Chapter 172: The Upper World's Ji Family! The Second Purple Talent! (10,000-word Chapter!)_2

"Um..." Qin Tian hesitated and struggled to say, "There's still one person who can leave, so let me discuss with Ye Xiaofan."

Wang Ping made a lot of sense. His golden finger could only be used in the Cultivation World. If he left, his golden finger would be useless.

As for changing the golden finger, he was really reluctant.

Who knows what the next golden finger would be? If he drew an ordinary one like Zhang Yueying's, it would be a disaster.

After all, he had optimized his golden finger once now.

It had transformed from Immortal Tao Fruit to True Immortal Tao Fruit, which was even stronger.

If what Mr.Wang said was true, going to a powerful Cultivation World, especially the Primordial Chaos, would be amazing.

He really couldn't bear to change his golden finger.

However, staying in this world was also terrifying for him.

So, leaving while keeping his golden finger was the best choice.

Although, doing so would result in losing the ability to quickly become stronger.