Chapter 183: Comprehending the Spatial Laws! Ascending to the Upper Realm (10,000-word grand chapter!)_2

"Mr. Wang, how did it go?"

Seeing Wang Ping's smile earlier, the others also showed hopeful expressions and asked.

Wang Ping looked at everyone, nodded, and said, "It seems that we don't need to call Chen Si over. This time, killing the strange thing went very smoothly. However, we still need to be on guard for any new strange things appearing. After all, the possibility of this strange thing being a bait is quite high."

The others nodded in agreement, thinking that Wang Ping's words made sense.

Without further ado, Wang Ping discussed some details with the others and then began their mission, fearing that delays might cause problems.

Wang Ping and his team concealed their auras, used secret techniques, and went to the Upper Divine Realm with the others. They found the strange thing that had possessed the Light Lord God, and used the power of the Sacred Artifact to deliver a life-ending blow.