Chapter 122 Entering the Purple Moon Secret Region! Princess of Heavenly Sea Country_3

The girl arrived here during your breakthrough process and had been watching you with considerable surprise. It was only after you had successfully achieved your breakthrough that you noticed her presence, triggering a sense of awe within you and a desire to leave.

She, however, stood directly in your way, preventing you from leaving. The speed at which she had moved stunned you, as you had not realized it at all. At the same time, you found yourself unable to discern her cultivation level.

The girl quickly introduced herself, revealing that she was Ling Xue, the Seventeenth Princess of Heavenly Sea Country, wishing to befriend you. You were surprised, not expecting to encounter the seventeenth princess of the Heavenly Sea Country here. After all, your memory attests to the dazzling performance she would undertake in the upcoming Hundred Dynasties War, which will make her a disciple of an elder from the Heavenly Sword Divine Land.