Chapter 171: Two Strange Instances! The Doomed Cultivation Realm! (10,000-word Chapter!)_2

No wonder this eerie figure dared to approach them actively, it was because he could only deal with them in this way.

"So, do you want to buy the cards and learn what you want to know?"

The bizarre figure gently enticed.

Facing the gentle persuasion, Chen Kang and the others were somewhat silent.

"You said that besides me, everyone else has encountered problems. In other words, there is something wrong with the Spiritual Energy, Spirit Fruits and cultivation resources of this world, right? That's why you only possessed an ordinary person, not a powerful cultivator."

Wang Ping looked at the strange figure, his eyes sharp and piercing, speaking the truth directly.

That was not a difficult guess.

He was the only one without issues, while everyone else had problems? Chen Kang was even the most seriously affected.

What was their difference?

From entering this world, Wang Ping had not absorbed any Spiritual Energy from this world, nor eaten anything from it.