'Limited' Modification

Zagronan was out in the open, sitting cross-legged. He preferred to be in a room but found no shelter in the wilderness.

He took out the rank 6 'jump rank' and gritted his teeth.

Over the years, Rachel had repeatedly reminded him that he finally decided to use it.

He initially planned to use an avatar to reach rank 6, as doing so himself would prevent him from returning to hell. However, after some persuasion, he changed his mind.

Rachel promised to give him a rank 7 'jump rank' later. In rank 7, enslavement is no longer a problem.

He was proud of his royal blood, but compared to reaching rank 7, he preferred the latter.

As for whether he can regain his royal demon status later, the answer is yes, he can. The condition is to consume the bloodline of a rank 6 royal demon from the Tanoth bloodline. It doesn't mean just some blood; the demon must be killed. He must take over the bloodline.

Regarding the substitution of a rank 6 bloodline with many rank 5 bloodlines, it's technically possible, but it would require an astonishing amount. It might be easier to kill a rank 7 royal demon instead of searching for many rank 5 royal demons for tens of thousands of years.

With a deep sigh, he swallowed the pill. He quickly felt his dark elements increase and transform into rank 6.

He promoted!

"'Jump rank' is weird. it's too good to be true!" Rachel thought.

After checking his talent, he sighed. It was still at rank 5.

From this moment forward, he is no longer a royal demon.

He will be enslaved like all regular demons if he returns to hell.

Additionally, because his talent is still at rank 5, he can only use two enhancing spells when casting rank 6 spells. Rank 6 spells are more complex, and with a rank 5 talent, he cannot add on seven enhancements like before.

Unlike the other talents he gained initially, his 'magic talent' could be promoted if he obtained a rank 6 bloodline. Because the bloodline owner of this talent, himself, is alive, allowing it to advance.

It is one of the reasons why nobody can become a complete royal demon if they are not born as one. They can become a royal demon, but the talent will get stuck and won't improve.

For talent to have the possibility of promotion, the Original owner must be alive.

"What is the new ability?" he asked Rachel.

"Hang on a minute," she said, checking it carefully.

The skill is called 'Limited Modification'. As for what it does, she has no idea.

"Let's just try it like always!" she activated the skill, and the world changed in her vision.

"Is it the matrix?" she thought, recalling a particular movie.

The world changed into particles, all made of strange characters.

She looked carefully and realized there were two colors: golden and black.

"It should be space and time, right? Like I can see the world beyond the surface," she mused.

"But it says 'modification,' so I can change it?" She looked further away.

"It's strange. I cannot see any 'hell and heaven.' Is it because I cannot see them from here, or do they not exist?" she thought.

She gazed further, finally reaching a specific place with many characters.

"It should be the boundary to hell?" She was surprised that she knew this intuitively.

"It seems the system is helping me somewhat understand what these characters are," she thought.

"Then, let's change it a little. I'm sure nothing big happens!"


Alys was searching the river of time, and the space.

The space had no illusory body like the river of time because its body is literally the world itself, making it much more difficult to search than time.

After a while, she turned off her spell.

She had access to the universal law 'existence,' so her spells were at rank 12. But still, she couldn't find any trace of the invader.

"No wonder 'Rachel' is so feared! Even with access to the best searching spells, I still cannot find a trace! Scary!"

Then, she looked at Corey.

She had marked him with many tracing spells, because he was considered part of 'Rachel,' hidden from all tracing. If he gets away, she won't be able to find him!

"That demon Zagronan, he is nowhere to be found!" she thought disappointedly.

"Maybe it's time for us to take it more seriously," she thought.

For now, she didn't have permission to disrupt the world too much, but as long as headquarters gave the permission, she was eager to use more invasive spells.

One spell that can be used is the rank 12 'compress space', which shrinks all space, allowing her to immediately search it entirely.

Compressing space would cause unrecoverable damage to the world, but if she used it, she could immediately eliminate all incarnations.

