Chapter 124: The battle that shocked the world! Red talent! (10,000-word chapter)_2

The Director of the Spiritual Skill Bureau's expression stiffened, and he forced a bitter smile.

Although he really wanted to say that he minded, he minded very much.

The destruction of a metropolis would cause huge economic losses and many homeless people.

But considering the horror of the monster, Wang Ping would undoubtedly be risking his life in the battle. If he said he minded and asked Wang Ping to find another battlefield, it would be quite inappropriate.

"You can fight with all your might, no need to worry about the destruction of a city," the Director of the Spiritual Skill Bureau sighed.

"Then there's no problem," Wang Ping nodded in satisfaction.

Next, after Wang Ping left some inheritance of the Cultivation System, he left the place.

At the same time, Wang Ping also talked about Zhao Sihan's situation.

With the director of the Spiritual Skill Bureau present, Zhao Sihan's future life should be very comfortable.