Subscription System

Rachel remained in the semi-world as instructed.

The semi-world only has endless gray soil and a dark sky, nothing interesting.

She didn't have to wait for long. Only after one day a man arrived.

Rachel #1 had no idea who he was but knew the main body sent him.

Rachel has a foolproof identification system, so she did not doubt him. Only rank 14s could possibly hack the identification system, but no rank 14 would bother. After all, any of them could wipe the entire universe, including Rachel, clean.

The man has no face, and his figure is uncertain; one moment tall, another moment short, with no rhythm, extremely chaotic.

This technique is obviously to conceal his identity; Rachel #1 guessed him to be some big shot in the headquarters.

The man waved his hand, and the semi-world disappeared like it never existed.

Rachel #1 was plunged into chaos, but thankfully, now at rank 10, she can easily resist the chaos.

Zagronan was also plunged into chaos.

Before, in the semi-world, it was difficult to detect him because, with endless illusions, hiding was just too easy.

In the endless space, however, hiding is not that easy.

Sure, Zagronan himself can resist the chaos, but his illusions can not. Careful formations and research are necessary to create and maintain illusions in the endless space. Just raw illusions won't hold up.

With the cover of the semi-world gone, even Rachel spotted his approximate location.

The man was faster than her. He reached out with his hand, grabbed Zag, and sent him far away to an unknown place.

He turned his 'face' toward Rachel, and she disappeared the next moment.


Rachel has no idea where it is, but she isn't worried.

The main body wouldn't harm her; even if she did, Rachel #1 wouldn't complain.

Zagronan was lying on the ground just beside her.

He is now out of the illusion; She waited for him to regain consciousness.

Zagronan woke up.

He seemed to have had a long dream.

"Huh? Where are we?" he hastily stood up and looked around. With rank 9, it's unbelievable to fall asleep without remembering.

"Congratulations! You have reached rank 10," Rachel said.

"What?" he felt astonished.

Rachel started explaining. After a while, Zagronan frowned deeply.

"So, I have a complete law?" he started looking inside himself. He found nothing.

"Yeah! It's infinite illusions complete law! You should have no problem controlling it, so look more carefully," she said.

If one suddenly gets illusion complete laws, likely, they wouldn't even know it; after all, even detecting illusion complete laws is difficult.

But Zagronan is an Illusion concept grandmaster, so he should be able to do it.

Zagronan sat down and meditated.

The place was in a big cave, so he felt safe enough not to care about the outside for now.

After a while, he opened his eyes and said, "I felt it! It's majestic!" he exclaimed.

"What did you feel?" Rachel asked.

Zagronan owns this law; he will know more about it than Rachel; it is not in the database.

"I feel it has endless potential like I can create as much illusion as I want at no cost!" he said.

Rachel nodded.

The main Rachel declassified info about infinity to her. After all, with her being the Rachel incarnation in Zagronan's possession, hiding it would not be feasible.

"Right; infinite complete laws are overpowered! Even one infinite complete law can make a rank 10 stronger than most rank 11s!" she said.

"You mean I'm now as strong as rank 11?" Zagronan asked in disbelief. From his perspective, he was rank 9 just yesterday.

"Yeah! Your infinite illusions complete law can create endless illusions with a bit of energy. The limiting factor is not energy; it's the output you can get from it. But even the tiny output you can get out should be enough to place you squarely at the same combat power as rank 11s. So, from now on, you can at least defend against anyone below rank 12!" she excitedly said.

"What about rank 12?" he asked casually.

"Of course, you have no chance! Rank 12s use universal law, which is a completely different level. No matter how many or what complete laws you have, they are only complete laws, not universal ones," she said.

"What if I attack a rank 12 with infinite illusions?" he asked, looking more and more elated.

"They wave their hand and kill you; even easier than killing a fly! Don't worry about rank 12!" she smiled wryly.

"Okay! Let's explore the world! I want to test my complete law! I will destroy a few continents to try my powers!" he smiled.

"No more destruction!" she said firmly.

If Zagronan continues down the path of destruction, he will someday become a mindless monster. He is a monster at the moment, but at least he has a brain.

"What do you mean? If my edges get blunted, I will go mad! Don't do this to me…" he begged.

Rachel pretended not to hear it.

"Please! I'm much smarter when I'm sharp-edged! I can't..."

After more than a month of nonstop begging, Zagronan finally gave up ... for now!

Rachel is sure he will continue to beg in the future, but for now, he agreed to explore the continent first.

Later, Rachel will get him to a testing ground. After all, even she wants to test him. Of course, the testing ground won't be in an inhibited world. Rachel has worlds only built to test firepower, so finding a location is not a problem.

Zagronan went out of the cave and looked at the sky. There was one sun, but it shone blue. Until now, all the suns he saw were yellow!

"I like blue!" he smirked.

His most favored light is red, but blue is also acceptable, at least better than yellow.

"Let's go look around. Remember, no killing without my permission!" Rachel warned.

Zagronan shook his head regretfully and sighed. He never thought of disobeying. Sometimes, he wonders why he can't disobey Rachel.

He never found any answer; he just 'knew' he couldn't disobey.


The world is a colossal rank 13 world near Rachel's headquarters.

It has more than 100 universal laws, its vastness not expressible by mortal language. There are countless diverse sub-worlds in different styles - cultivation, mage, heaven, hell, undead land, illusions, dreams, etc.

