
Lewis's fragment law was Destiny.

However, after Dyer used destiny to reach rank 10, because of Rachel's coding, Lewis could no longer try to reach rank 10 using the law of destiny.

However, since then, Dyer Dyer has found two ways to solve this issue.

The first and most immediate solution was a Deal with Rachel.

Rachel's first meeting with Dyer was not pleasant, and that caused her not to consider him as a host candidate for a long time. After all, Dyer killed one of her hosts, and Rachel takes it to heart if one does that.

But when the main body ordered exploring fringe concepts, she decided to make a deal with Dyer.

The deal was straightforward.

He would spend all of his next 100 million years exploring fringe concepts. In exchange, Rachel would modify the laws to allow Lewis to advance.

To her astonishment, he refused! He had other options.

Lewis cannot use destiny to break through because of the laws of heaven. If Dyer takes Lewis with him to another world, the root of the problem will be solved. It's not easy, but possible.

So, Dyer got ready and met with Great Dream, the local ruler of the area.

If Rachel wanted, she could have asked her regional headquarters to warn Great Dream not to help. But she didn't care that much.

Dyer registered with Great Dream and received permission to live in a world of theirs and some helpful items for Lewis to reach rank 10.

It cost a lot; he must work for Great Dream long to repay the credit.

Of course, he can choose his tasks, maybe those that are not dangerous. It was not slavery.

Great Dream was the best choice; other worlds not controlled by Great Dream also existed in this area, but those could not be trusted. In contrast, Dyer had many of their inheritances and was most familiar with them.

He chose the devil that he knew.

Even though Lewis reaching rank 10 would not cost anything for Great Dream, they still demanded a lot of money from Dyer.

When you want something, others will use it to extract benefits. It happens even among high-level civilizations.

Dyer had no alternative, so he accepted.

As a result, it was no longer needed for Lewis to start from scratch.

If he were to start over, it would have taken far longer.

Dyer helped him reach the peak of rank 9.

with the peak of rank 9, Lewis was ready for advancement.

Speaking of Lewis, his behavior changed after the 'Cleansing,' but not in a good way. He became hostile toward him, speaking politely but with no emotion. It bothered Dyer, but he ignored these for the time being.


Here is a rank 11 world of Great Dream.

Any world with two complete laws is rank 11. However, in rank 11, there are significant variations.

The default rank 11 world of the Great Dream has two complete laws and is used for the world creation business. They put in time and space and are done with it.

But there are also other rank 11 worlds they own. Those are the ones their personnel will permanently live on.

Those rank 11 worlds may have thousands, maybe tens of thousands of complete laws built into them, making them far vaster than the default rank 11 world and far more complex.

Creating each is a big project, and much investing is needed. Great Dream has been making many new worlds lately, but the ones they create are primarily only default ones, with two complete laws.

Default worlds are easy to build; their codes are simple and require only two complete laws.

Dyer predicts the jobs they give him will be related to work creation.

They started building new worlds many years ago, but not even one percent has been built by now.

Creating worlds is not time-consuming; Great Dream is just bureaucratic; everything takes a long time.

They have manpower and resources, but actually doing it is another matter. So, their CEO decided that contracting others would be faster. Dyer is one of those contractors.

The world he is in is the biggest Great Dream has besides their rank 12 world.

It is made of nearly a million complete laws.

The coding is extremely complex, with many rank 10 and 11 immortals residing inside, carefully observing and maintaining it.

World maintenance is no joke, so even the bureaucratic Great Dream was careful.

Besides those, many other rank 10 and 11 immortals lived in this world.

Great Dream is an ancient civilization; even though they only have one complete law, one shouldn't underestimate their reserves.

Their number of rank 10, and 11 immortals rivals rank 13 civilizations.

More ancient civilizations have deep troves of immortals; their rank 10 members might be more numerous than rank 9.

Because immortals won't die, so when they advance, they can just remain. As they have no burden on the world, nobody would evict them.

Some immortals are tasked with managing some world, but most are just ideal.

Great Dream has thousands of different boards and screening committees, all of which have to approve any task.

The condition for gaining voting rights as an immortal is completing one task. Only immortals who are members can gain voting rights, so contractors like Dyer are not counted.

Some of those boards, which were controlled by the mortal population refused to approve any task; they don't want the immortal's voting powers to be more powerful than it is.

It all caused many issues, making the bureaucracy issue worse and worse, but nobody pushed to fix it.

Well, one particular recent CEO wanted to fix it, but he mysteriously disappeared.


Dyer was impressed.

The world had seven skies of seven colors, quite suited to his taste; after all, he founded the Seven Colors Academy with Lewis's help.

It had hell and heaven, an immortal realm, an underworld, an abyss, a land of gods, etc. The world had Both immortal system and cultivation systems along with the likes of gu system, card system, ring system, and even robots were thriving.

The mainland, where Dyer was now, had many mortal countries of all kinds; some parts were old-style with little technology, some with magical technology, some with very advanced mortal technology, and some with kings, emperors, presidents, CEOs, prime ministers, elders, etc. It was vast beyond Dyer's wildest imagination.

As a country bumpkin who only lived in a world with two complete laws, he felt inferior. He decided that one day, he would create his own world and his own civilization, exactly like the Great Dream today.


Lewis was on the ground in a room, and Dyer was watching.

Dyer already had experience with breaking through using destiny, so with his help, Lewis's path is paved.

Uncertainty about advancing can cause the danger of death. Lower ranks mistakenly think the risk is inherent, but they are wrong. If one can think of everything and prepare in advance, one can avoid all pitfalls and advance smoothly.

