Chapter 8: Divine Fire in the Pupil!

"Once a person is dead, they cannot come back. However, I have heard that if you practice martial arts to the utmost, you can become like an immortal, capable of reversing time and bringing people back to life. I believe your parents wouldn't want you to waste your life being so dispirited. If you work hard in martial training, your parents in the afterlife will feel relieved. And if you achieve the peak of martial arts, there may be a possibility to reverse time and resurrect your parents."

At this moment, Wang Ping thought for a moment and spoke to comfort him.

Upon hearing these words, the village chief was stunned and gave Wang Ping a deep look.

He had initially thought that Wang Ping was just an ordinary rich young man, but he didn't expect him to say such profound words.

He was unsure if cultivating martial arts to the extreme could reverse time and bring living beings back to life.

However, he had indeed heard rumors of forbidden places in this world where resurrection of living beings was possible.

"Big brother, is it true? Can martial training really bring my parents back to life?"

At this time, Chifeng also reacted and looked at Wang Ping with hopeful eyes.

"Although I cannot guarantee that it can be done, there is definitely hope."

Wang Ping replied with some lack of confidence.

He had no idea about the situation and cultivating system of this world. His words were merely the result of reading too many novels.

However, although Wang Ping was not confident, the child didn't dwell on it and couldn't notice the change in Wang Ping's tone.

Chifeng deeply remembered one thing.

That is, to practice martial arts, as long as he works hard, he could resurrect his parents, just that.

"I will work hard in martial training! I must reach the Martial Peak and bring my parents back to life!"

Chifeng clenched his fists, and the previously dull and lifeless eyes regained their luster, becoming bright and spirited, as if a flame was burning within them.

Looking at such eyes, Wang Ping even doubted if he was seeing things, as he seemed to see a flame.

"Wang Ping, thank you so much this time."

Seeing Chifeng regain his fighting spirit and even setting such a surprising goal, the village chief also showed a relieved smile and thanked Wang Ping.

Although it is almost impossible for Chifeng to reach the Martial Peak,

Moreover, due to certain reasons, it is extremely difficult for them, as a clan, to break through to the Innate Realm and beyond.

But as long as Chifeng could regain his spirit, that would be enough.

After all, he was still young. When he grew up, even if he found out that reality was cruel, it wouldn't matter anymore.

"You're welcome. After all, you took me in, and I really want to do something for the village."

Wang Ping touched his head and smiled.

"If you don't mind, you can live here for as long as you want, and I will do my best to teach you martial training. Of course, if you want to leave, I will also arrange for someone to take you home."

The village chief nodded and looked at Wang Ping with an incredibly kind gaze.

"I want to stay here for a while longer."

Upon hearing these words, Wang Ping was overjoyed and quickly said.

No kidding, he didn't want to leave.

In this world, he was completely undocumented, and even with the simulator, he would still have a high chance of death if he wandered outside.

After all, the simulator could only be used once a day, and it was impossible to cover all the details.

Sometimes, there would also be a butterfly effect.

The main point was that the current Life Simulator could not help him become stronger.

Therefore, from any perspective, staying in this village was the safest option.

The village chief looked deeply at Wang Ping, then laughed and said, "Since you want to stay here, stay here. Whenever you want to leave, just let me know."

"Okay!" Wang Ping nodded.

"Chifeng, from now on you will live with Wang Ping. Don't cause trouble for him, understand?"

The village chief looked at Chifeng again and instructed him.

"Grandpa Village Chief, don't worry, I won't cause any trouble for big brother."

Chifeng muttered.

"Haha, Chifeng is the most sensible." The village chief stroked his long white beard, laughed out loud, and happily left the place.

"Big brother, you came from the outer world, hurry up and tell me stories from the outer world!"After the village head left, Chifeng pulled Wang Ping with a hopeful look on his face.

"I thought you said you weren't interested?" Wang Ping teased.

"I-I am interested, just didn't have the mood earlier..." Chifeng's slightly dirty face turned red, and he said awkwardly.

"Haha, I understand." Wang Ping laughed.

However, he found himself in a difficult situation again.

After all, he was not from this world. He was just an ordinary transmigrator. If he talked about the outer world, he would surely expose himself.

"Right, let me tell you some stories instead."

Wang Ping thought for a moment and spoke.

He didn't know much about the outer world, so to satisfy Chifeng's request, he could only bring up the stories from the novels he had read before.

"Stories? What stories?"

Chifeng asked curiously.

"A story called Battle Through the Heavens..."

Wang Ping spoke slowly, smiling at the corner of his mouth.

With that, an hour passed, and Chifeng listened with bright eyes and rapt attention.

It wasn't until the sky darkened and a loud commotion came from outside that Wang Ping stopped.

"Wang Ping, is there more? Does Xiao Yan regain his fighter's cultivation?"

Upon seeing Wang Ping stop, Chifeng couldn't help but anxiously ask.

He was captivated by the story and waited for Xiao Yan to regain his cultivation and surprise everyone, only for Wang Ping to suddenly stop. Chifeng felt a little frustrated.

"He successfully broke through to become a fighter."

Wang Ping nodded.

Hearing this, Chifeng's eyes brightened, and he said admiringly, "He really succeeded. Xiao Yan is so strong."

Going from a genius to a waste, being abandoned in a marriage, and then quickly rising again, it was truly inspiring.

"By the way, Chifeng, with all this commotion outside, it must be the hunters from your village returning."

Wang Ping looked outside and said.

"Yes. The hunting team in our village usually hunts once every three days, leaving in the morning and returning at dusk."

Chifeng nodded and spoke admiringly.

"Wang Ping, let me tell you, the hunters in our hunting team are the strongest people in our village. Their cultivation is all in the Post-Heaven Realm, and the team leader is even in the Innate Realm, very powerful. My dream used to be to become the leader of the hunting team."

"Post-Heaven Realm? Innate Realm?"

Wang Ping was taken aback.

It was the Innate Realm again.

Both Cai Yonglong and Fang Yun in the group chat were from worlds with Innate Realms, and he wasn't expecting that his world would also have such a concept.

"Chifeng, do you know the specifics of the cultivation level divisions?"

Wang Ping asked curiously.

"Strange, Wang Ping, don't you know the divisions of cultivation levels?"

Chifeng looked at Wang Ping, his innocent eyes full of confusion.

"I'm just a scholar, I don't know much about martial arts. I want to learn more in detail." Wang Ping shook his head and said.

"I see." Chifeng nodded, not thinking too much, and explained earnestly: "Grandpa Village Head once said that there are three realms in cultivation: Body Refining, Post-Heaven, and Innate."

"The first realm, the Body Refining Stage, consists of Muscle Training, Skin Training, Bone Refining, Meridian Opening, and Viscera Training. Viscera Training is the hardest."

"The second realm is called the Post-Heaven Realm. After refining the internal organs, one can condense True Qi."

"After the Post-Heaven Realm comes the Innate Realm. Grandpa Village Head said that only when one reaches the Innate Realm can they truly begin cultivation. Upon breaking through the Innate Realm, one can shed their impurities, Cleanse Marrow, and return to their innate pure body. At that time, not only can one live without eating, but their strength will also undergo a qualitative change, and their lifespan can be extended to 200 years."

"As for the realms beyond Innate Realm, Grandpa Village Head never mentioned it, and I don't know either."

Chifeng scratched his head, explained again, and by the end, he too felt somewhat embarrassed, yet yearning for levels beyond the Innate Realm.