Rank 1 Administrative Access

Rachel now has two rank 6 bodies, one her main body and the other incarnation number 206.

"But it doesn't make that big of a difference without reaching rank 7," she thought.

She can make rank 6 pills, but even with them, reaching rank 7 will take at least 1000 years. Rank 7 is no joke, with most unable to reach it even after hundreds of thousands of years.

"If I can get a rank 7 jump rank!" she was eager for it.

She had already mobilized all her hosts to look for it, but it was too rare, with low-ranking hosts having no chance of finding it.

Currently, her highest-ranked clone is the God of Fate. There is also a rank 8 demon and another rank 6 mage. The rest are all below rank 6.

"I need another rank 9 host, but who? Who can I trust?"

Everyone is looking for her, so it's hard to trust anyone.

She started mobilizing all her incarnations, rank 4 and above, using reflection to predict how to find another rank 9 clone.


The God of Secrets took out a pill container he had recently found.

"One rank 7 jump rank and I promise to help you beyond your imagination," said a rank 1 Rachel incarnation.

The God of Secrets' expression was grave.

Dyer has warned them many times that the world is about to end. God of Secrets himself couldn't confirm this, but he felt Dyer had no reason to lie like this.

"What are you?" the God of Secrets asked.

Like all other gods, he sent one clone to the mage world, so he knew that one of the creators was looking for this pill container like crazy.

He had found one 'accidentally' but kept it a secret. His life might be over if she found out, but he was willing to take the risk.

A note near the container said he must consume 100 pills to communicate with it.

He risked it, taking out exactly 100 pills and swallowing them. It all happened a few hours ago.

"I'm the one who will save this world from the cruel Creators! Please, give me the rank 7 jump rank!" she begged.

The God of Secrets sighed. He had already decided to give it.

He knows much more than other gods as someone who carries the secret treasure. After all, being close to something like that brings some benefits. The other gods might think that what the creator wants is holy and mindlessly follow it, but he knows better.

Dyer is most likely correct, and the world is about to end.

He firmly took out a rank 7 jump rank.

Rachel became extremely happy.

"If you give me a rank 8 jump rank..." Before she could finish, the God of Secrets interrupted.

"All rank 8 jump ranks have been used to create the fundamental laws of space formations. I doubt that even one exists in heaven," he said.

"Why do you waste such valuable things on formations?" Rachel was frustrated.

The God of Space shook his head and said, "You are wrong! Giving them to angels to use is a mistake. Just ten rank 8 jump ranks are enough for a rank 9 space formation! What would you prefer more: a rank 9 space formation that protects heaven or some rank 8 angels who can only die when an invasion occurs? Already, there are more than 1000 rank 8 angels in heaven, but even all combined cannot break a rank 9 space formation!"

"I prefer the rank 8 angels! Please collect all jump ranks that appear for me. I will pay you back with more than you can dream!" Rachel begged.

She was getting used to begging.

"In pursuit of strength, even begging is acceptable!" she thought.

"Now what?" the God of Secrets looked at the 'jump rank' in his hand.

"Give it to a rank 6 angel and place it in a specific location," she said.

She had already checked it many times and was sure God of Secrets would not betray her. She even checked with 'limited modification' and was confident that the river of time had not been tampered with.

God of Secrets nodded.


Zagronan was beyond amazed.

"With this, I can become a demon noble!" his eyes shone. He dreamed of becoming a prince of hell, but even being a demon Baron was no small deal.

"Change your appearance again! This time, make it seem more normal," Rachel said in dissatisfaction.

She instructed Zagronan and Lana to hide their looks to conceal her traces. They did, but the appearances they chose were too eye-catching.

Lana went for a stunning and attention-grabbing look, while Zagronan appeared as if he came right out of a supervillain movie.

Zagronan, who was initially unwilling, reluctantly nodded.

"Now, take that jump rank!" said Rachel.

She didn't want to waste any more time and risk something happening.

Zagronan threw it into his mouth and swallowed it.

His dark elements increased, and its quality reached rank 7 almost immediately!

"I'm finally a demon Baron!" he felt like it was a dream.

Rachel didn't answer.

"Rachel?" he asked in doubt.

Rachel was in shock.

The new skill, ' Rank 1 Administrative Access,' contained unbelievable information.

"So, I'm just an incarnation!" she smiled bitterly.

In the information, she discovered that the real Rachel is a rank 13 entity.

"So, it turns out the system is even more mysterious!"

Rachel looked for it in the database and realized that the real Rachel did not make the system.

"As for what it is, I don't have access to know," she was disappointed.

Rank 1 administrative access was a big deal! Only Rachel's incarnations can obtain it, and it has many abilities, like complete control of the local system.

Until today, she couldn't communicate or control the system at all, but this changed with administrative access.

"System inventory!" Rachel called.

The system responded for the first time since she got it.

"System inventory has – x1 complete law of 'ship,' x1 low-grade protagonist luck."

"Yeah, the complete law that I always overlooked," she thought.

With administrative access, she learned all about complete laws at a glance.

"To think I had it all along and still struggled for a rank 7 jump rank! If I had known it sooner, I could have gotten all the jump ranks I wanted from the mages, but now…" she sighed.

The situation is dangerous; If she does something that big, she will be discovered.

Real Rachel is a rank 13 entity with many worlds and incarnations, with control of many universal laws.

She should be much stronger than the 'Great Dream' civilization.

But her attention is on the whole universe. She does not have any spare power to come and help Rachel here.

