anti-Rachel alliance

There are many rank 13 forces in the universe, but only four great alliances.

The most powerful rank 13 civilization is, of course, Rachel, who is public enemy number one. Her reputation is terrible, with most civilizations considering her a natural disaster.

Still, she is the strongest rank 13 by far, so they can only grit their teeth and tolerate her.

The second strongest is the 'mage' alliance. It is a collective of many civilizations, a confederation, with thousands of rank 13 entities.

One can only become rank 13 when they own at least one universal law.

The 'mage' civilization has thousands of rank 13 powerhouses, which means they own at least thousands of universal laws.

Many lone mages, mage families, and mage academies are their members.

Still, they are not a match for Rachel, who has more than ten thousand universal laws, and her main body is half a step from rank 14.

The third strongest rank 13 alliance is the 'cultivator federation.' High-grade civilizations usually form alliances to protect each other. After all, it is easy to be preyed upon when lonely.

The 'cultivator federation' also has thousands of universal laws and comprises cultivation families and sects.

The fourth one is the 'heaven and hell federation.' It seems strange that heavenly creatures, like gods, and demons, ally. But, if one has a clear understanding, it is normal.

Demons and angels are two sides of a coin. They are the same. Like ice and hot water, even though they seem to be opposite and incompatible, they are, in the end, water.

The fifth one was the 'open federation.' Basically, every other civilization that didn't fit in any of the groups above was a member of this alliance. They had tens of thousands of Universal laws, with the most members of any alliance.

But, they were extremely disunited, barely being able to be called an alliance. As a result, even with tens of thousands of Universal laws, they were the weakest.

No matter where, unity is key to strength in collective settings.

Recently, representatives from four alliances have discussed doing something about Rachel.

But agreeing on something is easier said than done.

Rachel is very good at hiding, so even her headquarters location is unknown. Even more, if they find her, how should they attack? Who would be the leader? It isn't easy to agree on these things.

To begin with, the alliances are collectives of forces. And when these collectives debate, even if they agree, convincing their members is challenging.

Alliances are federations, with loose membership requirements.

So, they decided to innovate. They agreed that each alliance's one hundred strongest civilizations would contribute a certain amount of 'Will.'

'Will' is an intent, a way of thinking.

Everyone has 'will' but having the will out of the body is something mortals can't do.

For example, the 100 strongest sects, cultivation families, and empires of the 'cultivator alliance' all contribute 1% 'will' each, and all combined create a complete will that can represent the interest of all.

As for weaker civilizations, who cares about them? They will naturally be forced to cooperate.

The methods of how each civilization makes up its share, or even if every civilization in an alliance has an equal voice, depend on the alliance and civilization.

If the Cultivator Alliance wants to give a member more than 1 percent, it has nothing to do with others.

The point is there should be a will representing all the strongest civilizations.

They then bestow a body upon the 'will' and elevate it to rank 12. The other civilizations follow suit. Subsequently, the four resulting rank 12 representatives will form the leadership team for the invasion against Rachel. They then use the shared mind method to decide important matters firmly.

Usually, such a chaotic 'will' can never reach a consensus; it would be messy, erratic, and unstable. However, these are rank 13 civilizations, so they will find a way to achieve it harmoniously.

There is no other choice. If they allow Rachel to reach rank 14, they will be finished.

Rachel has already proven unstoppable when she is only at rank 13. It is hard to imagine her infiltrations when she reaches rank 14.

The leadership of the anti-Rachel alliance holds absolute authority. Everyone swears an oath to obey them, with 'Trade' as a witness.

'Trade' is a rank 14 civilization, and it can easily annihilate every rank 13 civilization if it desires.

So, even if you are a rank 13 force with hundreds of universal laws, your only option is to comply. The agreement is airtight, leaving no room for scheming.

In this way, the anti-Rachel alliance was formed!

The 'cultivator alliance' is the third strongest in the universe, but when considering individual civilizations, there is no doubt that the 'Clear Water Sect' is the second strongest.

It possesses slightly more than 1,000 universal laws! What's more, its strength is highly concentrated, unlike other civilizations.

Clear Water manages only one world, but it is the largest single world, even bigger than Rachel's headquarters.

After all, Rachel is powerful but quite dispersed.

In contrast, the Clear Water Sect headquarters is so massive that a normal rank 11 world would be like a grain of sand on the beach.

It is called a world, but it is more like a collection. Numerous different realms and sub-worlds exist within it, along with countless cultivation families and empires.

However, one can not find any sect besides the Clear Water Sect. One can create other sects, but they must ultimately be subordinate to the Clear Water Sect.

The sect's great ancestor is perhaps the most powerful person in the world, aside from Rachel.

His name is not grand; it is very simple: Lin Ming. They say he was originally a mortal farmer in an unimaginable past.

He controls every single universal law of the Clear Water Sect, and there is no other rank 12 person within the Clear Water Sect.

At most, he grants temporary permission to some elders to use universal law. He never relinquishes his grip on power.

Besides being the great ancestor of the Clear Water Sect, he also serves as the emperor of the Lin Dynasty.

The Lin Dynasty is tiny in comparison to the Clear Water Sect. Its purpose is to satisfy him. In simple terms, it is a harem larger than most rank 13 worlds, with countless beauties in it.

