Chapter 108: The Darkness of the Chat Group! The Method to Complete the Task!_4

However, all previous transmigrators have died, and even the chat group has been destroyed and reassembled.

This isn't impossible. After all, their weird origins are unclear to anyone. They appear in various worlds, which suggests that there must be Myriad Heaven-tier masters, similar to the founder of the chat group, behind the scenes.

Since there is opposition, it isn't possible for one side to always be victorious. The chat group probably has suffered numerous defeats.

So, Cai Yonglong is number one.

Because this chat group is newly created.

And the anomaly they are dealing with is also newly born, a fledgling one.

To be honest, Wang Ping believes his speculation makes quite some sense.

If they ignore the anomaly and also stop growing, by the time these fledgling anomalies mature, they are likely to face a doomed situation, possibly ending in destruction along with the chat group.

Of course, this premise is based on them surviving until then.