With rank 12 spells, finding some incarnation of 'Rachel' is very easy. It's just that rank 12 spells cannot be freely used in this rank 11 world without causing great damage.

Just as she was thinking about plans to use the native population to find Zagronan, the world shook.

"What the hell is going on?" she thought.

Initially, there were 9 moons in hell, which increased to 10 after the Demon King of Ice appeared. But then, when Tom's incarnation called her, two fell, leaving 8 in the sky.

The moons in hell were indirect incarnations of the real moon, created by the demon kings.

They were a masterpiece of the fragment law of formation, emitting dark elements instead of pure energy. They acted as filters, drawing pure energy from the real moon and emitting dark elements.

However, all eight moons fell at this moment, and the actual moon appeared in hell's sky. It was shining extremely brightly, even brighter than the sun, which also appeared in the sky.

For most, the frequency of the moon's appearance is a mystery, but rank 9 demon kings know how it works.

The moon is the regulator of energy in the world.

When the concentration of energy falls below a certain point or when a disturbance occurs, it calms things down.

The moon suddenly appearing with this intensity meant an energy disturbance never seen before.

"The barrier of hell is gone? How can it be?" Alys thought with astonishment.

With the barrier gone, dark element rushed to the mage world, while pure energy started to invade hell!

The barrier of hell and the mage world not only stopped demons from invading but also stopped dark and pure energy from mixing.

There are two main types of world 'Great dream' civilization creates. One is a 'cultivation world' where people strive for immortality, and the other is the 'heaven and hell world,' similar to this world, with barriers separating heaven, hell, and the main world.

The settings were set in stone since the world's inception and cannot be changed. Even rank 12 spells are powerless to change them. Of course, rank 12 spells can break, bend, temporarily disable, etc., but not change them!

Like magic treasures, which cannot be promoted or changed, because changing even one thing destroys order and harmony.

The most likely scenario is the magic treasure will explode.

As for changing the foundation of a world, it's countless times harder.

"To change rules of the world without destroying it... 'Rachel' is up to something. I should report it!"


The demon kings were all in a room.

In fairness, all except one, the demon king of sloth, who had been in a deep sleep since birth, shared one mind.

There was no need to gather like this, but they went through the motions anyway.

Demon king of Wrath said, "The barrier is gone! Now, we can all go to the mage world!" Everyone else nodded.

Demon king of Pride asked, "Should we?"

"Let's use our shared mind to think through this," suggested the demon king of Envy.

All nodded and combined their minds.

After a while, they turned off the shared mind.

"Let's attack!" All nodded.

With their knowledge combined, they concluded the best time for the attack is now because the mages aren't ready yet. With the barrier gone, mages will definitely attack later, perhaps with the help of heaven.

With the barrier removed, the true moon will soon cleanse the dark element, dooming hell to destruction.

The best defense is to attack. If there will be a war, let it be in the mage world, not in hell.

The mage world isn't ready for a war.

Because of the barrier, they never expected an invasion, so few defensive formations are in place.

But that will change if they have the time to make them.

Still, in the shared mind, some demon kings, like Envy, were unwilling to risk it, but they were overwhelmed by Wrath and Pride.

As they resolved their differences in the shared mind, they teleported away, wasting no more time.


Dyer was looking at the river of time.

The tides were even longer than when the rank 10 complete law appeared, with lots of thunder and wind.

Only the rain didn't appear.

"This luck! It seems an unimaginable catastrophe is coming! A catastrophe that will kill me!" he thought while sighing.

"Dyer, did you see it too?" asked Lewis, who just appeared.

Dyer had shared many secrets of the river of time with him, so Lewis could predict using the river of time.

"Lewis, we die here if we stay!" he said.

These days, all dangers seem to have the ability to kill him.

This one was worse; it would undoubtedly kill him.

He had a lot of rank 10 spell crystals, but they didn't even appear to dent the storm.

"What is this?" asked Lewis.

Dyer looked grim, saying, "Forces beyond rank 10 are involved here! Lewis, our only chance is the secret weapon in heaven."