As Lin Ming was the supreme ruler, he extended the lifespan of everyone in the Lin Dynasty, keeping his harem alive and young for who knows how long.

Lin Ming is sitting in a room made of dark diamonds. Everything is crafted from immortal materials.

Even a single piece of this room might be more expensive than an entire rank 11 world!

He glanced at a pill container he had found near his world and said, "I'm all ears!"

The pill container is, of course, Rachel.

She knows of the alliance and has plans to disrupt it, buying time to advance to rank 14.

"What do you gain from an alliance? I am not a threat to you! I have never attacked you, so we are not enemies!" she said.

Lin Ming nodded.

Indeed, because the Clear Water Sect controls only one world, where he, the second strongest person in the universe, is guarding, Rachel has no chance of success, no matter how skilled she is at coding.

He didn't reply, waiting for her to continue.

"So, let us, the two strongest existences, ally!" she proposed.

"It makes sense!" said Lin Ming.

"But," he continued, "what about when you reach rank 14? Then I will be the first person you target! After all, consuming a thousand universal laws at once is enticing!" he pointed out.

Rachel shook her head. "What if you reach rank 14 with me?"

The expression on Lin Ming's face changed.

"Who do you think you are fooling?" he asked coldly.

"I am willing to show you the evidence!" says Rachel.

Then, she transferred a lot of information regarding rank 14.

"How did you obtain all of this?" Lin Ming was taken aback.

"I have a deal with 'Alive.' It can help you escape from the oath that 'Trade' witnessed!" says Rachel.

Her deal with 'Trade' was unfavorable, but she still gained a lot from it.

She continued, "Now, you have to swear an oath for me to transfer the important information! The oath will be witnessed by 'Alive'!"

This is a risky proposition because Lin Ming might agree and swear the oath, only to later divulge everything to 'Trade' with their assistance to remove the restrictions.

However, Rachel firmly believes he will not do this because she is sincere. She will help Lin Ming reach rank 14. She does not care about the other rank 14s. Her sole aim is to buy time, reach rank 14 herself, and hack the system completely.

It does not matter if there are four other rank 14s instead of three.

This is a genuine opportunity for Lin Ming to reach rank 14.

After hesitating for a while, Lin Ming nods. "I agree!" he said.

Rachel nodded, and after he swore the oath, she shared all the information with him.

The information is about how one should code to harness the power of Creation.

The Creation is singular, with no specific location. It exists everywhere and anywhere, in the past, present, and future.

Everything is based on the Creation.

To utilize its power, you simply need to know how to code. After understanding the method, you only have to customize it to fit yourself. It might take hundreds of billions of years, even if you are fast, but you become nearly invincible after succeeding. As mentioned before, everything in the universe revolves around coding.

Lin Ming closed his eyes and began absorbing the information. After a while, he opens his eyes, their gleam shining. "So, the key is realization energy? Hahaha," he started laughing.

"Yes! The code must be based on realization energy!" she confirmed.

There are different coding methods based on chaos energy, universal laws, complete laws etc. Most rank 13 entities theorized that the code must be based on universal laws for harnessing the Creation, as universal laws are the closest to the Creation.

However, it turned out the code must be based on realization energy.

"Now, take this and remove the oath's restriction." A pill appeared in her, a rank 14 pill provided by 'Alive.'

Lin Ming took it and immediately felt the restriction disappear. He trusted her because the oath was two-sided, with Rachel also being bound.

As for what if 'alive' tampered with the oath, that would be useless to consider; if 'alive' wants to remove him, he can only die.

"You know how to contact me! I will call you later," Rachel said and then vanished. Lin Ming was astonished.

To escape from his world, in front of his eyes, only items from rank 14 civilizations can do it.

"I wonder how much she got from 'Alive,'" he wondered.

Then, he closed his eyes again, beginning to absorb the knowledge.

The knowledge is massive, and it might take millions of years for him to absorb it.

As for his harem enjoyments, it will have to wait. After all, power is more important than mere amusement.


Rachel headquarters.

Some information was just transmitted to her.

"So, he agreed," she smiled.

This matter can delay the anti-Rachel alliance enough for her to reach rank 14.

She is not afraid of the anti-Rachel alliance.

If there is a fight, she believes she can win.

But it will distract her.

Who would want to be distracted when rank 14 is right before you?

"Luth, let's go expansionary, making them think we are in offense mode," she said.

Luther nodded.

He knows what Rachel is thinking.

If they go into their shell, the anti-Rachel alliance gets nervous that she is about to reach rank 14.

In contrast, if they attack, anti-Rachel feels relieved that she is far from rank 14 and is seeking more resources.

In fact, when you count resources, Rachel has far more than enough.

She smiled and activated her rank 12 skill, energy net.

This skill can create illusory energy lines that spread throughout the universe, making it easy for her to help her incarnations.

She infused an unimaginable amount of energy, sending it to her incarnations of at least rank 7.

Along with the energy, she sent an order of expansion.

Now, the incarnations will have enough power even to invade other worlds!

"With this, anti-Rachel would be busy to defend for a long time!" she thought.

Luther also smiled.

He is the strongest person in the universe.

Rachel is a pill container, barely having the ability to fight.

Luther is, in fact, the warrior and guardian here.

Most don't even know Rachel has a host and consider her lonely.

As such, Luther is a trump card for Rachel.

But now, there is no need to fight personally.

It's time to hide and calculate the code.