Today, Lewis had all of Dyer's experience and some very precious items; with them, his chances were high, nearly certain.

Those who rely on luck are either fools or desperate. Dyer would not let Lewis rely on chance.

The way to reach rank 10 is by completing one's fragment law; there is no one true method; anything goes as long as the complete law forms successfully.

Lewis already planned his technique.

He already knows the formula and has all the materials. So, he just takes the rank 10 concentration pill that Dyer got from Great Dream and tries to advance. It's a very simple way of doing it, but he thinks simplicity suits him most.

As such, he opened his eyes, looked at Dyer, and took out the concentration pill. Immortal pills of Great Dream shine brightly, with silver light, so bright that it can be seen from tens of kilometers above.

However, as Lewis took the pill out, the formation suppressed all the light. Dyer built it to isolate Lewis from the outside and reduce the chance of variables.

Lewis swallowed the concentration pill and then took out the containers. In these containers, different ways and fragment laws were stored.

He opened them one by one and absorbed them. He began forming the complete law with closed eyes according to the formula. After a few minutes, the main materials were added, and the complete law was nearly formed.

Just one step away.

But this one step is the one that makes most fail.

A complete law has main ingredients and side ingredients.

The main ingredients are just a few, less than 100 different kinds. For a rank 9 mage, it's easy to keep track of them.

But there are thousands of side ingredients, all in precise amounts. Even slight deviations can cause failure.

Worse, they all must be in a specific formation.

Thousands, maybe tens of thousands of different materials, some of which conflict, all in exact amounts, in a formation. Even rank 9 mages cannot keep track of all.

The best vehicle for the world to discover complete laws is rank 9s advancing; when they try to advance to rank 10, they are aided by the operation of related universal laws; however, even with that help, many fail to advance, even if they know the formula.

Even with a rank 10 concentration pill, it's difficult to keep track of them and prevent anything from going wrong. This step has nothing to do with knowledge. Even if one knows everything, one cannot avoid its difficulty. Lewis still feels amazed at how Dyer managed to do it.

If anyone else, it might have been very challenging. But Lewis has an item given by Dyer. It's called 'Breath of Existence.'

It's just air that touches the universal law of existence. This 'breath' can replace all those materials.

So, Lewis only brought the most essential components of the law of Destiny and planned on using the 'breath of existence' to supplement others. Not all universal laws can do this. 'Existence' is very broad, so it can replace almost all.

A broad universal law has many advantages, along with its weaknesses.

He finally turned to the breath of existence after taking in most essential ways and fragment laws. It was in a bottle, sealed tightly, like other ingredients.

He opened it and carefully inhaled. Then, he closed his eyes.

From the outside, nothing is visible. Dyer, standing in a faraway place, also didn't see anything. If he uses investigative spells, maybe he can, but he doesn't want to risk it.

From inside, a lot is happening. 'Breath of Existence' is turning into all kinds of ways and fragments laws exactly the ones Lewis needs. He practiced with 'breath of existence' before, so he is experienced in how to work with it.

It turned into the exact amount of every ingredient, without any problem and at the same time. As long as all ingredients in the specific amount are placed in the formation, even if it's a moment, it's enough.

Lewis was a rank 9 mage with more than one hundred million years of experience; he successfully created the formation just for a moment. Maybe in the next moment, the formation falls apart.

But who cares about the next moment!

All the ingredients and Lewis's original fragment law of destiny disappeared, and a new force emerged. It was majestic, with a vigor he never had before.

From this moment, Lewis can live as long as the universe.

Dyer waited. He knew Lewis succeeded but still waited for him. After a while, Lewis stood up.

"Congratulations!" said Dyer. He was delighted!

With Lewis advancing to rank 10, nothing can separate them. Except …

"Dyer, thank you for all you've done, but I'm afraid I want to go and explore the universe alone," he said.

"What?" Dyer was astonished.

"I hope to see you later, maybe a million years later, maybe a billion!" he said.

Dyer touched his forehead and didn't speak. Not even a word. He turned around and left Lewis alone.

Lewis didn't regret it. What Dyer had done that day, the 'Cleansing' of him of light element, was very telling.

Even after cleansing, Lewis didn't change his mind on anything.

He was still tired of living and wanted to live the rest of his life peacefully.

But, he thought of Dyer.

Dyer cared about him too much.

It's not healthy to live your life for someone else.

So he decided to leave so Dyer could find out how to live without him.

After being with one another for so long, both had forgotten how to live alone.

Lewis got permission to return to heaven. He still has an apprentice there.

He very much likes that young kid, Alistair. With less than 200,000 years old, he can be considered a child in front of Lewis. But, as a youngster, his ideas are interesting.

Maybe he can be inspired by him to regain the drive to advance further.

Because, at the moment, Lewis has no desire to advance further.


Heaven was floating around without any obstruction in the endless space. It was the territory of the Great Dream, but they controlled not every single world.

Rachel controlled heaven, so any war was unlikely. Still, Rachel improved the defensive system out of habit. She added a space junk radar, along with missile spells. Missile spells are rank 10 and will shoot at any space junk.

Heaven is now a proper rank 10 world with an excellent defensive system and a skilled manager who can fix all coding problems skillfully.


Bertha took another pill. After so long, she reached rank 8.

Even without trying hard to advance, with the daily pills alone, she was much faster than anybody else.

"Okay, enough for today!" said Rachel.

Bertha's life is incredibly dull. It's uneventful, with no action and essentially nothing to do.

For Rachel, it's not a problem. She lost her emotions long ago, and she even enjoys a little from the uneventfulness of heaven.

Bertha nodded to Rachel and said, "I'm visiting my daughter today!"