
Jack looked at the other substance souls before him; there were 99 in total. After over 1,200 years in the inheritance space, he finally calculated the multiple soul chapter and used system points to reach its peak in one fell swoop.

Name: Jack (Peak of 10th stage of multiple soul realm)

Main mission: Conquer the World

Side missions: (list)

Temporary task: (list)

Grandpa count: 1 (+)

Current Grandpas: 1 (Soul Transformation Realm 10th Stage)

Points: 37,550,000

He had already gathered enough points to buy his first peak perfection grandpa. After losing the puppet, he had no perfection realm powerhouse at his disposal, but now, with the grandpa, he at least had one.

He completed many system side missions and temporary tasks over the years; they were very good-paying. After completing those for centuries, he barely gathered enough points for a perfection realm grandpa. The side missions and temporary tasks lists are regularly updated; the tasks were all doable within the inheritance ground, so there was no need to go out to do them.

After breaking through the multiple soul realm, he quickly used points to reach the peak of it. The peak of the multiple souls realm has 100 substance souls. Of course, there are special techniques to increase the numbers beyond that, but Jack didn't see the necessity. Other cultivators who try to reach the void soul increase the number because they want to increase their chances.

However, Jack, having the system, had a 100% chance of success; as long as he had the technique, he would have a 100% chance of success. He wouldn't divert his attention to increasing his substance soul count; he only wanted to calculate the next stage, the void soul chapter of the Heaven's Way technique.

Other cultivators who reach the multiple soul realm would have many issues keeping them all in sync. In terms of raw cultivation, the multiple soul realm it is not that difficult, but in terms of mentality, it's very hard. Each substance soul is the same as the main one; for example, Jack doesn't have a 'main' substance soul now. The other substance souls, which appeared due to the increase in the realm of multiple souls, are each exactly the same as his first substance soul.

Most cultivators find it extremely difficult to maintain the cohesion and unity of all the substance souls because there is no 'main' substance soul; each considers itself the 'main' one, which usually causes many issues. Techniques for maintaining the unity of substance souls exist, but those are usually very well-kept secrets and are not guaranteed to work.

Jack, on the other hand, didn't need any techniques. As an incarnation of Jack, who lived for countless years, this realm was extremely easy for him.

"Time to buy a grandpa!" Jack thought and opened the system interface.

"Buy a Perfection Realm grandpa: 33,554,432 points + 10% confirm?"

Jack tapped on confirm, and a whopping 36,909,875 points were spent. A black ring with a subtle purple radiance appeared; it looked ordinary and not valuable, but Jack knew there was a brand new grandpa inside it, kindly waiting to help him.

He took the ring, put it on, and called, "Grandpa!"

An old woman with long hair came out and said, annoyed, "Call me Daoist Snow!"

Jack blinked and looked at the system interface again.

'Buy a Perfection Realm grandpa: 33,554,432 points + 10%'

He thought, "It clearly said 'Grandpa'! Why did it turn out to be Grandma?" He wanted to complain to Rachel about the system. It's not that he discriminated against grandmas; it's just that Jack was a very detail-oriented person. If it said grandpa, it should deliver grandpa. In his opinion, it was false advertising to sell it as grandpa and then deliver a grandma...

"Grandma! I call you Grandma!" Jack said.

Daoist Snow was annoyed. She shook her head disapprovingly and changed her appearance from an old woman to a beautiful young woman.

"I call you by name, Jack; please, call me Daoist Snow," said the now youth-looking Daoist Snow.

Jack sighed; this incident decreased his trust in the system in general. Still, it was a small matter, so he nodded and said, "Daoist Snow, let me ask a few questions. First, what technique do you cultivate?"

Daoist Snow said, "I am cultivating the Ice Snow Mage technique. It is one of the best Cold Dao techniques with many special abilities, including the ability to create ice incarnations…"

Daoist Snow rambled on for half an hour, telling tales about her Ice Snow Mage technique. It was as if she was waiting years for someone to ask this question.

Jack didn't interrupt her; the more details she said, the better. 

Daoist Snow continued talking; she had long since become distracted and no longer discussed the Ice Snow Mage technique.

"I used to be a core disciple of the ancient Icegod sect. It was the biggest Ice-related sect in the God Realm. Those days, they begged me to become their supreme elder to lead their mortal branch, but I was too busy to accept."

Two hours later.

"My seventh husband was the demi-god of Volcano. We were really like Ice and Fire, very different from each other. That year, went on vacation. I dragged him to the north Arctic; he got angry and melted Ice, turning it into lava. We were forced to pay half our fortune to compensate the Ice sect."

