
Savior Green Long reached rank 8 in only 100,000 years thanks to his medium-level protagonist luck and Rachel's assistance. 

It is nearly a certainty that he will reach rank 9 no later than 100,000 years.

He is also the wealthiest person on the continent.

In the last hundred thousand years, Savior has undergone significant changes.

Initially, he wasted his time in casinos and strip clubs, but as time passed, he started having children, most of whom were mortals with no mage talent. 

Demons typically possess better mage talent, but even among demons, most have little chance of advancing beyond rank 4, not to mention many who lack the talent to progress beyond rank 1.

Savior was not an exemplary father, but he still cared about his children. He received mage talent pills from Rachel and gifted each of his children with a rank 7 pill, resulting in many of them surviving and still being around today. 

However, his children also had their offspring. Initially, he attempted to provide them all with pills as well, but he soon realized that it was unsustainable. 

There was no way he could provide a pill to everyone. Nevertheless, he was unwilling to abandon them. 

He stopped giving mage talent pills to those with at least rank 3 mage talent; as for those with mage talent under rank 3, he offered a rank 3 talent pill, giving them a chance to prove themselves. 

If they excelled and reached rank 3, he would reward them with higher-ranking talent pills.

He also convinced Rachel to give her incarnations to the most talented ones. Today, nearly all gifted people in the world have Rachel incarnations.

It is always Rachel's end-game strategy once she completely takes over a world, using talented people to make as many incarnations as possible. For each incarnation, the main Rachel gets more energy from the system, so there is no disadvantage.

Due to his actions, he now has many blood relatives scattered worldwide.

It can be said that most people born in the last 100,000 years in the continents where he, tens of thousands of children, or his other blood relatives have been to are from his bloodline. 

One shouldn't underestimate his children. Thanks to his efforts, many became powerful people who used pure energy for meditation, and the overwhelming majority were very interested in having children. They moved around frequently, leaving descendants wherever they went. 

As a result of a significant portion of the mortal and even young mage population being related to him, his way of thinking about people started to change.

After a few thousand years, he stopped going to strip clubs because most of the girls there had at least some distant blood relation to him, like great-great-great-great-great-great-great-granddaughters. 

For demons meditating with dark elements, it may not be a problem, but for Savior, who absorbed human-centered culture, it started to bother him.

He began to see them as his children. 

Gradually, he became more fitting of his name, Savior.

Over the years, he did a lot to improve the lives of his 'children.' In the shadows, he manipulated many fronts, traveling everywhere to help his helpless 'children.'

He did have the power and money to do a lot.

Today, after over 100,000 years, he can be considered responsible for the improved conditions for mortals in many places. Of course, the world is vast, so even after all his efforts, the overwhelming majority of people are still suffering. 

However, as long as he is alive, he can continue trying to make the places where his 'children' live better.


Savior snapped his finger, and all his brothers and sisters froze. 

Even the most talented of his siblings is only at rank 7, so they stood no chance against him.

"Father, please stop this! Those people you're trying to kill are my blood!" he exclaimed.

Zagronan frowned and responded, "What is the meaning of this? They inherited some bloodline; that doesn't mean you are connected! Savior, your behavior is shameful."

Zagronan was very dissatisfied with the demons today. He longed for the true hell. 

The two of them looked at each other, neither backing down.

"It looks like I'm about to really sharpen my edges!" he said to Rachel.

"Are you going to kill him?" Rachel asked.

He nodded. "I loved him, but look at him. For some random people, he is disobeying me, his father!"

Zagronan cared for his children, but the love of a demon has limits. He had held on for a long time, witnessing Savior's weird behavior and not doing anything.

"Don't do it! I have another incarnation with him! Now, Savior is at rank 8, maybe only twenty thousand years away from rank 9," she said.

Before, she didn't stop them because killing a few mortals didn't harm her, but now, Zag wanted to kill the host of her incarnation, so of course, she wouldn't allow it.

"Then, what should I do?" Zag said helplessly. He had never dared to flatly disobey Rachel on important matters. It was an instinct that told him that even disobeying once might bring disaster.

"Restrain him!" she suggested.

Zag nodded.

"Great idea! If he sees us sharpening our edges, he may also find the right path for demons!" he thought.

"Suppress," he cast.

Immediately, all fragment laws within Savior's body were suppressed, making him like a mortal. 

His siblings were freed and wanted revenge, but their Rachels stopped them, forcing them to vent their anger on the mortals.

"Nooooooooooooooooooo," Savior screamed with grief as he watched the city being ravaged by his brothers and sisters.

"Hahaha, Savior, my son, learn; we are demons, we do what we like, it's nobody's business!" Zagronan said, advising his lost junior.