What's more, Rachel is not a secret here! Everyone has Rachel.

From birth, everyone would be given a Rachel. They would grow with their Rachel and die with their Rachel. If they are lucky enough to reach rank 10 with their Rachel, they would then become part of the management team.

The management team is composed of everyone who ever reached rank 10 . They live in the central sub-world and get dispatched to various missions.

High-level civilizations now know about Rachel's hosts, so using the management team as agents is not dangerous. None of the management team members who would be dispatched know anything important.


Preston Country is located in the South Continent.

The South Continent is on 'Earth-992' in the world' 14-9'.

World' 14-9' is a vacuum-planet world.

Vacuum-planet worlds are planets in vacuums; there is no main world, heaven, etc. They consist of planets, stars, moons, asteroids, etc.

These types of worlds are not found anywhere else; they are Rachel's original design. Of course, she plagiarised it from Earth.

Rachel is in everyone's life. But her presence doesn't prevent conflicts. Here, she is hands-off! Hosts can kill each other and have wars.

If someone dies, then they are not good enough. She doesn't care.

Worlds starting with '14' have some distinctions from other worlds.

Everyone from the moment of birth is given a 'Bronze subscription.' The Bronze subscription includes a small house, food, water, necessities, etc., and a maximum lifespan of 10,000,000 years. Therefore, there is no poor person in Preston.

However, if one wants to promote their subscription, there are other requirements.

Once in a while, 'promotion badges.' appear in random places. One must get a 'silver promotion badge' to advance into the Silver subscription.

Silver or bronze subscriptions have nothing to do with ranks; one may be rank 10 but still have a bronze subscription, while another may be rank 0 and have a gold subscription.

There are no other ways to obtain food, housing, and materials. With all looting and theft also banned, this made 'subscription badges' sought after like no other product.

Subscription badges appear in random places and are sealed for 1 month. In this one month, their location is visible to all.

The role of the government in '14' worlds is very limited. There are countries, but they do very little. Nobody can tax anyone because everything is based on subscriptions.

Still, there are governments. After all, most choose to have a normal life and die rather than trying to gather badges. They lack nothing in life, with everything provided by subscriptions.

People can also form groups.

The maximum number of people in a group is 3. If a group of 3 gets one badge, it automatically gets split into 1/3 of a badge each. If more people try to group illegally, the anti-cheat system will detect it and ban them from getting any badge.

People with Bronze subscriptions live a maximum of 10,000,000 years. For example, rank 8 mages can live up to 80,640,000 years, but if their subscription is bronze, they would die at the 10,000,000 mark, even if their rank would have allowed them to live longer otherwise.


Zagronan picked up something shiny on the ground.

"Huh? Why does it have a timer?" he started playing with it.

It was black but shiny. He liked the color.

"Zag, you don't want to mess with that!" Rachel smiled bitterly.

Was their luck good or bad?

Zagronan was brought here personally by the main body, so he doesn't need subscriptions. Encountering this badge is good luck for most, but for Zag, it only brings conflict.

Rachel, of course, is not afraid; Zagronan can win against anyone who attacks, but she wants to avoid slaughter.

Just at this moment, someone with the aura of rank 9 appeared!

There are different arenas. Some arenas allow rank 9, while others only allow rank 0,1,2, etc.

If everyone was grouped together, lower ranks would have no chance. Zagronan was in level 9+ arena, where anyone could enter.

Rank 10+, of course, they are so big that they don't need these kinds of games.

The rank 9 looked at Zagronan.

She felt no energy from him but still hesitated to attack.

But the badge was too valuable, so she attacked with her strongest attack!

A large land area, almost as large as a continent, shook from this attack! Fortunately, this planet is enormous, and this place specifically is used to these kinds of attacks.

The place where Zagronan was completely melted, Or it didn't.

The attacker looked with disbelief! Everything returned to as they were before the attack!

"Rank 10?" she screamed internally and ran! Or didn't!

She ran far away but looked around and found herself standing where she was a moment ago.

She kneeled on the ground to beg. Or maybe not!

With a blink, she discovered she was still standing as before!

No matter what she did, she returned to her original position the next moment.

"This is fun! I like bullying the weak!" Zagronan laughed loudly. Now that he cannot kill them let's torture them! He felt like he found a loophole!

"Hey, Zag! You can't enjoy doing evil!" she was worried about him losing his mind.

"What do you mean? What is wrong with evil? Why are you doing this to me!" he was happy a moment ago, but as soon as he heard what Rachel said, he started crying like a baby. He felt wronged. What is wrong with being a proud demon? Why does Rachel find so many problems with him? He doesn't get it at all.

Rachel sighed and relented. "Just don't harm them; a little play with illusions is fine!" she said reluctantly.

Soon, more arrived, but without exception, all fell into his illusions.

Zagronan started enjoying himself! He made them experience their biggest fears.

Soon, all began begging for death!

But Zag only doubled down.

Many even died from fear, or they didn't! Zag won't let them even die!

"I love it! This is even more fun than slaughter!" Zagronan felt like he found a new hobby.

"Rachel, I miss Lana! She would love this!" he said while pleading.

For some reason, his edges don't get blunted when he begs Rachel.

"I'll bring her later," she said.

Zagronan nodded happily.

With Lana here, this might not be as bad as he thought.