
As the world war raged on, time outside the world continued to flow normally.

The time in the true hell was actually linked to the time of endless space. Worlds could freely adjust their time, but many still chose to adhere to the time of endless space, which was regulated through universal time law.

Just as Ryan was contemplating how to eliminate rank 8s, something incredible happened in a rank 13 world far away.

Rachel had been attempting to calculate the infinite universal law for some time now. In the grand scheme of things, she had only been calculating for a short time; after all, even billions of years are like a blink of an eye for rank 12 and above immortals.

Fortunately, everything went well, and now she had finally managed to calculate the infinite universal law in its entirety. However, there is more to do...

The process of calculating a universal law was the hardest part; one must have many complete laws of the same subject and, using them, try to decode a universal law.

This was why calculating the infinite universal law was much harder because Rachel didn't have that many complete laws. Infinite complete laws were special; their formula was random, and one could only rely on luck to obtain them.

Rachel, though, transformed her largest worlds into massive computers. With her mastery of many concepts, especially coding and formation concepts, she managed to calculate the universal law in such a short time.

Now, she is sure; Other rank 14s must know the formula of infinite universal law; the process was hard, but rank 14s must be able to do it.

Most likely, no other civilization would ever be able to do it in such a short time as Rachel. She had collected many infinite complete laws throughout countless years and only managed to decode the law after turning many rank 13 worlds into computers and with the help of some tips from the rank 14 civilization Alive.

What is a universal law? Each universal law is one with the universe, so decoding a universal law is decoding a part of the universe.

There are two ways to use universal laws: one is the token given by the office, and the other is independently using it. To be able to use a universal law independently, one must have knowledge of the creation, which is why no rank 13 can do it alone. The office's token enables one to skip this step.

One cannot create a universal law; all universal laws are already there.

One can never truly own a universal law. In the current system, each universal law will be licensed and can only be used by the civilization or person who licensed it, but that is only because the office limited the licenses like that.

In truth, one can use any universal law as long as they have its formula and have enough knowledge of the creation.

Rachel had no way of gaining enough knowledge about the creation to use a universal law independently. Alive gave her a lot of information but didn't give her everything; they still left out many parts.

Now, though, she has access to Rachel's multiuniversal database. The database is an information trading system. One can only withdraw information if they put information in.

Even though only Rachel and her most trusted hosts could use the system, it's not free; Rachel, who created the database, wanted it to always expand, so they did it this way.

Still, Rachel's incarnations get a massive discount using it; this is how Rachel was able to learn a lot about the creation.

She fed valuable info in and received what she wanted.

The one good thing is that one can put in any data; the AI that manages the database would apprise it and price it fairly.

No matter how trivial, all data has value. Even if countless other incarnations put in the same data, the AI still accepts it. This is a great error detection method and has many other uses for calculations.

Rachel has already provided a lot of information, but not enough to buy the key method of reaching rank 14 with infinite universal law.

There are three different ways of reaching rank 14; one can reach it by copying aspects of the creation.

The creation is all-powerful, all-knowing, and infinite. All-knowing and all-powerful aspects are easier to copy; however, infinite is harder and stronger than all-knowing and all-powerful.

She can try to buy the general way of controlling universal laws, but she doesn't plan on risking all that money for something that may fail; so she is aiming to buy the specific info regarding infinite universal law.

Her understanding of the universe is already quite deep. She knows that each universe has its own unique variety of universal laws; however, all universes have three universal laws in common.

All universes must possess infinity, omnipotence, and omniscience as universal laws. Without these three acting as a base, no universe can take form.

That's because universes are closely connected to the creation; without imitating all aspects of the creation, no universe can stay afloat.

In one sense, all universes are perfect rank 14; it's just that they have no will and no fighting power.

Another aspect is that their imitation is not perfect; universes copy the three fundamental universal laws, but not flawlessly. Their flaw is the creation itself. They can never become truly omnipotent, omniscient, or infinite because only one entity can possess those at the same time.

