Smiling Soil Sculpture

The Sand Sect's announcement took the world by storm; many old, unknown Perfection Realm cultivators came out and started looking for 'transmigrators'.

Jack had his Perfection Realm puppet, so he knew something was up. He knew he had very little time to prepare, and if he were discovered, his puppet would obviously be far from enough to defend him against a sea of enemies. He had originally planned on slowly doing temporary tasks, but with what happened, there was no way he would survive that long if he proceeded patiently.

Just as he was thinking about what to do, the puppet reported that several Perfection Realm cultivators were looking in his direction and not looking away.

As soon as Jack heard it, he cursed. He had been able to keep everything a secret only because the Perfection cultivators weren't looking closely; now that they are, he's basically toast.


A beggar laughed while stroking his long, dirty beard. He thought, "That puppet... that boy who controls it... should be a transmigrator."

For some reason, the beggar was excited; he immediately wanted to capture them after he was notified about this transmigrator stuff. His begging complete law had been incomplete for far too long; if he could capture one of those beings from outside the world, he might be able to find some clues.

So many peak perfection cultivators came out not only to defend the world but also to capture these 'transmigrators' to see if they could find any clues about their complete law.

"That puppet... is strong! I am not its ... match!" he shook his head and sighed.

Several other Perfection Realm cultivators were also looking at the puppet; they already knew that a Perfection puppet had weirdly appeared out of nowhere, so when the Sand Sect told them about the world invasion, the first thing they thought of was this puppet.

Still, even though they were drooling to capture it and rip it apart to see what was in it, they didn't dare attack first; it was extremely powerful, at the absolute peak of Perfection. If they got injured, their future paths might be hindered.

So, they just waited for more Perfection Realm cultivators to arrive.


Fortunately for the Blood Sea puppet, it had no emotions; otherwise, it would have been trembling out of fear by now. After a few days, hundreds of Perfection Realm cultivators were around, looking at it like sharks.

Jack, who was watching, sighed and thought, "I am done!" If the enemy was one big realm stronger, he might have had some chance, but against hundreds of peak Perfection Realm cultivators, he had no way out.

"I have no choice but to take that risk!" Jack sighed; he liked to grow steadily, not run away like this. Still, if he stayed, it would mean his death.

In the backstory of this world, he wrote about the existence of many inheritances. These inheritances were left behind by old immortals who ascended from this world; therefore, they are technically rank 10, capable of remaining hidden from even peak Perfection Realm cultivators.

Jack had the Blood Sea puppet; he could have teleported directly to the doorstep of one of those inheritances and started exploring them. The issue is that such a move would have attracted attention and was entirely against his strategy of steady development. Now, however, 'steady development' is out the window. Moreover, they would probably come to get the puppet, and eventually him, in a few days or even hours. His only chance was using Blood Sea to teleport to one of those inheritances and take shelter within it.

This act would completely expose him; he would be trapped there for the foreseeable future. If he ever came out, he would be immediately captured.

The Perfection Realm cultivators outside the continent had already set up big formations that could block the teleportation of even Perfection cultivators; they knew the puppet might want to run, so they were guarding against it. But the puppet was beyond their imagination; it was a creation of Master Blood Sea, a rank 10 who ascended. The puppet could still teleport anywhere in the world despite all those blockades.

"Jack-sama!" Mike, who had just arrived, saluted. He knew what was going on but was confident Hero-sama would do something about it, so he wasn't worried.

"Mike, read this," Jack threw an excellent-grade data crystal; it was one of the items inherited from Master Blood Sea. It had a rank 9 formation, which prevented even divine sense of Perfection Realm cultivators from reading it unauthorizedly.

Mike took it, read it, looked up at Jack with wide eyes, and nodded with resolve.

Then, Mike deleted the data crystal's content, wrote his own message on it, and gave it to the puppet.

The puppet took it and read it, then said emotionlessly, "Yes, master!".

The next moment, the scene changed! Jack, Mike, Lucy, Faith, Amber, Redy, and the village chief were all present, standing in front of a black-and-white door.

"The Light and Dark Inheritance!" Jack sighed as he thought of the content.

"Master, take care of yourself when I am gone!" the puppet spoke with emotion, which was extremely unusual. Then, without hesitation, it cast its ultimate skill: Blood Sea!

When the puppet took everyone and teleported to the inheritance ground, hundreds of Perfection Realm cultivators scanned the whole world and quickly found where it had teleported to. Most had already arrived and were looking from afar like wolves, cautious but very alert. They would most likely make their move very soon.