Three hours later.

"My 22nd son married into the Pill Sect and became their 7th supreme elder. He is still working there. I used to buy all my cultivation pills from him at a 20% discount! The sect later clamped down and prohibited even supreme elders from selling anything with discounts not authorized by the council of supreme elders."

One hour later.

"Finally, after going through all of these, I overturned my conviction for fraud. The Pill Sect was humiliated. I sued them back and forced them to pay my attorney fees! They were also forced to pay 100,000 High-grade energy stones as compensation for wasting my time."

One hour later.

"My 95th daughter married the ancestor of the Ice Dragon Tribe. I asked her how she has sex with her husband; she said that her husband uses pills to make it smaller so that it fits her. I laughed to myself; everyone wants to make it bigger, but her husband's is so big he has to make it smaller."

Jack was very patient, especially when conversing with strong beings such as Daoist Snow. But even for him, this was going on for a bit too long. So he intervened and said, "Can you write down all the techniques and knowledge you have?" He handed Daoist Snow a data crystal.

Daoist Snow, who was interrupted, was a bit dissatisfied, but in the end, she took the crystal and started importing information. After a few minutes, she handed the crystal back to Jack.

Seeing what was in it, Jack was very pleasantly surprised; it was a wealth of information regarding all Dao, even heavenly Dao. If he buys more 'grandpas,' he would gain a lot of knowledge, in addition to their perfection realm combat power.

Unfortunately, the system tasks won't pay well; it would probably take him at least 1,000 years to get around 40,000,000 points again.

"Daoist Snow, can you use your power?" Jack asked this to make sure of something.

Daoist Snow looked weirdly at Jack and used her power to slash at a faraway mountain.


The mountain's peak fell after Daoist Snow cut it.

"There is no issue!" Daoist Snow smiled smugly.

Jack nodded to himself. He set up this inheritance and knew the rules; anyone who gains their power inside the inheritance ground can use it without issue.

Jack himself gained his power from outside, so his power was completely sealed. Even after breaking through multiple souls, each of his substance souls was like a mortal, unable to cast any spell.

But, this Daoist Snow was 'born' here, so the inheritance considered her to be native to the inheritance ground.

"With her, I have a very strong backing. Peak perfection cultivators are stronger than Detachment wizards; with her here, I can finally rest assured that I can stay here as long as I want!" Jack thought.

He can use Daoist Snow to complete the inheritance's main prize, but he won't; he intends to stay here for a long time.

"Daoist Snow, please protect me and my other substance souls; our power is sealed in this space," said Jack.

"What? Why don't I feel anything?" Daoist Snow felt astonished; she felt no abnormality with Jack and his other substance souls.

"It is a very high-level seal. Okay, let's go inside; I must introduce you to a few people!" Jack said.

Despite having the means to make great disruptions in the top ten councils of detachment wizards, Jack remained motionless; he acted as if Daoist Snow was just an ordinary person.

Others, including Lucy, Faith, Amer, Tlod, etc., could not detect her abnormality; they thought she was a romantic partner Jack found outside. Amber was the most surprised; she never thought Jack would find a romantic partner.

The group had a good life in Tlod's castle; Amber was busy cultivating most of the time. Fortunately, Jack brought such a fortune of energy stones that they could continue cultivating without disruption.

Faith had it hardest; because she had lost her ability to change shape, it had been hard for her to continue her love with Redy.

Before coming here, she would have changed her outer appearance to that of a horse when she wanted to be with Redy, but now, she couldn't do it. She had borrowed shape-changing medicine from Tlod, but those were not as good.

Redy, for his part, was close to reaching the substance soul realm; his cultivation speed was much higher than that of his peers. Maybe he was more talented, maybe he was more motivated; after all, he could change his shape to that of a human after reaching the substance soul.

The love of humans with magical beasts is generally not accepted by mainstream cultivators, but it is not that uncommon. In many worlds, hybrid human-dragons are not rare.

Among mortals, human-animal sexual relations are rightly extremely disgusting for one reason: because animals are dumb and cannot give consent, it would be animal abuse for any human who does it. If animals were as intelligent as humans and were capable of giving consent, then it would probably have been legalized to have human-animal relations; in fact, not allowing it may have been considered discrimination based on species. In advanced cultures, it's not that rare to have robot spouses. In those civilizations, many robots have as much emotional intelligence, feeling, and compassion as humans.

Tlod's research on cultivators had been advancing rapidly; he would most likely be able to completely invent a new cultivation technique that combined the best aspects of wizards' and cultivators' techniques.