There cannot be more than one entity in rank 15; the universes are not considered direct extensions of the creation, so they cannot truly become omnipotent, omniscient, and infinite.

They can, however, be all those things within their borders. The universes are sort of invincible, all-knowing, and infinite within their own borders; the exception Is that in the face of the creation, they still lose, as they are only copies and not real things.

People trying to copy aspects of the creation to reach rank 14 are actually not copying the creation; they are copying the universe's copy. In effect, though, it's not that different; even without copying from the real thing, if done right, there is no issue of reaching rank 14.

A universe has no energy limit, knows everything that happens within it, and is capable of doing all it wants; it's just that because it has no will, it never utilizes those powers. The creation itself is also without a will; by nearly perfect copying of the creation, the universe gave up on any chance of attaining will.

This is another challenge for reaching rank 15. Even if someone managed to steal the creation's authority and become rank 15, they would, like the creation, lose all of their wills and become another willless being like the creation.

That's why one must keep a distance; each rank 14 can only copy one aspect of the creation; if they do more than one, they would lose their will and become like a universe, neutral and without any desires.

Loss of emotion and will is a problem throughout the road to immortality and would continue to be a problem after attaining immortality.

Still, these issues are far away from Rachel, so she doesn't care; well, loss of emotion is not far away, but it is not a problem at the moment.

Now, her focus is on what information she should feed the database to earn enough money to buy info for the infinite universal law.

She has already fed it the most valuable information, so she is left with no choice but to start feeding it low-grade information.

She has to make up for quality with quantity.

"Time to sell the trash!" she thought with a sigh.

The database buys anything, so all information, no matter how trivial, is worth something.

Sending an order down to her incarnations, she closed her eyes, waiting for the feedback.

Bertha's Rachel looked at the new order sent directly by the main body with a big frown; this is one of the rare times when the main body directly sent an order, so it must be very serious.

"Sending information regarding … everything?" She thought.

As an incarnation of Rachel, she would not question her main body, so she nodded to herself and said to Bertha, "Hey, Bertha! Quickly write all you know and don't know in a data storage crystal and put it in the pill container; tell Milan and everyone else who can use data storage to do the same!"

A data storage crystal is small, smaller than the tip of a pinky, but it can store an unimaginable quantity of data.

"What?" Bertha asked in confusion.

"This is a code red!" said Rachel.

Hearing this, Bertha began moving immediately. Code red means an order by the main body; Bertha knows all about the main body and her efforts to reach rank 14. It's no secret anyway; the rank 14s all know, so there is no point hiding it from her hosts.

Bertha did as told, and soon, a lot of data crystals were delivered.

Zagronan asked, "What? Data?"

"Red code!" said Rachel.

Nodding, Zagronan also sprung into action, ordering all demon dukes and demon kings throughout the world to start doing that. He also immediately ordered an end to the current world war.

Those people have a lot of data they can deliver, so allowing them all to die would violate the terms of the red code.

When code red occurs, one must put down everything else and focus exclusively on the order.

Ryan frowned. He was just preparing himself for a life-and-death battle, but he was suddenly teleported out.

Soon, a voice came into his mind, "Take the data crystals in front of you and fill them with everything you know! The top quintillion who finish it first get 10 emperor contribution points, and the top 100 get 1000 emperor contribution points, while the top 1 gets 10,000."

The voice continued, "Begin collecting mortals' memories and knowledge and store them in the data crystals; for each trillion, you get 0.1 contribution points!"

As soon as Ryan heard of it, he was already beginning recording. He would have no chance of getting into the top 1, but he has a chance for the top quintillion.

After completing the task as soon as possible, he turned the data crystal over and smiled when he heard the voice say, "Congratulations! Your position is 1,995,420,654,887,003. You have been awarded 10 emperor contribution points."

Looking around quickly, he saw many low-ranking mortals in the camp and acted as quickly as he could; he had to collect as much mortal data as he could to earn more emperor contribution points.