Volume 21 The Path of Darkness Chapter 8 Flanders Territory_2

Chief Montrey of the Caron Tribe's sudden absence from the pre-battle routine meeting didn't garner much attention from the other tribal chiefs of the Barbarian Alliance. After all, these bi-daily pre-battle meetings were hardly brimming with novelty. At most, it would mean a few tribal chiefs venting their frustration before sticking to the already established plan and proceeding with the campaign. The only issue was that the Meyrin River Valley had mostly come under control, and the fort at Brandenburg, located at the tail end of the valley, had become a thorn in the side, stubbornly halting the mountain people's advance. The dwarves and mortals were united here in their tenacious defense against the mountain people's attacks, and it seemed the battle had reached a stalemate that neither side was willing to endure.