Volume Eighteen: Stormy Secrets, Chapter Eight: A Rising Demon

Komer's timely arrival made the meeting somewhat awkward for everyone involved. However, Komer conducted himself with considerable rationality and understanding, which not only slightly reassured Caru and Boritz but also made them sense that this young noble lord had a depth and sophistication to him.

Komer's positive demeanor with Rebury did not dispel Caru and Boritz's suspicions. However, from the first subterranean level of Damarlinsk Castle to the second aboveground floor, Caru and Boritz had indeed found nothing of interest. Instead, Rebury's five laboratories amazed both Caru and Boritz. They had not expected that in such a remote land as the Caucasus, this minor lord would have such grand ambitions, so much so that he provided ample magic experimental materials and supplies. To explain this as a mere hobby or friendship was far-fetched.