeting concluded.


The tenth day of the sixth month of year 1000125

Dyer, who was sitting in the sealed meditation room, frowned.

"My luck is declining, and the reason is my clone, which is in hell. Something is going on in hell," he thought.

He ordered his clone in hell to self-destruct, then contacted Lewis and instructed him to do the same.

His luck improved after this action.

Then, he cast a "super ultra-long distance call" and directly connected to the God of Connections in heaven.

"Dyer, have you finally decided?" the God of Connections asked.

"Leave convincing the mages to me. We will help you," Dyer said.

Then, he disconnected the call and contacted other peak rank 9 mages.

Dyer was highly respected in the mage world, so he effortlessly convinced them that the actual threat was hell.

With that, mages and gods united against hell.


Zagronan was sitting in a special meditation room.

"Finally, the peak of rank 4! Now, I only need a lot of rank 4 bloodlines or some rank 5 bloodlines from Tanoth to advance," he said happily.

"I know where you can find the bloodlines. It's just that a rank 5 royal demon can easily kill you," said Rachel.

"Yeah, I hate royal demons!" he said.

"I've looked at the Reflection many times; the best and fastest way is to ask Elizabeth for the bloodlines. She has a weird liking for you, so she will probably lend you the bloodline," Rachel said.

"Elizabeth lending me bloodline? We've barely even met!" Zagronan said.

"Trust me," said Rachel with confidence.

Zagronan frowned, but after a few moments, he agreed.


Elizabeth was a rank 6 demon general responsible for defending the entire Hotblood city.

Iggad's army had three parts.

One was the Invasion branch, which comprised 36 sub-armies led by demon generals.

The other was the Defense Branch, which Elizabeth controlled.

The third was the 'Other' branch, which included spying, information gathering, and all specialized units.

A single sub-army from the Invasion branch is usually sufficient to resolve any situation.

Zagronan teleported near the 'Defense Branch' and entered.

As a general, they let him in without a problem.

Elizabeth was sitting in her office.

She usually guarded the gates, and when not watching the gates, she sat in her office to manage the Defense Branch. She only went to meet Iggad when he called her or something noteworthy happened.

Zagronan went in and said, "Elizabeth! Do you remember me?"

Elizabeth, wearing glasses, looked up and smiled, "Zagronan! Good to see you! Come and sit."

Zagronan sat and said, "Elizabeth, I need a rank 5 bloodline for my advancement."

Rachel almost shouted, "Idiot, you don't start with that! First, engage in some small talk and soften her up," she said.

Elizabeth's smile disappeared. "You came here for that?" she asked.

"Say no! Tell her you wanted to meet her. That's why you came!" Rachel almost lost her voice.

"Of course not! I'm here to meet you!" he said.

A smile returned to Elizabeth's lips, and she said, "Actually, I knew you would eventually come."

Then, she waved her hand, and Both were teleported to a torture chamber.

"Undress," said Elizabeth.

Zagronan, confused about why she had teleported them to a torture chamber instead of a bedroom.

"Zag, just remember what's about to happen is worth that rank 5 bloodline!" said Rachel while gritting her teeth.

"What is about to happen?" he asked.

Then, he saw Elizabeth taking out a very scary-looking whip and smiling at him.


Zagronan was looking at the small bottle in his hand.

It was rank 5 bloodline, taken from Elizabeth after that horror week.

"Zagronan, are you alright?" Rachel asked.

After that week, he hadn't spoken to her at all.

"Yeah, I'm better," he said.

Demons had high pain tolerance, and Zagronan, as a royal demon, was almost unshakable in the face of pain. But almost!

Elizabeth looked harmless, but in reality, she was a master of torture, so terrifying that even demons would cry.

"I wish I could forget that night like it never happened," said Zagronan with a deep sigh.

Although his physical wounds had healed, his mind was left with deep scars.

Rachel made a mental note asking the God of Fate to create a pill to erase memories.

"Now, Zag, let's advance to rank 5!" Rachel said.

"Okay," he replied.

He went to the meditation room and took the required pills. Then, he opened the small bottle and drank all of it.

A scorching feeling surged in his stomach; he had reached rank 5 before he knew it!

He was peak of rank 4 and only lacked the bloodline, so everything went smoothly.

"As expected. No new talents!" he said.

His primary talent had strengthened, but his other talents, acquired from other demons, remained at rank 1.

Stolen talents could not progress beyond their initial rank; they stayed as they were.

Rachel was looking at her new ability. "'Hidden in Hell? What is it?"

She activated it.

As soon as she activated it, all her Traces disappeared.

Be it luck, appearance, energy, pills... everything about her just vanished.

Even more astonishing was that her influence on Zagronan's luck also evaporated, so nobody could look at Zagronan's luck to detect her.

Rachel, who was observing the River of Time, smiled widely. "Now, I can finally make other Incarnations!" she thought. 'Hidden in Hell' concealed her luck and its effects in hell.

After all, the Incarnations are still related to her, so the skill should cover them.


Heavenly Rachel smiled and said, "God of Knowledge, I'm ready to be promoted to rank 5!"

The God of Knowledge, who was studying, replied, "Finally!"

Then, she created an avatar. The avatar was initially at rank 4.

She increased the avatar's strength, and as soon as it reached rank 5, Rachel progressed along with it.

This method exploited some loopholes.

The system's condition was that Rachel could promote along with the host. The host was the God of Knowledge, and the avatar was considered a part of her. As the avatar, a part of her advanced, the system considered it an advancement of the host, promoting Rachel to rank 5.

At first, she was unsure if it would work, but she discovered that it is indeed possible through experimentation.

After reaching rank 5, Rachel smiled and said, "Watch this." Then, she used 'Hidden in Heaven,' and her luck disappeared from heaven.

God of Fate could not predict the future but still noticed the difference in her own luck.

"This is so powerful! I don't feel your existence at all, even though you're in my hands!"


"Yeah, you can now join that research team without the risk of me getting exposed," she said.

Then, the God of Knowledge started teleporting towards the place where the other gods were conducting research.

Heavenly Rachel activated the 'Hellish Incarnation' skill.

Thanks to Hellish Rachel, their luck was now hidden in hell, eliminating the risk of exposure.

Another Rachel appeared somewhere in hell.


Corey picked up a weird thing that had just appeared before him.

"Who is this pig head? He looks like one of those dumb demons," Rachel, who had inherited all the memories of Heavenly Rachel, thought.

Corey took Rachel and opened her.

"Oh, a rank 0 pill! It's a trash pill container," he said, then crushed the pill container.

"No!" Rachel screamed, and she died.


Heavenly Rachel watched as the 'Hellish Incarnation' skill became deactivated.

"I felt a great deal of fear from that poor Hellish Incarnation! She must have encountered something terrible and died. After all, hell is dangerous."

Then, she activated the skill again without any problem.


The new Hellish Rachel appeared in a desert.

After waiting a day and not seeing anyone, she used the 'Hellish Box' skill to teleport to another random location in hell. Unexpectedly, the new area had mountains of treasure – gold, diamonds, and all kinds of valuables.

She decided to remain in this place, thinking that someone would definitely find her here.

Sure enough, after some time, a baby dragon arrived. Rachel saw this as a rare opportunity and changed her external appearance to look very shiny and valuable. The baby dragon looked around, found her, and picked her up along with many other treasures before running away.