Before they made their move, however, the sky changed color, from light blue to blood red; the water flowing in rivers changed to blood; the ground changed from brown to blood red; the leaves of trees became red; and even the sun shone with creepy, red light.

As soon as the puppet cast its ultimate spell, its entire body melted into a red liquid and floated up, becoming one with the sky.

The Blood Sea spell is an extremely powerful rank 9 skill; it uses one's body as fuel to achieve dominance over the entire world for a short time; it's impossible to survive after casting it. It was the most powerful trump card that Master Blood Sea gave to her inheritor.

All Perfection Realm cultivators around the inheritance ground were forcefully teleported out; a red layer appeared, completely wrapping around the ground and blocking all teleportations in and out.

Jack's order was just to buy time for them to enter the inheritance ground. Even the Blood Sea skill is not strong enough to kill all rank 9s in the world; to reduce consumption and maximize the time it can defend the inheritance ground, Jack ordered that it only focus on defense.

"Let's start!" Jack said.

Mike, who already knew the details, took out a coffin from his space ring; it was one of the coffins left by Master Blood Sea. It was special, with weird abilities.

"Lay in there! Hurry!" Mike pointed to Faith, Lucy, and Amber.

"What? Mike, what's going on?" Lucy asked, unaware of the severity of the situation.

"You three lay in this coffin!" Mike urged.

"Do what he says," Jack also urged.

Seeing Jack also approve, the three obeyed and barely fit themselves in there. Mike closed the coffin after struggling for nearly half a minute; they barely fit in but were still knocking on the coffin, showing displeasure.

"Master, this is your coffin!" Mike took out another coffin exclusive for his master. After that, he withdrew something from his space ring and then removed it from his index finger, respectfully giving it to Jack.

Jack nodded and said, "Thank you, Mike!" and went and laid in it.

Next, the village chief also laid in the last coffin.

Looking at the three coffins, Mike took out a knife and cut his hand, drawing strange signs on them. Then, he pushed a button on the coffins.

A red light emitted from the coffins, and then, silence; even the coffin where Amber, Faith, and Lucy were fell into complete silence.

They all died!

These coffins were called coffins of death; those inside would die by the push of a button and come back alive after one day and night. They were one of the most valuable items Master Blood Sea had, items that played with life and death!

Knocking on the door at the entrance of the inheritance ground, Mike sighed. He had a very good feeling today; his master had chosen him for this very important task, and he was extremely proud of himself.

A man with yellow teeth and a short mustache opened the door. He wore armor like a medieval soldier.

"What?" the man asked, confused.

"I'm the mailman; here are the items you requested for your master," said Mike, pointing at the coffins.

The man looked at the coffins, took a few gold coins from his pocket, and said, "This is the last delivery; after this, don't knock on the door anymore. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!" He looked unsatisfied. Then, while mumbling something, he went forward, picked up all three coffins, and entered the door. He put a 'don't disturb' sign on the door facing outside, then closed the door with a loud bang.

"It's done!" Mike felt the greatest joy.

The Dark and Light Inheritance is special; only dead people can enter it. Moreover, as long as the first batch of protagonists who went inside stayed there, nobody else could enter. This inheritance allows the protagonist to bring native followers, which is one of the reasons Jack chose it.

Using so much of his outside knowledge, Jack really couldn't avoid damaging the Dao collection; with his actions now, a lot of it was damaged. Now, only 80% remains, but there is no helping it; if he hadn't done it, he would have died without a doubt.

Looking at the sky, the blood cover surrounding the inheritance ground was flickering, as it couldn't last any longer. After all, hundreds of Perfection Realm cultivators were probably attacking it, so naturally, it couldn't resist for long.

Taking a pill from his pocket, a single drop of tear fell from Mike's eye. "I can't see Master again!" More and more drops fell. He had no issue sacrificing his life; his only issue was not being able to see his master again.

It was his master's order, so he swallowed all his sad emotions and threw the pill into his mouth.

In wars, some soldiers who are captured alive commit suicide not to leak information or not suffer from torture. But among immortals, especially high-level immortals who can even search the soul, how can one even commit suicide? The answer is that many pills can help with that.

As soon as Mike swallowed this 'Turn Heaven' pill, his body became dark brown, slowly blending into the surroundings, becoming one with nature. This pill would present one's soul and body to the heavens; it is the truest form of death. Not even ordinary rank 12 immortals can easily resurrect someone who became one with the heavens.

These Perfection Realm cultivators have no chance at all; trying to soul-search a person after they have presented their soul to the heavens is like putting one's head inside the mouth of an angry dragon.

In the grassland, a soil sculpture of a man with a smiling yet sad face was all that was left behind beside a black and white door.