"Bastard, stop them now! They are killing my children! How dare you do this? You're evil!" he shouted and started punching Zag in the face.

Of course, it was like hitting a wall, so it only made his punch hurt.

"Now, watch this! 'Undead transformation!'" Zagronan csat. 

A lot of dead people began to stand up, becoming zombies!


Ralph had just arrived home. In Kobi City, everyone was required to attend high school, which was free. 

The education system was well-developed, with most students learning a craft that could support themselves. 

The primary purpose of the school system was to teach practical skills, so if a student came out without learning anything they could use to earn a living, the entire process was considered a failure.

It was how things worked in Kobi City.

In other cities, schools were primarily a preparation for colleges, where the real learning of practical skills took place. However, the Mayor of Kobi City disagreed with this approach, and he ensured that high schools in the city taught at least one genuine money-making skill to everyone.

Ralph was a student of metalwork. He didn't plan to waste time attending college; instead, he intended to join his father in the smithy. 

He considered himself lucky because not everyone had the luxury of a guaranteed job, as he did with his father. Even if you had the skills, finding a job in the current job market in Kobi City was not a certainty.

After reaching home, he bathed, changed his clothes, and went to the smithy. 

The shop was relatively large and located in a good area of the city, making it quite valuable. He entered and saw his father busy hammering a piece of iron.

His father had eyebrows as thick as mustaches, and the two sides of his father's eyebrows were connected, making it one very long eyebrow. 

He had tan skin and gray eyes, with surprisingly long hair that was tied. He was tall and muscular, with notably large and sturdy hands. 

According to a doctor, this feature was the result of a gene related to demons. 

Ralph envied his father's mighty hands. With those hands, it should be easy to hammer stuff.

"Hey, father," he greeted.

His father replied without looking at him, as he was busy. "Hey, you came at a good time! Go and bring the big hammer I brought home yesterday. I forgot to bring it."

Ralph sighed in frustration and began heading home to retrieve the big hammer. 

The big hammer was so heavy that Ralph could barely lift it and struggled to carry it. Sometimes, he wondered if his father was human. To be able to lift this hammer with one hand and swing it, Ralph couldn't imagine the strength required. 

He doubted he could ever be as skilled as his father.

Just as he was about to leave... 

Boom! All the windows shattered, and the force of the explosion knocked Ralph to the ground. 

After a minute, he regained his cloudy mind and was terrified.

All kinds of screams, explosions, glass shattering, and more came from everywhere.

"Father!" he immediately thought of his father. 

His mother had died when he was born, leaving him without a mother. His father had always cared for him and never blamed him for his mother's death. 

He filled the role of his mother so well that Ralph didn't feel any gaps in his life. He loved his father more than anyone. But now, his father might be in danger.

The smithy was in a busy area, very close to where the explosion's shock came from. 

Ralph left the house and started running. Looking around, he was shocked.

"What happened?" His mind went blank, not thinking of anything except one thing: finding his dad.

Corpses were scattered everywhere, with many buildings collapsing and many people lying on the ground, screaming in pain. 

It was as if the world had turned upside down in an instant. 

Nonetheless, he ignored all this and ran with all his strength.

Soon, he reached the shop. "Thank God," he breathed a sigh of relief. 

The shop was okay, and even the windows were unbroken. He entered and searched for his father.

"Father, did you hear the explosion just now? Let's go home quickly! It's dangerous in the shop."

Their shop was in a crowded place right beside a main street, so staying here was more dangerous, at least in Ralph's mind. 

His father didn't answer.

"Father?" he cautiously approached and touched his father's shoulder.

"Grrrr," his father didn't sound human. He turned around.

"AAAAAAAAAAAA!" Ralph screamed and dropped to the ground. 

Seeing all those corpses was one thing, but seeing his father like this was beyond his limits. It was worse than the worst nightmare he had ever experienced. 

His father's face was as white as paper, blood all over his mouth, his eyes blood-red, making him look like a bloodthirsty zombie.

Ralph just stared. He didn't run; there was nowhere to run to. Without his father, there was nothing left.

"GRRRRRRR!" His father jumped on him and took a bite from his face.

"AAaaaAaAAA!" he screamed, and he regretted not running. 

His survival instinct kicked in, and he grabbed a nearby hammer, hitting his father on the head. 

But it didn't work.

"Please, please!" he begged, but the zombie was incapable of mercy. 

A few moments later, Ralph died and was soon resurrected as an undead zombie.


After only a few hours, the entire city was reduced to rubble. 

All kinds of evil spells were used. This incident was evil beyond comprehension, to the extent that even Lee would be upset.

Savior, standing in front of his father and siblings, looked at them coldly. Without saying anything more, he left.