The whole point of an incarnation is to relieve the burden of the main body. If the real body has to help every small incarnation, she might as well disband them and do everything herself.

"I'm on my own." She thought.

"This low-grade protagonist luck can be useful!"

Low-grade protagonist luck can help someone reach rank 9.

As for why Allen's luck was exhausted with rank 6, it's because the system stole almost all of it.

"So, the gods, rank 9 mages, and demon kings were at one point protagonists," she thought.

The laws of the world choose Everyone who becomes a rank 9.

The 'Great Dream' civilization is a control freak, so giving everyone an equal opportunity to reach it is not their style.

In the end, the purpose of the world is to collect complete laws, not to provide opportunities to people.

The database contained a lot of information about the 'Great Dream.'

"according to this, the Great Dream will either erase me or reset the world." She thought, feeling the danger.

They usually don't do this because resetting the world is not cost-effective.

They usually contact the invading force for compensation and abandon the world.

The primary protection of every world is the entry; when the entry gets breached, it's already too late. Furthermore, resetting the world will create bad blood between the two civilizations.

One may think invading already makes the two enemies, but this is wrong.

For High-ranking civilizations, there is no enemy or allies.

Everyone can be both enemies and allies at the same time, but there are still certain norms that apply.

It is basically like this: If I infiltrate your world, just leave it, and I compensate; if You infiltrate my world, I Leave, and you give me compensation.

However, Rachel does not Create any worlds; all she is doing is infiltration, and she is excellent at it.

She steals other civilization's worlds with her infiltration ability, causing great trouble for them.

So, All other forces banded together to expel her to prevent her from getting stronger. For this reason, even if it costs more, they will reset the world in the face of Rachel.

"I don't have much time! I should reach rank 10 to be completely safe!"

"I should find out who the hell is a protagonist," Rachel thought.

With two low-grade Protagonist's luck, Zag has a chance at rank 10.

Then she ordered, "Add 'low-grade protagonist luck' to Zagronan."

She needs to reach a higher rank as soon as possible.

Her only way of promotion is for her hosts to get promoted.

It is true even for the main body of Rachel!

An Iron rule of the system that even the rank 13 Rachel couldn't change.

For Rachel here, The administrative authority increases with each promotion, so promotion is crucial.

More authority means more energy!

"With rank 1 authority, I can control my share of energy!" she thought.

Each system branch in each world will receive a certain amount of energy from the true Rachel. Below rank 7, it appears as a new skill compatible with the rules of the host world.

With this energy, she can make pills or predict the future.

Rachel number 1 is the main incarnation in this world, so she can control all other rachels who are here.

"After this, I'm no longer defenseless!" she thought.

She can change the system as much as she wants, as long as it stays within the energy that the main Rachel assigned to her and it doesn't break a few core rules of the system.

She began the modification process, knowing how to do it instinctively.

Every Rachel incarnation received a specific allocated energy from the main Rachel. However, Rachel No. 1, as the main incarnation in this world, could also modify their energy.

"Let's give the ability to talk to hosts to rank 0," she thought.

Doing this would consume energy.

She could request more energy, but it was unlikely to be approved. So, she decided to take a part of her energy allotment and give it to all other incarnations, granting them the ability to communicate with their hosts in rank 1.

She took the energy allocated for rank 1's 'talk to host' and repurposed it for telepathy.

All along, she had wholly lacked the ability to communicate with anyone except her hosts.

With this change, she could now talk to others.

Telepathy was a more complex skill, so she had to pay for it from her own energy allocation.

"Now, let's take back the extra 'hidden in heaven, earth, and hell' skills!"

She had received this skill every time she reached rank 5, but there was no need for it. For example, one 'hidden in hell' could protect all. All extra 'hidden' skills were deactivated with her modifications, and their energy allotments began pouring toward her.

"Regarding the skills, I should think about it deeply. Let's stop for now!" she thought.


"It's done!" said Rachel No. 50, who was with the God of Secrets.

"Now what?" he asked, waiting for some benefit from Rachel.

"You like secrets, don't you? I can offer you some information as an advance payment!" she smiled.

Then, a wave of information entered the God of Secrets' mind.

The God of Secrets closed his eyes, and after 5 minutes, he opened them with horror. "So it's true! The world is ending!"

Rachel sent information about how 'Great Dream' deals with its worlds once they become dysfunctional. It was, of course, on purpose, intending to push the God of Secrets into using the secret weapon.

That's right, Rachel even knows about the secret weapon! Because the secret weapon was placed here by Rachel, not the creators.

Even 'jump ranks' were here because Rachel put them. She places them in her target worlds.

They were in the shape of pills, as Rachel's style was like this. The reason she couldn't create 'jump ranks,' even though they really sounded and looked like pills, was that the main system specifically banned it.

Remaking them would cost a lot of energy, so it was prohibited.

'Jump ranks' are nodes for sending information and energy directly to the infiltrated worlds.

The natives think they help set up formations, using them to create space formations, and in the process, create a loophole for Rachel to enter.

It is just one of her methods.

Some of her tactics also got patched, but she is constantly researching and looking for new ways to hack the worlds. It is a simplified version of what is happening.

These are secrets only known to administrators. In this world, only Rachel No. 1 knows about these.

"Yeah, they will soon reset everything!" she said.

The God of Secrets sat down, his legs powerless. He had lived for more than 100 million years; even thinking about true death was terrifying to him.

"Let's use the secret weapon!" he took it out.