He knew of the secret weapon in heaven and had recently discovered its abilities. He felt incredible when he learned of it.

"Should we go to heaven?" asked Lewis, hesitating.

Once they go there, there is no coming back.

"Yes, we should," Dyer said, snapping his fingers.

Doris appeared out of nowhere.

With another snap, she fainted.

Lewis also brought his disciple, Alistair.

He liked this disciple a lot, especially his fair, white hair.

Lewis was primarily with Dyer but also liked the younger ones like Alistair.

To say that Alistair, who is more than 60 thousand years old, is a youngster may seem ridiculous, but one must realize that Lewis is more than 100 million years old. To him, Alistair is like a newborn.

Then, Dyer informed all the rank 9 mages of the Seven Light Academy, and with them, all ran to heaven. As for others, Dyer didn't care.

If they were not ranked 9, Dyer would not care about their fate.


Morgan continent was not a natural continent.

Morgan Academy artificially created the land. This academy is specialized in elemental magic.

Their dean, Erik Morgan, was the best in the world at the fragment law of earth.

There were five other deputy deans, all specialized in elemental magic.

At the moment, they were researching about heaven.

They had failed in the heaven invasion because of a mysterious castle, which created a void, disabling their avatars.

They asked Dyer for help, but he refused. As for forcing him, they didn't even try.

So they all disbanded and independently researched, sharing the results occasionally.

The research might take thousands of years, but for rank 9 mages, it's like a blink.

At this time, it was raining.

But the next moment, all the rain disappeared, with 73 people in the sky. They were the nine demon kings: Pride, Wrath, Envy, Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Tanoth, Tower, and Cold.

All, except for Cold, had eight clones. So, their number was 73, with the main bodies at the peak of rank 9 and the incarnations between the late and initial stages of rank 9.

In addition, they also brought a lot of weapons and spell crystals.

"Let's start!" All said simultaneously, using the shared mind.

A shared mind is very beneficial in wars like this, so they used it from the beginning.

They all went to different corners of the continent and began setting up formations. With the work of so many rank 9 mages, the formation was completed in a few moments.


Erik Morgan and his deputy deans, who had just realized the situation, all came out.

Upon seeing the situation, they all thought the same thing, even though they didn't have a shared mind.

"Let's run to heaven!"

With so many demon kings, they had zero chance.

Mages are logical creatures, so even if heaven had a slight chance of survival, it was still better than the current zero chance of survival here.

But their spell failed.

They realized the space was completely locked.

"All back to the formation!"

The academy headquarters had a rank 9 formation, their best chance.

They entered and activated it to its maximum.

As a mid-rank 9, Erik and his deputies, who were at the initial stage of rank 9, didn't even think of directly fighting with demon kings at peak rank 9.

The demon kings thought, "Now."

They activated the formation, and the temperature began to increase.

This formation was called the 'Blackhole' formation.

It was an inheritance from one of the creators, with the power to increase the temperature to the point that it became as hot as a 'blackhole.'

A black hole's event horizon is incredibly hot; not even rank 9 mages can tolerate it.

The demon kings had no idea what a 'blackhole' was.

In this world, black holes don't form, because the space here will not allow anything to reach a certain density.

But they knew its power.

The Morgan continent started to get hotter.

In the first second, all mortals died. Then, in the 30th second, all mages below rank 9 outside the formation died.

After 2 minutes, the defensive formation shattered, and after 3 seconds of resisting, all rank 9 mages died from the heat.

By the end of the third minute, the 'blackhole' formation itself burnt out, and as a result, it finally stopped getting hotter.

But as the formation was destroyed, the matter outside started to collide with the hot matter inside.

At this point, everything in the former Morgan continent had long vaporized. It shone like a sun and exploded with the biggest explosion in the world up to this point!

The ocean around it vaporized. Winds with unbelievable speeds began to take shape. Waves hundreds of kilometers tall appeared, all moving toward the neighboring continents!